. p Cool] Rays} Heads Cayuga WJ. ' Cayuga. April 21--Mrs. Cecil Rays was returned as" president of the Cayuga Women's Institute when. the annual meeting was held at 'the home of Mrs. Robert Baigent.' other otliCEI's are: Vice-presidents Mrs. George Nellson, Mrs. Robert Baigent. Mrs. Edgar Jones; sec' l'elm'y. Mrs. Newton Brown: treas- urer, Mrs. Earl Dyte: district di- rector, Mrs. Elliot Cambrian; audi- tors, Mrs. Edgar Jones and Miss Mary Murdock: pianist, Miss Ina Wadel. The slate of officers was. presented by Mrs. Blake Kihler and Mrs. E. J. Powell, the nom- inating committee. Conveners oi committees are as follows: Agri- culture and Canadian industries, Mrs. George Neilson; social wel- fare, Mrs. Rags Kolilor; historical research, Mrs. T. C. Rhodes; home economics, Mrs. E. J. Powell; cit- izenship Mrs. J. L. Murdoch: pub- licity, Mrs. Fred Matthews; card convener. Mrs. B. J. Hammond;, local relief, Mrs. l-Illiot Cambdenl and Mrs. Robert Balgenl; kitchen committh convener. Mrs. FredI Matthews. It was decided to span-j 501' a social evening, the date to be decided later. A donation was made to the Cancer Fund. Mrs. Cecil Rays gave a report on the officersY conference Re-l ports were received from the' standing committee conveners. It, \vas decided to purchase more; kitchen equipment. Miss Maryl Lou Baigcnt, gave a piano solo. Miss Nora Cunningham, county' public health superv'scr, gave at most interesting dis sion. Mrs} E. J. Powell was convcilcr ol the program. Lunch was served hy'l Mrs. Rixfoi'd Derby. Mi.. Berti' Emerson, .'ll'S. Fred Murdorli,. Miss Mary Murdoch and Mrs. Rob. ert Baigent. 'I' Wt. At ,liai'vis l Well Attended Jarvis, March 14. A The March nicc'ng oi the Jarvis VVomen's . 'tute was held at. the home of Mrs. Ben Johnson, I'lighv 'l'hi'ee. with on attendance of The president, Mrs. Allan LLindy, conducted the agenda and Mrs. Earl Marr gave the secretary's re- port. Mrs. Eben Gnu-an. Mrs. W. J. Butts and Mrs. Harry Bclbecl: were. appointed, a nmniliatiilg com- :nittce to bring in a shite oi oi- ilCCl'S at the April meeting. The quilt top, which is to be exhibited at the Caledonia Fair. has been completed and was displayed at the meeting. Plans were made to do the quilting- at the home of Mrs. Fred Graham on Tuesday, March 15. when a pot~liick lunch- cen will be served. Arrangements were made to cater to a banquet for the Community Chest canvas- scrs. A donation was authorized to be sent to the church treasurer for the use'of the hall and kitchen facilities. Letters from the dc' ~ partment pertainingr to the stand-- ing committees were passed out ' to the conveners of the commit-' tees. Forty-five dollars was voted ~ to adopt a European child throunh the Unitarian Service committze of Canada. It was announced that the spring meeting for Huldimand County will be held April 4. ' Mrs. Ernest' .Braund conven the program and read a 1011:: from a Women's Institute at Kohler on an ' in England. Mrs. Ross Dosser hail? chaige of the progressive study. Mrs. R. A. Mill the motto replirte m'd Church ing com ' Mrs. companied by M One. minute of silence W'ISBUtl'f. selved memory of the l l 0 ' Watt, who founded ti. Institute. Mrs. J charter memhero ' ' ' storage m tie acco ' ' n that: of the earlymggllljlslmgnts With ganization. Refreshmezts th served by Mm . . Mrs. Clarencg swan" . ob ' Harold Dim ' m 0 Women's ' Parsoiis, a inson, report--@Mgijwlwlje 'and Cana~ Clarence vocal Solo ac. er gave a talk "ngducation. Mrs. Lest): ale Mrs. I e 01". were. J mes. molly... I in charge. Mrs. Gordon Laidlaw 'ldonntion of a 13 'made ' l l ,Mrs. John Hunter. {will be held in Mrs. Madill Hoover and Mrs. Ches- ter Rhora as program committee. ikirk Branch of the Women's In-' lslitute met at the home of Mrs. 