\ I Elect Officers: ] Hamil/.1. Annual" "' At .lerscyville I Jerseyville. May 3 -- Mrs. Ernest' I A" Institutes;1n'l)isti'ict j l T I k Conduct Annual Meetings . 0 "1 Bro" I , . . Institute Group ' Sheffield, April 30 -- The an-iagricultw'e and Canadmn "'d" lWOOd was elected president or the . . v - homel . . - :nual meeting of the WJI took tries, Mrs. A. .R. Moiietl. . sirabang April 29 __ Mrs, M. Ipatncja \vOmen.S Institute at the . 'economICS and health. MFS- Mu": . . K , r V . . . i l A. Nixon was lectcd resn'lent 0 annual meetinv held at th was at the home at M". Ray'w'wa; mmnsmp and educamn'd e p lof Mrs. Wilma}. Fergusonf. iHumplu'ey- Mrs. Russell \vnothamlurs Matthew Times; historicalI the Ira Brock Women's Institute _ I I I :prcsided for the election of officer'sIgesearch and our".ij events" Mrs. =l at the annual meeting held at tbs Efllilld Lyfonstresentcd the slate las "Hows: Hm'omrb' P'eS'demnRus-senHome public i-elatioichip home of Mrs. Glen Hamilton." [fed qewf (1)] [C95 'Vl'mh "'"5 .'ECCBD' land community activities, A 5. J. '. MI'S. J. M. Hall presidel'l'fof the ~ ' l " '5 ° ("'5' Honorary lll'eSident, ' l l l l 'Mrs. Russell Whetham; president, l ' ' u ' ' ' '- ' l election of officer" as' follows: Mrs. M. Ward; president MFSI IM'S' Ray Humphrey- Vice 91.85} WUBrown; resolutions, Mis, R. G., I 3 I" I II I I I intents. Mesdames James Patrick-lBailev. Mrs. Lorne Janfieson pro»; VICE-prcSidentsI Mrs. Glen}??? lgdh'rfisllvgwl Vlrlti'-I]leswepts' MFS' lWalsh BYYSOH; SGVJ'EtaW'treasumr'lsidcdl for the business. session.[ ton and Mrs. Ted Mnnazy, soc I USOHII OImSII ISI "Imam Fer. and assmam' Mescxmnesr R'dg'lMcsdames James walson a \ rem1')'~treasurer, Mrs. Rey Gait-1 ,g , sewemly_tmasul.en MIISI .Knight. Lew Purdy; district :- ley; pianist. Mrs. Herbert. Hood;i 'Harold VanSickle: branch direct. Ieclm MIS Armm Decker, direc.fBailé)' were appointed to judge; . . ._ . I ,. I _' h ranch directors Mrs. Robert SOIYS. Mrs. Keith Baker, Mrs, w11. tors Mesaames Ernest BrownIlthc css ys. R. Morrison, Mrs. Frank Pegg and ham D. Howell and Mrs. Lem James Sims, Edgar Cornell. Johnffl 1C mm 0 M M31 5 ' ~, Mrs. Alvin G u n s o n. Standing committees: Agriculture and Ca-~y ntidiun industries, Mrs. Thom as lSmith; pianist, Mrs. William Fer- .guson; auditors, Mrs. Theo Brooks, Mrs. Robert Durham; community . . . .... . . d. y ' ' ' P 11 ,1 William him. Jamcs VYatson announce I 33:13], (méfianfiobbu I'lllelson Cul--iin the treasurers report total re< ham: press. Mrs. Russell Whetham: calms were over soon, Mrs. Moo. ytin T'me reported on the Girls'} Wows; histtol'icfil resigarcl;1r grad ifirignfishlpip MI'S.RJ. 1K.1 Baker ' ' ' ' - 111mm" 5W 1 1 5' ' ' , curren even 5, rs. 0y a. ' I.n rs. ercy cvi : (isrict (li< 3:331chiii'ifimiififwmiéiame;§c1ub work (10M: by Club memDPl'su ton; citizenship and education, ,rector. Mrs. Thomas HewitsonL Bert Tucker. Harry Clelland.i'l'he May meeting \Vlll he at tho-I Mm: III E Bailey; home e.30.. pressI correspondent MFSI Georgel James Sims. William Tucker, 05-- home of Mrs. Edward Padac . nutmeg and health, MrsdJ. M.I VansmkleI Isgandmg committee car Tucker, James Humphrey; pro-(Mrs. William oreman. His. Hall; public relationsMaIn (X31111:l Converters: CiliIzenship, Mrs. Mor- gram, Mesdames James Patrickfljames Brown, Ruth B own and" mIllllIltyI enterpiIises.M-I is.SI e? icy Vi ard; agriculture and Cana- Lew Purdy, R. J. Knight. Stewartl'Mrs, Elmer Chester assisted dup. Biiuctt, publicny, .. is. ewar l idian industries, Mrs. S. Bonham; ,social welfare. Mrs. Ward Good- Illrand: historical research, Mrs. Edward Buck: home economics. Hamilton and Mrs James Brook; A vote of thanks was extended to ,. ' ' the retiring president. Mrs. C. I'l.' Main, Stanley Norman, William]...g the tea noun Pulling: reception, Mesdames John Derby, Newton Grummett, Albert cancer fund and $5.50 prize mon--' ' Standing committee convenersq ey for the essays on plans for my: Agriculture and Canadian indus Williamson Mahlon Main, .7. i . 