â€" building, and was dedicated by Rev. John Carroll, D.D. Another one was built Of stone in 1859, the cornerstone being laid July 12 by the Hon. Billa Flint, aSSisted by the Orangemen of #2 District, South Hastings. It was dedicated in June, 1870, by Rev. George R. Sanderson, D.D., and the first pastor was Rev. Joseph Kilgour. This building was burned June 16, 1891, and the present fine stone edifice was immediately built. The cornerstone was laid on September 6, 1891, by William Johnston, H.P., of Belfast, Ireland, Grand Master of the Orange Lodge of Ireland, assisted by the Grand Officers of B.A. and the Orange- men of #2 District. The building was completed in 1892, and dedicated by Rev. John Potts, D.D., in December of that year. The pastor at that time was Rev. William Johnston. The Church of England was built in 1860, but was not completed until 1864. Rev. William Fleming was the first clergyman. The Methodist Episcopal Church was built in 1877, Rev. A. R. Osser being the first pastor. The Church was dedicated by Rev. Dr. Carmen, who was at that time bishop. The Roman Catholic Church was built in 1887, and is a magnificent edifice, costing $40,000. The cornerstone was laid in September of that year by Archbishop Cleary, but the building was not completed until 1889. Rev. J. P. Fleming, who has Just been removed to Morrisburg, was the first Priest. The Presbyterian Jhurch was built in 1891, and dedicated in 1892 by Professor Grant of wueen‘s College, Kingston. Rev. Neil McPherson was the first pastor. The first Orange Lodge in Tweed was inaugurated in 1856 by John Bowell, Master, father of Sir Mackenzie Bowell, and the first Orange Ihll was built in 1860. The first Masonic Lodge opened in 1870, with John Francis as Master. The A.O.U.W (Ancient Order of United Workmen) was opened in 1886; the Independent Order of Foresters in 1887; and the I.0.0.F. (Oddfellows) in 1890. Tweed was incorporated as a village September 16, 1890; the - . . . ? brook- flrst Council was composed of Adam McGowan, Reeve, George Lester , James Holdcroft; R. F. Heuston; James Quinn, Councillors; William lhay, Clerk; and L. Tuttle, M.D., Treasurer. The first steam fire engine was purchased in 1894, and the ' ‘ « terbrook first fire company was formed in the same year, With George Eas _______--IIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII