, ’i'Ta my Triends and TeTTaw memhe s of The Women’s InsTiTuTes T woaTd Tihe To say how. much I hope They wiH press on wiTh Their work in educaTian and in aTher lines. T have so much enjoyed my associaTion wiTh Them here, and alThaugh T have nOT been able To answer Their mam hind TeTTers senT To me in The TasT manTh, Iwauld Tihe To say how graTefuT I am To receive Them. 1 ha e ThaT? The Canadian and BriTishp amen’s InsTiTuTes wiH , a\ways be Tinhed To- geTher in The warmesT friendship and cTasesT associaTton, and ThaT we shaTT canhnue To work as aQrdenTTy in The TuTure Tar The welfare OT The caunTryside as we have done in The pOsT 9" . - ' ‘ . Lady 'ngeedsmuir PAQ‘?AC‘J.‘3AC‘.&PAG abbécgpg O R E W O R'D."l€*‘if$‘3£%