Stoney Creek Women's Institute Scrapbook 1940-59, [1940]-[1959], p. 6

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a' Jan. 5 4- Mrs. Keith president..was hostess for the Yuletide meeting of the Wom- an's Institute. Binbrook W.I. mem- bers were guests. After a short business session a fine program was enjoyed. prepared by the president. Carols were sung, with Mrs. Reid Smith accompanying. Marian Wilkes favoured with a v0- ! cal solo; Luba Pylypiuk gave a monologue and the Rev. A. On-- ' gley brought a Christmas message. a, Mrs. Geoff Hambrook conducted a 1'S contest with Mrs. Reid Smith and 11 Mrs. E. Boettger winning the prizes. Mrs. Norman Ecker assist- 5, ed the hostess in serving tea in . the candieliglited dining roomTlie shower of toys and clothing [or d the Children's Aid shelter was well provided for. Teachers Guests i. f! Of St. George Wit" St. George Oct 2 l . . 1 -- .Qctobci: meeting or St. Ge'giifzgl Jig/Ionmns' Institute was held inl . t Community Memorial Hall ' Birthday ' . BoltOn. The . me oMrlistedTin white and gold With b - 'cel and void candles and 'tllrfifiiglsiang ai'radged baskets of roses,The cake other flowers in season. . and gold as was decorated in blue W. Cruz," Beach Baptist Mission for the build- Emberley. district pres- iident. was guest for the' 2:331:15. and congratulated Ital: gaping the aIilliii'eIsrgigid Mrs. Pilkmgr- ton tool: over the entertainmeliii. for the evening. Winners of tLe contests and races were MrLs. . Elder. Mrs. Wren and Mrs. ong, d . . . Mrs, Henderson an ViSitois were was gen" 22 -- . l - - h. , "militia. that; ; 0f Teac 1615 to H . s ' - W.I. met forltheliia iiihe home of I Caledonia, Sept. ,5 1"- party on the ow table was dec' i be" of the Caledonm "lumen 1 tel'tal'ned te hers from ' ' ' - ~ ~ attended With the cci;t}'epite§:.bfi§éss with Mrs. ing was laigely . " or . ' s. »' r , irebiglller readmg mtfl'flfd. .2 most informative 21% on' the Reports were gévcslfsr'o Phelps read p ffizlect. the Mayos. caring their mg commme "timid; 3'"an held I. name The roll call was answered a paper on the ' A donation 0E '1 ' wn I m thank- at Stoney Creek- Communiw 5 on the subject, ' . $10 will be given the y fill t C n. Miss Helen Mackie played two pleasing piano ._ selections. . ,f The committee in charge of the )f program included Mrs. Max Hagan .members have been divided intol and Mrs. Murray Clark. Mrs. Clark' conducted a contest which was, won by Mrs. H. Y. Whitehead. New Project In a project undertaken to raise money during the 1948-49 season three groups, each group can- 27 .-- Mem- , stitute, meeting at the home of the f president, Mrs. A.. H- 'Al'reu' fan. the high Sciiool and ublic school. The meet- Mrs Joseph Vickers delivering 3 Murray McKnight and Mrs. John Com/an Give Annual Reports At Rockton W.I. Rockton, April 18 -- The presi- dent, Mrs. Thomas Edworthy. pre- sided for the annual meeting of the W.I. in the township hall. Mrs, Charles Abel gave the report of the North Wentworth district ex. ecutive meeting held in Hamilton iTeCEntly. Mrs. T. W. Gibson, Mrs. Aitkenhead were named the judges of the public school essay contest. Interesting current events were given by Mrs. W. L. Taylor. The motto was presented by Mrs. Charles Abel. Plans were made; to hold a euchre in the township} hall on April 22. A donation of $10} was made to the Cancer Fund. Gratifying reports of the year's work were read by