1.Putmn, who presided for the busi- Mm Paul AzuleyI Red CIIIISSI Mrs Seaton' remembrance, Mcsdamelev~ '3 Ben; I, 11055 meeting. I ' Percy Reva Oscar 'l'ucker, Russell Whellmm. l '3 {13' S Provrde Essay Prize I Discusses New Province "I Committee Convene" I voted to the Mrs. John H. Brooks, 1948 cit- f To Hoodlcss zcnship convener, chose a time- ly subject. Newfoundland. Louis l i z Ten dollars was ' r '. Vlrs. Svdnev Royal as St L] . t - ~ 't- 151 I Cum" ' > - , ' 411911. the statesman from Imes- Mrs' Newmn Gruxgmettfirg .t named delegate to the Wentwoxth, Quebec, and Election Soon, \vercl IZEHSI'HP. Mrs-I Jalfies '13:; PZ' '4 V" A Childrens Aid meeting May 17m. home economics, rs. -i I panels given by Mrs. Lem Smith' ' tar --treasurers; I . ' . I - trick; historical research, Mrs. Ar- Harmon, April 30~Mrs. B. C mm annual secre y and Hm 01d VanSlClxle. Mrs. Ernest ' . rcporl. given by Mrs. Roy Gal Woo ' ' . , . "u" Beeker; 5°C"?! welfare' Mrs'i. - Mimi" Will 1'11" DWight Cu 5 icy. showed a most successful )'oc Periodd. Illizldé'fliorfifis lllé\v'l)USIlless Orton Robb; publicity, Mrs. Ros-.1, "He Mm host es ml. the an. M Rugggll Alger gavg the nn.- - 1 15cm re-l sell Whethum. Mrs. Ray Hum- portcd on the recent district ex- ecutive meeting, announcing a new Junior institute had organized in! this area at Ancustcr. A vote of1 thanks was given by Mrs. Wilfrctll Howell and to all who helped tol get names and prepare the name, quilt. Tea assistants for thc after-l nun! card sccrctarys report. The s t a n din g committee conveners: interesting reviews on the; ears accomplishments. A paper" on worries was given by Mrs. 1'ch Eiloiizii-I , The next meeting will he',' May 20 in the church when Bar-3'?- bara Broodfoot, Toronto. will Show nual l'i'IE'Cl'll" of the Adelaide Hood- 1035 W.T iIis. C. A. Alderson prel aided in] the election of ofi'i follows: Honorary pre - s. B on Armcs; presiJ \idc Kirton; vice- Ada Wilson and ark; secretai'y»ti'ea-r phrey was in the chair for the buSlnESs session. The early history of Sheffield was given by Mrs. William Fowler. A cup and saucer' was presented to Mrs. H. L. Mc-f' Callum, who is leaving the com- munity, by Mrs. Newton GruminetL (101's as I I In I, , I . noon were Mesdamcs William I I I i' surci'. Mrs. Elizabeth Whaley; dis $131111»??ng 5;"; 1323211535 ERR}; I Howell, Ward Goodbmnd and John: Scott s Corners, April filo--Mrs. H. mm ("rectum MYSI Byron Armes; r - 3- ' i H. Brooks. ' ,M Aneman was elected presmem] II ,I I II I I Thomas Woods and Mrs. Russel , .. , ' . . g I branch diiccims. Mr.. T. J. Baxter. i . . . n "'0 "VG-day smOClnng coursel 'at the annual meeting of the W.I.! MFSI George H BQmuMI MYSI JI Algal were comeners. . ' ' given by Miss Audre y lheld at the home of Mrs, Morris 1 3 S cncer W. N "shall. Mrs. Aleilica Smith. ._ WDmen'S Institute Brunei; Depart:l SShellard on Thumday 8391710qu 'ilowc committee. Firs. Thomas Women's Institute 'ment Of Agriculture Toronto wastl 'Mrs R. G. Bailey presided for the. AmmsI J1." . I m, L From}. I , . 'very successful. 10 indies atehdlngi election of officers as follows Miss vein Do - lizarieih The Same" W°mens Infl'lute' Monday morning and 16 the othcrl Nice-presidents, Mesdames R. G..