'Dlans were magmas" l pot ll ck Holmes Branch of the VVonien's' kcr Hannon, Sept. 24 tember meeting of Albion branch of the al the home of ngs. Dona with a good atten since. e dent, Mrs, Ruby Wilhelm, ed. Mrs. Quinn introduced speaker, Miss Anne W.I.. Wentwor a m ior ' .. . ' h Department ' t . "°lll[l.-b.('nh,c.lf £2"; cHamilton. on tant. Mrs. Lloyd Allison; pianist, arquleulqllqhd 13; 'Miss Jackson Mrs. Gordon Walker; assistant. afifiiium'cfi 'c . ranch on its Mrs. S. C. Edworthy; district di- 0 . splendid progress and;on the or; gaiiization of a girls' liomcniakino tl absence of the sec-. club. In ic gave the read the ' eorrespondrnce and a letter from a, b x of food sent to' Scotland. Mrs. RWported mmitt e. Mrs. AJA,' L ckie gave a report on (he dist- trict annual.held in Mount Ham- ilton United Church. Mrs. Perfyl (I attend the animal area convention in the Royal Connaught Hotel Oc-- vas arranged to he held in the parish relary, Mrs. A. A. Leekie report. Mrs. Roy Felker recipient of a for the sic Solcy was appointed delegate iobcr 21 and '22. A rn'd 'irtv hall in Haiinnn on November 9. Mrs. Roy Folker and Mrs. liam Andrict were appointed mitten {or a draw [or a Christmas: Mrs, William chlker were program convCiiers. Mrs. \'t'illiam Felkci' gave a reading. An intch nn' wee s was conducted by Mrs. Orland Felice with Mrs. Kenneth Elliot and M . Alex Quinn pl'li'O winners. The ii..:t nieelin" will be held at the home of Mr \Iarshall French. Mrs. \Villiar'i Andrict m we ' e - '3 s- ig==_A social hour (allowed with tea served by the hostess assisted by M sdamcs Eric Frlker. Arthur Felkcr, Owen Bowyer and Howard Bolvyer. lilStitute Group Sends Clothing To Needy Famfl Selkirk. March 14, --~'The Sel-I J. A. Wilson with a good attend-l mice. Mrs. Wilson. president, wasl conducted the business session. A ,._W yette outfitflgi to 'be sent overseas andl su er in the town hall lax l'I 25. Mrs. Harry Cox had char' cu" the program. Mrs. R. 0. Hurst pre¥ sented apaper om ' n -' pared by Mtg--J. A. V'lfis'gn.' I'l'llizc progressive eucbre was conducte ' by Mrs Car Britnell. Lunch wag served by the hostess, assisted by? Edwm Lindsay and Mrs' The April meeting the town hall with The March meeting of the ,pathy were ' Mis Mary Anderson, .many years' standing ported that an hat of Mrs. Expressions of ' . S . V'oiecd in ym ' a member of _ '. It was re- » institute librar a it established at tie home Mu John SeinVé'yer {WE'RE use of the members. Mrs. William ' ,Campbeli were in char Mrs. Campbe" to. the l' " in llStDl) of Denmorc mach thembuttenmu momus contes t was cond Mmmai and 20$?" by , read by Mrs. Vernon Lawrence macher we gram meeting M v and Mrs. Joseph GiffordI gei oil the program. H [eve 0)ed th - Mis. Joseph Gifford fiifirng'toe'td" . Colle Mrs» Wilmer Sena? er gave a demon-SLth 0J1 England. re appointed" eombmigtee for ahe no t o is old at x is. _Vernon I-Iawkesnme ho Ladies' 5:" Karl Sehu--. i . .1 d The ' e M o u n t wm was held Id Quin." The Pros" Jackson of 1 o ntv. who gave work. Miss Jackson aili. nounced a training school 1'01 211 s \Vil- ltagc of it. Tag Day w ' . l ! ,Named