W day, April 7. i m bRANfiEVILLE N} F ,._ REV. H. A. WEST, L.Th. ural dean o-f Wentworth and v I > i i 1 n x z 4 v ' r rector of St. John's v11urch,_ \Vinoua, who has accepted a; ("all 10 the, parish of SI. Marl-€97? ()rangeville. He will com-i meuce his duties there on Sun-'f 1 1 Rector of St. y REV. I). H. MACLENNAN Luke's church, Palermo, who has been trans- ferred to St. John's church, \Vinona, succeeding Rev. H. A. West, who has gone to St. M ark"5 church» Orangeville, i'