Or anization The members of the Institute and others who are interested are asked to place the matter before their neighbour farmers, and if thought desirable, plan to organize at the next Farmer's Institute meeting to be held in the locality, or to call a special meeting for the purpose of organization. It would be well for farmers in each locality to consult as to when and where the organization meeting could be held. We advise those who become interested in this line of work to communicate with the District Representative of the Department of Agriculture or the Secretary of the District Farmer's Institute regarding organization. Young men who are desirous of doing a real service to a community both from a financial and social standpoint, cannot do better than organize a Farmer's Institute Club. Sweed _C<>__tl’wt_c>nand_.____r -Laws for Farmers' nstitt e_ Clubs Mia Object. The object of this organization shall be to encourage and maintain a deeper and more general and intelligent interest in all that pertains to agriculture in the broadest sense, by holding meetings at which farmers may receive and give information, suggestions and experiences and study together how best to improve themselves and to help their fellow farmers; also to afford an Opportunity for debate and study to its members that they may thus become accustomed to public speaking and help to deve10p talent along those lines that might otherwise remain dormant; to have them present addresses upon subjects relating to farming and dealing specially with the conditions existing in the locality; to increase the knowledge of and interest in the larger questions (not sectarian or political) of the nation, and which affect the social life and financial position of the farmer; to create and stimulate an ambition in our farmers, and especially the young men, to be successful in the truest sense, and to not only raise the calling of the farmer to the place it should occupy in keeping with its importance to the state, but also make use of his successes, Opportunities and power to make Ontario a still more desirable Province to live in. Constitution Article 1 - Officers Section 1. a.) The officers shall consist of President, Viceâ€"President, Secretary - Treasurer, two or more Directors and two Auditors. b.) The Executive shall consist of President, Vice-President, and Secretary - Treasurer. (Quorum, 2) c.) The Board of Directors shall consist of all officers, except the Auditors (Quorum 3) d.) Committee may be appointed at the organization meeting, at a regular meeting of the