Order of Business Section 2 - The presiding officer shall call the Club to order as near as possible to the time 3. h. 5. announced for the meeting. The following order of exercises shall be observed: â€" 1. Reading and approving minutes of last meeting 2. Unfinished business 3. Report of Committees A. Irregular or new business 5. Regular programme Additional Suggestions Appoint speakers some weeks ahead. if possible, and have subjects in keeping with the season of the year. Have a definite plan of work and programme for several meetings during the winter months. This will give those who are to take part in the programme plenty of time for preparation. Encourage the young men to take an active part in the meetings. Have them lead in the discussions or give results of Operations on the farm. A limited amount of entertainment should be furnished. Have a fifteen minute recess during the meeting for social intercourse. It gives the officers an opportunity to arrange the programme for the next meeting. Views will be expressed by some at this time who cannot be induced to speak in open meeting. Open your meetings at the time advertised and avoid late meetings. Devate the first half-hour, if thought well, to a general discussion or question drawer. Whenever a good address is delivered send a COpy to the Superintendant. Contributions of this nature are always acceptable and appreciated. Outline some useful experiments, and appoint members of your Club to conduct them. Discuss the results of the experiments at your winter meetings. Conduct a competition in the growing of good seed, Procure an eXpert to judge the same, and give a talk at a special meeting. Have practical demonstrations whenever possible. Stock judging could be introduced to advantage. Be instrumental in getting Telephones. Rural Mail Delivery, Good Roads, Pureabred Stock, etco