1,200 rural women- to Converge on Hamilton for World conference; Erland Lee Museum Home to host special lune Days event - '- By TINEKE BRUINSMA News Staff ver 1,200 delegates from 31 countries Will be converging on the Erland Lee Museum in June. The delegates are part of the Associated Country Women of the World's Triennial Conference, hosted by the Federated ' Women's Institutes of Ontario, being held in Hamilton from June 1 1 to 18. The ACWW is the largest rural women's organization in the world with over 9 mil- lion members in 70 countries. The Erland Lee Museum will be hosting June Days in honour of the arrival of the delegates. Michael Gemmel, curator of the muse- 'O Canada" was proclaimed Canada's national anthen on July 1, 1980, 100 years after it wasfirst sung. It has ha many English versions over the years. » What follows are the latest, official lyrics ' O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love'in all thy sons command. -With glowing hearts we see thee rise, .' ' The True North strong and free! " . From far and wide, ' . O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. ' » Cyod keep our landglorious and. free! , ', 'O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. fl, . . ' A O Canada, we stand on guard for thee. ' - i' ' Have a happy and safe Canada Day. , ' ' um, will be unveiling a special exhibit and be hosting a number of afternoon teas to "bring the international delegates together. The Erland Lee Museum is the 1897 birth place of the Women's Institute organ- 'ization. While participating in the Triennial Conference delegates will receive a tour of the city, be involved in a number of workshops and listen to several guest speakers. ' cuss Visions for a Changing World and the keynote speaker will be Norman Rebin, who is a world renowned innovator and motivator from Saskatchewan. , The conference is a time when women from all over the world will be discussing similar challenges and set policy for the next three years. The Vinemount and ' Stoney Creek Women's Institutes are not involved in the ,r.1 Speakers will use the Year of the Volunteer as their theme. Jennie McInnes, from Nova Scotia, will speak on the topic Visions Become a Reality. Dr. Mark Waldron,from Guelph University, will speak on Visions for Rural Communities. Lorraine Holding, a former employee of the Ontario Ministry of Food I and Rural Affairs,'will speak about ViSions ' a for Volunteers. Sissel Ekaas, a director of ' the Women and Population Division at the 1 Food andAgriculture Organization,will dis- members who will attend. , "The conferences rotate all over. th worl ," said Barbara Oldfield, public rela tions officer for the Vinemount W1. "A few :5 years ago they held it in New Zealand and: then in the Hague.This puts Hamilton on", r the world circuit having it held here]? If you would like further information 7-" about the events being held at the Erland Lee Museum during June Days call Michael //_ _/_.