ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS IN HUNGERFORD - 10 Area #5 joined U.8.1, Thomasburg, 8.8.9, 4th Line; and 8.8.10, Moneymore. The new Board included Fred Preston, Chairman; Burton Maines; Cyril Latchford; Earl Beatty; Clarence Kincaid, with Donald Spencer as Secretary-Treasurer. 8.8.10 was closed during this year. Hungerford Township School Area #4 included 8.8.12, Farrell's, and 8.8.18, Marlbank. 8.8.12 had been closed in 1959, but the Board remained active until Area #4 was formed. The new Board was made up of Manley Meeks,.Chairman; George Deshane; William Bryce; George Young; Than Kimmett, with Mrs. Helen Teupah as Secretary-Treasurer. William Bryce left the area the following September and Dr. D.A. Hunt replaced him. Tweed Township School Area was also formed January 1, 1961, and included Tweed Consolidated School only. During this year the name of the school was changed to 8.H. Connor School, honouring Principal 8. Howard Connor, who retired in 1961 after 50 years of teaching, most of it being spent at Tweed. Hawkins' Separate School was closed in June, 1962, with the pupils going to 8t.Carthagh's Separate School, Tweed. 8.8.19, Larkin's, was closed in June of 1964, with the Board remaining active. On January 1, 1965 Hungerford Township School Area was formed, uniting all school sections and areas in the Township under one Board. This Board consisted of Oliver Forsyth; Eugene Doran; Francis Rush; Manley Meeks; Fred Preston, with Clifford Cotton as Secretary-Treasurer. 8.8.11, Lime Lake, and 8.8.22, Otter Creek, were closed in June of this year, and 8.8.6, Stoco, was closed June 1966. Tweed-Hungerford Township School Area, formed January 1, 1967, amalgamated Tweed T.8.A. with the Hungerford T.8.A., so that all public elementary schools in the Township and the Village were now under one Board. This Board included Herbert J. Cox, Chairman; K.C. Little; Laurason Gunning; Oliver Forsyth; J.A. Howell, with Clifford Cotton as Secretary-‘Treasurer. Also on January 1, 1967, a new Roman Catholic Separate School Section, #13, was formed in Hungerford, though no schools were operated by the Board. Effect- ive January 1, 1968, this Board was consolidated with the R.C.8.8.B. of the Village of Tweed, under the title Hungerford-Tweed Combined R.C.8.8.B. A much larger area, Hastings County Public School Area #2 was formed by County Council in April of 1967, to go into effect January 1, 1968. (Area #1, North Hastings, had been formed the previous year.) Area #2 united eleven small boards into one. Included were Tweed-Hungerford; Rawdon, Huntingdon, Marmora, /o