i l 1 ~ . . . . - , . the institute to attend the ' Keith Millikin; Vice-Presmggéi- urer' MP3. Harvey Vokes assist. Ii"; N. V-0.N., who gava an in- meeting. Mrs. Hogarth displayed at - Glen Remke» Mrs' Myleifiss iant, Mrs. Harry Evans; district. mm'mve mlk abom- ihe work 0' hcctograph and it was decided that ' Nora Carpenter; directors. Mes' 1 domes F, Chapman, R. Cocks and l/G. Relnke; I W. Carter, citizenship, Mrs. "tor, Mrs. M. A. Cndney; pianist, ,son. Delegates were appointed to ' Mrs. K. W1. President l i i Winona, May 4 --- The millll' .lmeeting of the Womans Insti. with th ~ 'dent, Mrs. R. Marr. H liwas he'd meme home or MIS'M Presiding. pll'ehse meeting featured . Wayne: Knox Avgnue' Pan'- salmeet Home Owners. A55°Cmf the election of officers for the en- ' View. Anoth er qullt W33 Pm" ,tion, Mcsdamcs Hogarth, Krulicki l were heard. The nominating c. mittee presented the slate of k, {Kelson when all annual rEl ficel's as follows: President. Ml secretary-treasurer. L. McCollum; lunch conv'ener's,' Me's- dames G. Reinke, Kelson, McCal- :' 111m and R. kas; district direc' Mrs. E. Boettger; assistant, .Mrs. " historical research,_ R. McIntyre; home economics. . Mrs. N. Ecker; agriculture and 1 , articles that each i made during the winter. Mrs. Hol- Elect Mrs. MaI'I' " W1. President Jarvis, May 3 --, The April .meeting of the NanthOke Wom-- Ien's Institute was held at the Jhome of Mrs. Gordon Jackson suing year as followsr'President, Mrs. R. Marr; vicc-pi'o51dent, Mrs, Gordon Jackson; secretarystreas- 'director, Mrs. Arthur Vokes; ag-' riculture and Canadian industries. 'Mrs. Holland Mnrr; citizenship. iMrs. Reg. Hedges; social welfare. ers. Fred Prattcn; publicity, Mrs. .lAshton Evans,- pianist, Mrs. Reg. Hedges. An exhibit was held of member had land Marr gave a paper on :1 Fa- mous Canadian, The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. CL" Community ' BeachI. l v . ' C°m"'unii noh March 25 -- 'The. Commil'nilt}; Béach Women's Institute met; at the home _of Mrs. . ucker with Mrs. J. Emmerson V'me'PFeSident in the chair. Mrs. George Gregson reported 15 cards Sent out this month. A donation .Of $3 Wm be given the Red Cross. I'he quilt draw was won by Mrs. chased by Mrs. 0. Wright. The social welfare convener, Mrs. E. Owen, introduced Miss Truesdale, the V.O.N. Two contests given by ers. E. Owen were won by Mrs. 'R. Morris and Mrs. O. Detar. Mrs. D. Pilkington won the draw. Sev- ieral songs were enjoyed by all M- companied by Mrs. Delsey at the' piano. Lunch was served by Mrs. F. Mockeridge and Mrs. J. Cor- rigan assisted by Mrs. L. Elder and Mrs. T. Fowler. "yuan--an"... vu..--n_ :- - . and one will be sold at the March A limecting. Mrs. J. Kinnear gave a Community Beach WJ. Community Beach, Feb, 26--Tlli' ladies of Community Beach Womv1 en's Institute met at the liome.o[ Mrs. J. Kinnear, home economics Convener. who had charge of part! of the evening. Mrs. W. Crozicr'; presided. Three members or the' and Fountain, were guests. Mrsfv Krullcki gave a talk and invited next one be bought [or the institute.l .The book, 50 Years of Achievey lment of the W.I., will be purchased and passed among the members. Two finished quilts were displayed i talk. Songs were led by Mrs, J.* Corrigun and Mrs. T. Robinson. ,Mrs. P. Nichols and Mrs. R. Dickie 'were too hostesses assisted by Mrs... . . ~ . l_ Canadian industries, Mrs. Eric 3;VVesley Kindree. H. liedale and Mis. 0. Wright. ' I ICarpenter; social welfare, Mrs. ___.-"--_. ' ' ' orne Bradley; publicity, Mrs. A d A M d I "Fred Smith; assistant, Mrs. M. Kel- WHI' S re a C l l - . a11d Mrs. E. Owen. . Women's Insmme garden art v. townshi all u T ursda after- i '5 193w" ham. When there ""11," a " 'Was returned as Sic/1:9? L. Elder Ever-lone .lOinCd in a comnfunitbv 'noon. Nils: \Vhil'elvhspokeyon the 5 ' demonsn'auon of the preparation or "YET Other offic H éry-Freils' Sing With Mr. Clarence Ross and care of flowers and illustrated her j fizz-If" filodsifl. h a t was , director, Mrs. T, figbfiseénpgtr'" his guitar. Accordion selections bv laddress by various arrangements y h Id Pnjtza Eel-m rer1f¥) th ,- tors. Mrs. G. Gregsm 'Mr rec' Ann Aldcrwood and the trumpet lof flowers for many occasions. As . y e 1nM 5}, Sglon -9-' YR; 9' IDWRer: MI'S. J Corri ' - S. 30" JaCk Fran": were DIORSin".Thc 'judge of the flower exhibit she so?" at .eis yAux-mary' we ' l tors: Mrs. M. Hendersongg/III' and" "Udience enjoyed the son; and gave the awards as follows: Asters. gmnirscgiele- "grr'stwmggen' 1 Post; standing comm,,',ee§S-A1€.x lacrobatic dances of Ruth Barrow Mrs. Cecil Smith. Mrs. Charles Mc- ie "m apman' Fen 155' "'1 3 culture and Canadia ' ' agn-- land Betty Barker. Little Ernie Cormick' gladioli -- Miss Annie If my Hunter'aanyyvalters and Mrs' r 3 Mrs. A. Wright' ho n mduStries' iBarker almost stole the show Riddcll lVlrs Cecil Smith' nastur- -. Edens-y figfilsguigies wg'eledofifi' C - Mrs. P. Nichols; sociiile £201"ngch with his Singing. Diane Francis liums '-- Mrs. Thomas lidwortliy, Blowa and her assssistgntps served C 3 "2'11 wren.' citizenship Mr: r}? also sang Edward O'Ven Operated 'Mrs. Gordon James; zinnias -- Mrs, :refreshments ' '3' Mormsi PFSSS and publicity liars. the pumlc address System and Thomas Edworthy. Mrs Cecil; I; V' ' ' R- Dickie. M15 0 Detar' gavé Showed motion pictures in Tech- Smith, Mrs. Ray Patterson. Mrs: I made and it: is requested that it n be left at Mrs. Neil MacDougalls e: '1 Thomas Wren. Mrs- Jime 2. They are Mesdames Milli- kin, Reinke, Cudney and Nelson. An appeal for used clothing was attend the district convention on ' or the post office some time this 5. week. On May 25, the W1. is spon- M soring a community event in the N ' w T :---» . I ward assisted by Mrs. T. Rob- Community Beach 'Mrs. K. Emberly, ' dent, conducted the floors when Comm 'W.I. met at the May 4 ----l district presi- election of of. Why B e a c h home of Mrs. f was returned as president. . presidents, Vice. F. Mackeridge Mrs. J.' Ducker and Mrs. Wig? Novel Entertainment N OUR small community, which is like all other rural communi- ties, everyone has to put his shoul- der to the wheel in order to pro- mote and support local church and community organizations, and the burden of both the physical and financial load too often falls on the few. We are ever on the alert By Edith Gladwin could muster, and the variety in- cluded a wedding party, street, afternoon and evening wear, sports costumes, maid and nurse's uni- forms, housecoais" and infants' wear. Twenty-two of 0| local farmers, professional and bUSlll€$ men entered into it with enthusi- Community Beach Community Beach, Sept. 15 -- The spaCious lawns adjoining the homes of W. Dougherty and Mrs. I. M. Henderson formed an ideal setting for the Community Beach nicolor. K bride's mother and the groom's mother.The Skaters'Waltz ushered in a smart skating model in scar- lci skirt and socks. sports sweater and stocking cap, with white skates slung jai niily over "her" shoulder. A St h Stout entered to the lilt of 'ou can have her, I don't want her. she's too tat for me," and the maid modelled to the tune of "Leave the Dishes in the Sink." Two of our best sports were two of our biggest sports, each six feet plus in height and At Flower Show Rockton, Sept. 25 -- Mis. Nellie W h i t l ev of Hamilton was t h e spea'er when the Rockton W.I. entertained as their guests the V members of the Troy W.I. at their I annual flower show held in the Arthur Parks gave a piano solo and' Mrs. William Gibson resented motto. M, rs. Ray Patterson and Mrsi ERobert: Weatherston were the win- ners ot the floral contest conducted by Mrs. W. L. Taylor. Mrs. Thomas lEdworthy, the president, presided.' lLuncheon was served by the lunch . committee convened by Mrs. Clay- lton Riddell. "<4:- u'ear --- the Identical Twms--and came shyly forth in short, full, lace trimmed uhile dresses and bonnets, white "liootces" with pink bows, and "hen they became "frightened" by the uproarious ap- plause, the nurse rushed to their assistance with baby bottles, nip- ple and all, full of milk, which promptly soothed them. After all the model; had been introduced they retired backstage, and reappeared once again in slow procession, while a Queen of the to . i asm, and insisted they had as topping the 200 'mark on the Show was chosen, purely by nudi- r new and "'tereSt "g ways to much fun as did the audience. Con-- scales. 