President iOf Lynan W1. lhome or Mrs. Other officers elected are: presidents. Mrs. surer, Mrs. A. R. Mannen; mg committees: Agriculture Sal-dian tome economics, Mrs. son; publicity, Mrs. Ralph Taylor; Knowles. Describes C. A. Work The speaker was Miss J. Richards 1 program I The roll call was answered by leach of the 18 members present What the home? Mrs. P. L. Mulholland gave the motto address. Mrs. G. Walker {answering the makes children (1 uestion happy in sang a solo, and little Irene Rich- ards played a piano solo. The Mav meeting will be held in the O. .S. hall on May 17. and guests will be the Beverly Young Women's Institute. At the close, refresh- ments were served by the hostess. Mrs. S. G. Edworthy, Mrs. Dufferin Cole and Miss Muriel Thompson. Y Mrs. W. Layton President Of _ Grimsby Branch Grimsby, April 20 -- A success- ful year was indicated in the re- ports read at the annual meeting of Grimsby branch. Women's In- stitute. held- in the Legion Hall. With Mrs. George \Varnei- presid- ing the following officers were elected: Mrs. G. Warner, honorary president; Mrs. William Layton, president; Mrs. F. J. Burton and Mrs. H. Harvey. vice-presidents; Mrs. Robert Neale, secretary: Mrs. G. G. Graham. treasurer; Mrs. A. Caton, pianist; Mrs. L. E. Larsen, slaugh, auditor; Mrs. Willis Bartlett and Mrs. James Fished, visiting committee; Mrs. Cecil Bowslaugh, auditor: Mrs. Willis Bartlett and hits. James Fisher, sci'utineers; Mrs. George Warner, Mrs. H. Harvey and Mrs. Robert. Neale, social committee; Mrs. F. J. Burton, press. Short Courses The branch decided to take two comparative short courses, modern dressmaking and smockiilg. Two books on the 50 years of achieve- ment of the W.I. have been re- celyed. One_\vili be kept by the Gumsbk branch and the other placed in the Grimsby library. Mrs. Layton, who represented the WI. at :1 Lions Club meeting, told the members of the Lions' project -- TB. and X-ray ? which is a matter of the very near future in Grlmsby. They are bringing a mo- bile uiiit here and wish the hel of fill organizations. She also evp- plained hospitalization in the new meom' Comparative service and how members could take advan- ill b . lion June 11. .The rest roomeqiigy--i tion was laid over for angina meeting. A meeting will he i, 1; ,on May 4 at home of Mrs 9L lSutherland to make plans for '11. ' coming year. The regular M 8 meeting Will be at the ho a'v Mrs. 5. Stuart, Robinson St m M... Mrs. T. H; Brooks Lynden, April 21--Mrs. Thomas H. Brooks was elected president 0f the Lyndcn Women's Institule at .the annual meeting held at the James Richards. Vice- Walter Butler, Mrs Lloyd Allison; secretary--trea- ' 85515! 'ector. Mrs. R, E. Wehrstein; flower 'und Convener, Mrs. E. Dix; stand- and industries, Mrs Gordon Wilson and Mrs. Frank Thompson; Arthur Daniels and Mrs 0. Harper; Can- idianlzation and citizenship, Mrs. A. Thompson and Miss L G tobb; social welfare, Mrs. S. G. Edworthy and Miss Muriel Thomp- Mrs E. B. Knox ind Mrs, Jean Braithwaite; histor-- ical research, Mrs E. R. Langs and Mrs. W. G. Vansickle; Red Cross. J. B. Robertson and Mrs. ways and means, Mrs. Owen Klvell and Mrs. Harry Muriel Cowan, of the Wentworth Child- ren's Aid Society. Hamilton. Miss Cowan gave an interesting address on the organization and work done by the C.A.S. Mrs. T. H. Brooks conducted the business. and Mrs. had charge of the Annual Flower Show At Lynden giWell Attended Lynden, Sept. 23 ~-- The Lynden I Women's Institute met. at the home i of Mis. Jean Braithwaite for t ' agriculture and Canadian industries meetin ' show. There were over 45 mem ' attendance - bers in . The judges of the flower show, in which there was such a If fusion of beauty it was. very di - ficult to award the prizes, ' Mrs. W, E. Mulliollancl and Mrs. C. W. Kirkpatrick. A special fea- ture was the mant I S miniature bouque c a s _ the Corsage division. The wmners were: Dining room bouquet, Mrs. J. Braithwaite, Mrs. Arthur Dan- iels; corsage, Mrs. VT. 'Fred Hinan; 'zmnias. _ Allison, Mrs. Irene McDonald, mar- .igolds, Mrs. "Brooks; petunias, Mrs. I. Mrs. E. Dix: miniature; Mrs. Owen Kivell, Mrs. Percy Rous; 'mums, M -s. colsmos, Mrs. J. B. Robertson, Mrs. George Ruttan; glads. Mrs. I. Mc-- 'Donald, Mrs. Allison; asters, Mrs. H. Flatt, living room. Mrs. H. Flatt, Mrs. T. Brooks. Mrs. - vice-president, conducted the busx- ness. Mrs. Brooks asked all to con- serve Hydro in every possmle way. Plans were made for the W1. eX< hibi Rockton show. _K dfimadws- ability of having a garbage disposal system in the yillagg. rs. J. B. R0 ertson asked all to save cloth- ing for the Clothin A eel w ic ' lied Bri am soon. Mrs. the program. Miss Muriel Thomp- son gave an interesting address on gardenin Llovd Allison ave a pa er _._g.~_--__._. ._._____L W~ a les rui's to. Mrs. Car 0 Gordon Walker gave a. r _ the ,achjexemgnt day in ' attended Per e ' Sefton Holden gave a two-minu tal ' MacKinnon was the Winner of a ,boo ;_ Mrs. T. Brooks reported on the work bein in visitin ton San a ghn'fifi'i'gngeLded ar ' e hostess and her assistante, Mrs. Gordon Wilson, Mrs. Herbert Sumler and Mrs. Addison Weaver . served refreshments. Thompson thanked them for the enjoyable evening. l Institutes Plan Hobby Fair For 'Mrs. T. A. Martin, M its also the annual flowar pro- were y entries in the and also Brooks. Mrs- Mrs. Lloyd h Flatt. MrS- T- Hug McDonald. P. Rous. Mrs. L. Allison; Mrs. Addison Vl/eavcr', Thomas Brooks, the first .. AHA--i... Interesting Program Gordon Wilson conducted in relation to art. Mrs. iris of tli '7 rs. < loo 1 the mott . Mrs. Douglas 1 the .I. tients in il- ,f also the taking 0; 5 Mrs. H. A. 'fio'fiU'H Hvdrn Irma... « Glanford Area Harmon, March 3 --- A meeting; of the committee of the Adelaide Hoodless branch of the W.l'. for' the hobby fair, sponsored by the local branch and the Glanto rd branch of the W.I. March 10 in: Mount Hope community hall. was.] held at the home of Mrs. Claude. Kirton. Mrs Adam Clark presides! Mrs. Alex Quinn was appointed as-- sistant publicity convener. Meni-' bers appointed in charge of the. various displays are as follows:. Ari-2t. Mrs. W. J. D. Turner. Mrs,i Ecorge H. Bethune; handmade, ru 5 and quilts. Mrs. Adam Clark.l hrsT'I; WJ'Marsllall: lane t rig, asl Armes; angiplgs, Mrs. Alex Quinn. Mrs. J. J. Brown; aprons and ' , Mrs. N. V. Ismond, Mrs. Eefwfiles; plant collection, . Mrs.l Byron Armes; gadgets.'Mrs. A.' Alderson; woodwork and carvmgs, Mrs. Thomas Climate. MisfiE gar' Soules; 5th Natalie vs les. Mrs. Ernest t}:les;Eeai;;y Canada] rs. Ar ux' . cling; gfifglrs. Robert A. French. Mrs. Lyman Townson. Mrs. Elizabeth Whale}: Miss Ads. Wilson; home, L baking and candy, for exhibit ogli! , . Mrs; cmude'Kirton. The prestoant. ? announced all persons in the_dis~ ; mm are invited to make ekhibllfs and are asked to "allies-m y l ' on the same date. 1" m p k's card party W F'G" l v