( Whalew mimiSII _ Thomas met at the home Of MIT-'1' (vb-"0m three sessions. Potluck dinner wasl lBOYld. Elmer Chasm" secre' 3 Chonté. auditors . Arthur E. FreEI' with the preSldem' Mrs" Served at "0°"- lflTY.'M|"5~ Morris Shenal'di "'ea' Young and Airs. W. J. 1.). Tumor. Neil Hopkins? Drawing . . surer; Mrs. James Watson; (1 Conwners of cumminees. Afi, Thirty-four quilts were report-i; n I. m B , director. Mrs. R. G. Bailey; three, Culture and Canadiaw indusufigesI ed having been made for the Rodi, tors, Mesdamcs Gordon Riddellgt MYSI CI .. I Cum" Cross, and a $1'0IdonatIlon made toII Humphrey Jones, Charles Watson;' ship this, _. hismficul the Crippled (.hildi'ens Fund. It's program. Mesdamcs Lorne Jamie- 'rcscazch, Mrs. J W Mai-shall; 315° "'33 dead" to '10."??? 2' tcf'fi V son. N' C MCDonald. Adam MO" home economics. Mrs. Archie to the Wemwonh D'V'S'o"! G" fatt; floral. Mesdames Edgar Watts. .lzaiitii: social \'.'-:lfarc, Mrs. Ly..i:in Guide camp. . u . . - , 4 A . . Mrs. A. E. Walker speaker for! .vyuliam Angus reception, Mes- ' vanson; puhhciti. Mrs. Ale.\ . . ' . _: NE . domes Edward, Paddock, Alvin Quinn: P.7d C~ ' Mrs. Byron the five?'"tg.'t Tum? "Iggy 33%?! HS. ar 0 1; Wood; pianists, Mrs. George Den-. Armcs: handi aft and hobbies, °f t e "5 l u e a" ga s 5'; nison, Miss Ruth Brown; home tions for . . .. king the meeting a Mrs. Adam Clark. birthday secrc- ma. . . P a and school,'Mm. Russell Liphard, tary, Mrs. Robert French. Mrs. filmevsmffitwcfiwe andflmgefc'f'usi' r Mrs. Charles Watson; . auditors. Claude Kirton presided for the, rs't. 3 at 3.50 pre" £9 lax) w _- er5. Robert Young, George Jamie- business. Mrs. Elizabeth Whaleyi 919': '0" 0f 0 cars as 0 5' I'son; press, Mrs. J. W. Brown; : Blue Cross, Mrs. M. .W. Shellard. Standing committee conveners Institute Plans Winter Events Capetown. Sept. 25 -- The ladies of It h e Capetown Institute held their September meeting on Thurs? day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Harvey Ottman with the president. I Mrs. Harold Yeomans, presiding as- srsted by the secretary-treasurer. stitute Convention of North Went-7" worth were Mrs. Roy Bonham. Mrs. Frank gland and Mrs. Harold Yeo- i mans. lscussion followed -' Rockton Fair exhibit. It We}: 3):" cided to have the euchre ' ' I or res . in the school house 5 Winter. I ever wo wee on onday ever i E Beiifilfi Um .. . 3 ob . . Harvey mm") as or 4 Mrs . co . Side for the nvener. pre following m a ; ( s. 1, Mrs. Archie Smith anfl' ez'ense to the change in trend in lmecting a pleasing feature was zh Mrs. Harvey om..." has: gr m 511.5 1.; and Burn were appointed: mum, monetary conditions, the. 8 Icon Health assisted * ' readin by the Tutsi--5' ' mg Iafi'se ._ M th t time and h th Lamenem '0 the "1mm" Emmi- Mrs. Frank C .. home of rs. Thomas Chootel e PI'ESen . ow :32. mothers: Mrs. w, Nlcholson aging. Mrs..G1en McDonoughI {4%. 3;"; the afternoon." May 19, It changes brought about the change Henry Kim". Mm JI CI thlll'lrs. B told Yeomans and Mrs. Beverly' was also announced the «airmail in clothing. Miss.Knlght conclud- Mpg, wI J_ MooreI Mm J. 0.3%:3'. I 5533' M153 Dorothy Ottman vocal meeting of the. Wentworth Chil-I el her topic byI Showing sketches Mrs. Newport, Mis. James V n' I o a. Mrs. Harvey Ottman . drcn's Aid Sooicty will be held at of the new fashions- and Mrs. Burton. The ,[.