Mrs. T. W, Gibson. Mrs. Gordon Cornell, Mrs. Murray McKnight Mrs. John Aitn kenhead and Miss Bessie Thomp- son as conveners of standing com- mittees. The treasurer's report: . Meyer, J. Denhoime .T. H. Roarke. George Wélifigfleel: (iii) 'Wllll I15 ladies alien 'l'OSG'dI'Cll w 1the conven Durham lMl'S. E. J. Gordon. Brantford. (ling. Historical as the general theme. ei's being Mrs. G. W. and Miss Ethel Clemonsl was .' Mrs. Noseworthy. Lunch ed by dames Bolton, Pilkington. " art on lfipeakei'. Mrs. Fred Gloves led in a' lgrouglds OE ML and Mrs. [DIES H. C. Nixon Jed in i Dougheriy's home' 3 1 mi y singing. Tl < ' i anc and icte'iclieisof, l V gore! guests, i )0 tioughl, for tli B. Cornu'ell Clll'l'elft T. A. Loveless to the Widows' munlty Chest \ver Mrs. John Charlie 0 North Brant district. s Members of ,Mission Circle, of guests of St. 'lll') thank-of .than 40 attended. chen presided. Gregg, coloured Cl'L'lllS. Bra n i ford. George 4 The Rev. in story illustrated . , u" pi c. u res, 1 ill gave the life of continuation schools' Miss Clemons gavel day and Mrs. ' _ Mrs. presuied. Donotionsu Home and Com~' authorized. ' n. president oft. pokc briefly. ll Calvary Baptistlt werel I Circle for} fel'mg meeting. More Mrs. Alfred Kit-- 'u 'lQi 'r'll M. L.tGa . i gViltIIiaim Carey. Mrs A Boil [hex ' run on, sang a sol I . ' V ' led by Mrs. Ruth. 0 acmmpam "b I. Officers , Officers elected at the April; meeting of St. George Womenis: Institute are: Honorary Wes" dent, Miss Ethel Clemons; past prev sidcnt. Mrs. W'illi'am D. TaleI'il president. Mrs. T. 0. Loveless; vice--presidents. Mesdames Fred' Parkhiii and H. H. Tolhurst: Se- Ci'ctai'y-ti'caslli'cr. Mrs. Morle Jackson; assistants. Mrs. F. L. S "eet; district director, Mrs. '1'. ' Cornell; pianists, Mesdames Roy Patten and O. S. Cornell; auditors, Mcsdanics Fi'cd Gloves and Perry Kitchen; branch directors. Mes- {12411105 H. C. Nixon, J. L. Beaman. W. N. Howell. A. E. Green, 0. Sager and B. Cornwell; ways and means committee. Mrs. H. H. Tol-, burst and William D. Taylor; joint, cont'cncrs. Mesdamcg Harry Corn-l, cll. Grant Butcher. Leslie Osborne. J. ll. Roai'kc and A. Cari ocial'g committee, Mrs. William orne' ,and Mrs. John Cardy: convenors.' iMesdames Gordon McKay. Laur-i 'cnce Sager, Roy Patten and Misses. Margaret and Winnie Howell. Con-l ,vcners of standing committees are: ,Agriculture and Canadian indust~ tics. Mrs. John Henderson; histori- _Cai research. \lrs. G. "1. Durham and Miss Ethel Clemons; citizen- ship and music. Mrs. Earl Gooid:i 'social welfare, Mrs. G. Luellen; 'home economics. Mrs. Louis Wood; publicity and press. Mrs. Morley Jackson: hospitalization. Mrs.' iPerry Kitchen. Miss Ethel Clem-. ions presided for the election. Mi; I ,H. C.' Nixon expressed apprecia-t tion to the retiring executive for the fine leadership given in a most. successful year's work and wished the new executive continued sue. ccss. Mrs. T. Loveless opened the meeting With a poem. Reports were given by the secretarwtrem 5'11'91'; Red Cro§. Mesdames H. c. . x9" and J- H- Roarke; hospital. nation. Mrs. B. Cornwcll; park committee. Mrs. W. N. Howell. Will's and means committee Mrs' E'. H. Tolhurst; clothing conécuon' . Ed Meyer. Mrs. W. D. Taylm: reported one 'irk be complemd amp. nch had been possible. Ron by payment of miles was the when household were suggested by Home Econ. . some 0); Robb and M. Greer. it. pr-(igram theme . Imp'"°Vements