d.) cont.’ Section 2 - Section 3 - Section A - Section I - Section 1 - Club, or by the Board of Directors, to take charge of such work as may be designated by the members of the society - Programme Committee, Lookout Committee, Experiment Committee, Livestock Committee, Seed and Need Committee, Farm Utensil Committee, etc. Duties of Officers Their duties shall consist of such as usually appertain to similar offices in other societies. (Additional suggestions are listed for Committees which will be added later). Time of Election and Term of Office Officers shall be elected annually at the first meeting held after October lst, and shall serve until their successors have been elected. HoW'Elected Officers shall be elected either by ordinary vote or by ballot, according to the desire of those in attendance. Article II - Membership Only persons engaged in agricultural pursuits or directly connected with agriculture in some other way shall be eligible for membership. The membership fee shall be --(10 to 25 cents) per annum and such further assessments as may be decided upon from time to time by a two-thirds vote of the whole membership. Non-payment of assessment will result in cancellation of membership. Those who wish to become members of the Farmers' Institute for the riding must pay the regular fee, 25 cents, to the secretary for the riding. It is advised that only one manber of each family join.the riding Institute. mebership fee to the local Club is therefore distinct from.the membership in the District Institute. Only those Clubs which have twenty-five members, twelve of whom belong to the riding Institute, will be entitled to assistance at a special meeting from the Department of Agriculture. By-Laws Place of Meeting The Club shall meet at least five times a year at such time and place as decided upon by the Board of Directors, or by those in attendance at the annual meeting.