'l'hcy modelled intants' ence reaction. The contestant re- stimulate enthusiasm and support our local undertakings; and re- cently our Home and School Asso- ciation staged one of the most suc- siderable ingenuity was displayed in creating a realistic "new look" i on several of the costumes which i were otherwise suitable but too short. Deep flounces of matching cciving the most applause was crowned. and presented with an assortment of "valuable" gl[15,.ln- eluding a new car (from the five- Colnmunity Beach cessful ventures of our varied or contrasting crepe paper worked i - . anrl~tcn),r a round-mi;t ii1ckelt OW; undertakin , miracles; the bridal own, and in- F ' I neighboring common: 3'. cm! 1/ g5- . fants' g I equally foolish prizes. The evening, which was so ioned from old sheets. so that prac- tically no expense was involved. Wigs. bangs and pin-curls of braided or réivelled yarn, fastened to hats or scarfs made very rea-- listic hair, and costume jewellery, .i'nake-up and accessories produced l most satisfactory results. It was a lot of work. a lot of fun, and highly i-emunorative. We are unanimously agreed that our men are grand sports, but each one of them will tell you he had as much fun as anyone (lid, _ This may give you a new idea Community Beach, June' 14--Al the home of Mrs. J. Emmei'son. the Community Beach, Women's Institute was organized with 37 members by Mrs. Kenneth Ember- Iey, district president, and Mrs._ for Use in your community. Try C. A, Aldcrson, district secretar n. and gem] luckl' treasurer, assisted by Mrs. A. E, ---------,--------_"_ \Valker and Mrs. J. \V. Calder,. district- vice-presidents. Officers,2 elected were: President, Mrs. WA Crozier; rice-president, Mrs. J. Em~l highly successful both financially and socially, consisted of a brief musical entertainment, ( Fashion Show. and basket social. None of these items is in itself a novel idea, but in this case the stellar attrac- tion, the Fashion Show, was put on .by the men modelling women's attire. Attractive posters were dis-- played well in advance. and were well illustrated with cut-outs from catalogues of women's apparel, With men's faces replacing the i i i i wear. were cleverly lash--i } i A commentator off-stage on- nounccd the entrants, introducing l them by amusing nom de plumes for the most part indicative of their trade or profession. An elec- trician was Miss Ophelia Mixmu- , Community Hall Fund Progressing, W.I. Report - ter' the butter maker at Ute local V ,. R O, , t , . . V _ I regular catalogue models. Interest ~ 1 , - merson, ills. . innge, secre-i (,aistm Ccnlic. OLL 16 »» me was at once aroused, and enthu- "flame," wgzof'l'iseickgfixvfsugfi; lazy-treasurer" Mrs. L. Elder: (li- ,l Abingdon Women's Institute met at, s'asm "in high long before the Eflgerr'IfLSQ and' so on and mi. trict director, Mrs. 0, Detarz. the home of Mrs. Stanley Young. appointed date. branch directors, Mrs. Geo. Gear-l introducing music with Mrs. Albert Rush assistingl , Appropriate son, Mrs. Jack Ducker, Mrs. J.' Letters concerning the new Oll' t It was no small task to find cos- each model uddCd greatly to TEE: Cowman: auditors, Mrs, Alex Post" of study of the McDonaité 11f: GEES"? at our mOdelsi and head erfeL'tlve'WSS 0' the l Shjgvhuring Mrs. M. Henderson; standing com- stitute and of the Hamilton area .3 - . ' - - . . . . . . lenis. 135v?" Of our mggm web midi}Eéanfiaifhtfilaiug.idng party. mmee conveners' Press mp'e' "WWW" were "33¢ A report oi' as not a masquerade; sentatlve and publicity, Mrs. Rf our models wore, and expertly di5< . , , the communit h it ' Dickie; agriculture and Canadian} y a committee was' consisting of flower girl. _maid of , , ' . . resented b M v . 1 Played the smartest and best We honor. bT-deundld: bTMj 91 the industry, Mrs, L. Guest; home eeo-i am" a $100 Béonatfonfiglg?' gelling: rrfl*>""*"'-- nomlCF. Mrs. J. Kinnear; sonar ,ng fund of the ham 0 "Id-i h wdfare' Mrs" E", ,waen; ,F'uzen'i 'Cliristmas cards are to Ewe? 0'; ship, Mrs. T. Mair. historical re-i 9 Older. led toincrense the funds ' - Mrs. BIeetings are to _be held on the, lGef'l'Ke Asher govea report other. fourth Wednesday of each month irécfzm' If") to Wmdsm' and De. at eight pm. It is hoped that |.tioit. Mis. Ralph Young gave a social activities will be enjoyed our. Irel'm't 0f the laying 0f the corner ing the summer beginning with stone of the West Lincoln Mom_ a lawn social early in July and 0"" H°SPHEL A health pap: W, i that ille\ellsuing year's program given by Mrs George Nicholls a s iwill meet the social and educa» . a Ham" '3" "West by Mrs. end 'tional needs of the women of 'NS Londen' y- , Community Beach. Tea was served . and me meeting closed with the National Anthem- ' search, Mrs. F. Mockeridge. I'