b ' Entgtain New W.I. Branches Stoney Creek. Nov. 13 -- Guests at the November meeting of the Women's Institute. presided over 'by Miss Edna Smith, were mem- bers of two new branches, Mount Albion and Community Beach. The minutes of the last meeting and correspondence was dealt with by the secretary, Mrs. C. D. Mae- Donald. and a report: on the area convention was given by the presi- ' dent. The visitingr presidents, Mrs. Williams. of Mount Albion, and Mrs. G. W. Crozier. of Community .lBeacl-i. presided with Miss Smith. Three comedy selections by Mrs. 'Mockeridge. of Community Beach, were thoroughly enjoyed. and Mrs. Wajtou'icz. of Mount Albion rend- ered a delightful solo. Community singing led by Mrs. Harvey Clough, with Mrs. C. P. Burwell at the piano. was followed by a two min- .utc silence for Remembrance Day. Miss Marion Cook. of the Salt- fleet High School teaching staff. gave an interesting lecture on the history of home economics and it's value. A social hour at the close of the meeting was convened by Mrs. D. H. Rogers assisted by Mes- ldames Harvey Clough. Brank Bell, ards, Joseph Piott. Leslie Langdon, ILloyd. Hagan and Lyle Nash. l ' hostesses: Mes- the followmg Hender- - rider. on Parkei, Owen and E S It was decided to have a garden Saturday, June 2;). on the ro'ect: is a first such grou secretary, Mrs. fackie served lunch. The mnnv fi'inn" Annual Reports ] sSiilimitted At lBllllll'Otlli WJ. , Binbi'ook. Jan. 27 ~-- Mrs.' N. A.' 'FlL'lCllCl' opened her home 'AOI' thc' January meeting of the Binbrook _lWoman'5 Institute with 30 mem-l Woodburn Institute '. Woodhurn, Jan. 13 --- 'l'he Wood-; burn Woman's Institute held its famiy night in the parish haii.l ' ' " rs. Robert Phillips presided for; the business. One item of new busi- ' ness arising was a. motion to send a. copy of the 50 Years of Achieve, ments of the Woman's Institute to I a British institute which they have adopted. The roll call. which was' most interesting. was responded to by the husbands of the members. Two violin solos were rendered by Mrs. W. G. Wills accompanied by Mrs. W. J. McEvoy. Miss Mar- jorie Mitchell gave a talk on the girl's club work. Miss Lois Laid» man favoured with two piano so- los. Two film-1 were shown by Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Garvie from the department. of education on recrea. tlon. Lunch was served by the committee. 'hers and mo visitors. Mrs. Orval't iBell presided. Mrs. Arthur Hem, idersliott glue the treasurer's re--k lport and the visiting committee> ireported on cards being sent'to :thc sick and shut-ins at Christ-- lmiis and cards of thanks. The so-- ciety will purchase one book. Year f Achievement of the W.I. to be left with tie president an ' passed among the members. A do-t nation of $5 will be sent to Sicki' Children's Hospital. Toronto. andli 52 11 boxes for three Polish b Sen ' card will, be sent to Mrs. Isaac Johnson who. will celebrate her 89th birthday, on Friday at the home of her} daughter. Mrs. Earl Ptolemy. A letter of appreciation will he sent to the Township Council {or the' donation of $100 for the printing vencd by an instiute officer. The E of bakin to be held in the gas office Saturday, October 23. The Gordon Douglas, W' .vill be in charge. Mrs. Earl Gil- espie. Mrs. Harold Jones and Mrs. l Agriculture, showed that the amount of $212 had lbeen raised during the year. i . Elect Officers Mrs. Gordon Cornell presided ' for the election of officers, which resulted as follows: President. Mrs, Thomas Edworthy; vice-presidents, Mrs. W. L. Taylor, Mrs. John ~ Aitkenhead; secretary -- treasurer, Mrs. George Eclilin; district direc- tor. Miss Elsie Henderson; branch directors. Mrs. William Smith. Mrs. Albert Krick. Mrs. Albert Whetham; social conveners. Mrs. ,Clayton Riddell. Mrs. Frank Rid- dell; music. Mrs. Ross Edworthy; auditors. Mrs. Frank D'Arcy. Miss Annie Riddell; cards and flowers, Miss Elsie Henderson, Mrs. S. Van- Sickle. Mrs. Charles McCormick; pianist. Mrs. Lorne Thompson; conveners of standing committees. agriculture, Mrs. William Gibson; Citizenship. Mrs. Gordon Cornell; home economics, Mrs. Murray Mc- Knight: social welfare, Mrs. John Aitkenhead. historiqal r e s e a r c h. Miss Bessie Thompson' ublicit . Mrs. Albert Whetham. ' p y' Kenneth Johnston of Harmon. representative of the Federation of h . showed interesting films in the township hall. Government Aids a Community Halls . 'Valens. June 28 --- Vi'. G. Main) riti. representative of the. Ontario: Department of Agriculture. was: of books on the history of Bin-- is ,u . - > I _ V. ' . _ _ Dec-£81 at; the meetin" of that brool]. xyll'ou gsii'ip. 1]"110V30015-fl'3n'. Kirku'all-Vaiens \Vomed's Insii- ' ' soi'cr .\' ill mm C oman s n-i tute. hci at I ' D dilute. v.1") compiled by MP3}. d He home Of Mr» G. L. Boll with of families in lllc oil--operation the township. One book will be donated to Ouch of. the six sch is. council. l--lamilton' Public Lib y, Saltiicct Hieni School. historical research. Mrsl. ivnn Lowdcn for her services inl typing and Mrs. G. L. Bell whol compiled the book for publication. Mrs. John Borendt, program con- vene-r, gave a most interesting and educational tail: on world steward- ship. Mrs. Gordon Stinson was ap- pointed to represent the W.I. at the Federation of Agriculture. A letter of thanks was read from Miss Muriel Milligan for the white gifts sent to the Children's Aid Society at Christmas. The assist- ing hostesses were Mesdames , fall. A two-minute talk _on that Charles Ridge. Lloyd Martin. Stan-- , motto was given by Mrs. John. ley Wilson and Mrs. B. A. Smith. 'Nm Rinlwwml: hrnnok A: t l. l Lynn Jamieson. He, spoke on the: 1 value 01 short courses which the in«' stitutc sponsor. He also spokel: ion the needs of young pecpic'sl community halls. stating'the gov- ' ' ernment would give a $5,000 grant ' to the building of a liall..»Mr§. fierL-Gilmwr-ms appointed cam: vasser for the X~ray clinic which} . is being sponsored by the institutcl ' .in co-operation with 'the Ontario1 3 l Tuberculosis Association and On~ tc-rio Department of Health. Mrs James Clark. Mrs. Gordon Jami . son. Mrs. John Hunter and Mrs.1 William Lennon were appointed program committee in charge of the garden party to be held next .lmonth.'It was decided to enteri . an exhibit at Rockton Fnir this) Covcrdale. A contest on kitchen 'utensils was conducted by Mrs. iEarl Valcns. Mrs. Edward Wise, sang accompanied by Mrs. John; llMcPliail on the piano. Solos were tsung by Mrs. Henry VVaLsoii and "Mrs. William Lennon who also. ,read letters oi thanks l'rom shut- :ins for fruit and flowers received. 'Mrs. Russel Wise presided. E ' Mrs. Russel MCGeachy and l\'li'S.i lEdward Wise presented prizes to the pupils of the public school" sponsored by the Women's InstL ,tut'e. t

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