ROADS. u 'mhe first roads were food and water. , i 1" The firSt human beings to follow these crooked trails were the Indians. ~ When the white men came other trails were-made by "blazing trees: the route being marked by chipping bark fromythe'side of trees along the way, With a hatchet. . ' . V. These roads were blazed by the settlers as early as 1785, from Niagara to Ancaster.' . , I ' ' An Act of Parliament of Upper-Canada in 1792 or 93, provided that roads should be constructed by Statute Labor, and males between the ages of 21 and 50 were liable for three days road work per year. ~ "Corduroy roads" were made by laying logs side by side; and travel way 'by horse back or by large wheeled carts. M . _ Some of'the main roads were kept up by individuals and toll was charged» for their use. _ > ' » The only highways were water ways. game trails" made by the animals, in search of In the early days there were two roads below the escarpment. One ran along near the shore of the lake and is now almost entirely wiped out, it i is entirely gone in this section, with the lake encroaching further inland each year. ' - ' -' ' The most pppular road however was the old Indian trail at the base of the escarpment, it is Just north of the dividing line between the Second and Third Concessions. It was one of the first to be made in Upper Canada and was between Niagara (Newark) and Hamilton ( Head of the Lake). "In-1875 this road was called the'Stoney Creek road. 5 The road was at one time owned by the Barton & Stoney Creek _£Xr Consolidated Road 00. , With.A1bert E. carpenter,_President and F.H. Carpenter, i3ecretary. TOLLGATES were placed at intervals along the road. Tollgates were bought up by the County in 1901. n .This road was stoned and later on paved and-is now (1946) known as King's highway No. 8. v e _ ' ' ' .Five eighths of a mile north of this road is'a stone road, running "east and west, known as Barton Street, this road stops at the Fifty road about one half mile west of the North Grimsby line. _ { l The east and west road between the Broken Front and the First " Concession is open from the Winona road east t9 Gainsbg=néllage and is known as the Base Line. - *Near this is the Queen Elizabeth Highway, 3 new two lane highway, with boulevard between the two traffic lanes, Wam'" "an M37 . W . The side roads, running north.and south frequently became known by the \ name of_the settler living nearest them, as Glovers, McNeilly's, Lewis 3.,