~are.sentat.iyse l YW on WW the County Court House~_HnmU-i The Ways End'Mew's convene" of El me members"? Din was on 1 "ml, and a can; mm on 3 1y 17. An interesting pone! announced a tea. to be held both to Mrs, vyse m recomitiofl guide I Mickfgilowed' Mm Albert McCor I test in Charge 0b: V§§§LYIXSD athternooré 83d {fifl'x'rfifit iii; home long service to the institute0 lvll'rir I A 3' Pianist Th 1; " T wnsoh was won it I. a} 0 Mrs. . . on ay 23'. , Lancefiem gave an Int . . E 835m" y M ' e °5t955 W35. '3. . a Mr J. J. Bro . ,3 [so a rummage 51.] Heating talk , re. (7 [son .m S. I "311 A an a _, c to be on the or! in of u Ionizing.3 "Zena Hm}? HDgfil'thll £58m hniiéhmirAmegisggflgavgh hill: 39:]: lsl. s at- lHostesses i, thenéfgl'lnghyyes. 5 » °' 4"": 'A' v «' " ta 9 e K or ..Wbei- ere ' 33:31 511w" iii? 13mm. assuming thehpnhssxesu ,1he may" '23:," j a Iis. engulfing; JhiMoore, f ' ' Sl'hnn' --L ' =~ ' Merritt. rs. I ' I rs, . 1.. i, Mr-Niven i 5 Nicholson ,_ J. p read thc minutesuReports of the' various committees were givcn' by com-c: A donation of was made to the cancer fund. ' Main: Second Appeal It was decided to make a second .appcal to the Board of Transport Commisaoners and the Ontario De- partment of Highways for installa- tion of a wig wag and flasher . signals at the C.N.R. level crossing over Highway 53 at. Harmon. 1:1 :was decided to as}: the wentworth County Library to install a branch] libraiy in the community. Mrs} Cluude Kirton, Mrs. C. A. Alder- son and Mrs. Lyman 'l'ownson wore', held at the Stoney Creek United .Church on June 2 and the W. I.' MUSIC FESTIV AT St. Stephen's music festival at St. Stephen's par-Y ish hall on May 10. Miss Ada: Wilson and Mrs. Elizabeth Whaley: invited the members to a euchre at the Union School Monday eve- 'ning, May 9. Mrs. Claude Kirtonfl, Mrs/Lawrence Almus. Mrs. Aletlri-r'| a committee (or a card party all President, Miss Hattie Jones; vice~ presidents, Mis Lottie Jones, Mrs. Richard Mlllen; secretary- treasurer. Mrs. Ivan Davey; assist- ant, Mrs. Charles Freel; directors, Miss Pearl Krlck, Mrs. Clarence Lee and Mrs. Leighton McDermid; auditors, Mrs Cecil Maycock and Mrs. A. E. Farmer; pianist. Mrs. Marie Kott; social convencr. Mrs. Reg Fevez; flower convener, Mrs. Harry Baden; press, Mrs. Harry Spera; current events, Mrs. Marie Kott; district director, Mrs. Neil Hopkins. ' Current events were given by Miss lottie Jones, and a contest conducted by Mrs. Parcy Law- a ointed the committee. It. was ce'was won b Miss Pearl smalei 3555mm" Mrs- "Ck .Mrs. Frank Head. Delegates ap- ,afifiouncw the south Wentworth' %?,.k_ y l Nicholson; corresponding seci~e.. pointed to attend the Women's In. District annual meeting will be I Grimsby Service ',..Grimsby, May 13 -- At the i. I\ or monthly. meeting on Tucsd. Ween Trinity Service Clu' dig?! Miss Quits Knig directg. I he as n bureau 'Ha'Tl'Co 's m"§rn"sm'esj smack MI the Is_u £5: , Effect on 111mg. Smart- ing with 'Yfi'cmstyles of just after the last world war. she made rei- atrical entertainers, etc, down to .Aldcrsliot W1. I i Aldcrshot, May 2--The Aprilv Imeeting of the Aldcrshot "1.1. was held in Foirfield School with the president. Mrs. Allan Lancefield. in the Chair. The trcasure.. Mrs. James Vysc. gave a splen...d ii- nancial report and Mrs. Howard {Gallagher presided for the annual election of officers for 1949. Mrs. lEarl Klodt, convenor of the nomi- nating committee. read the follow- ' ing rcport:'Honorary president, Mrs. Allan Lnnceficld; president, .Mrs. Earl Kloclt; vice-presidents. 'Mrs. Harry Hansen. Mrs. J. C. Quig- 19y; secretary-treasurer. Miss Mary 'tai'y, Mrs. James Vyse; district] director. Mrs. Earl Davis: direc- tors, Mrs. S. S. Liggctt. Mrs. John O'Brien and Mrs. Howard Gal- 'laghcr; card convcncrs, Mrs. W. Coleman and Mrs. S. Wickcns pub- licity, Gladys Bowen; assistant, Mrs. J. C. QuiglEY; auditors, Mrs. A. Dellenbach and Mrs: A. B. Cline. As this was a grandmothers' prcsreiitation of bouquets by MPSI