5. Clover hay making. 6. How to grow clover seed. 7. Alfalfa growing and its food value. l. The preparation of the soil for a root cr0p. 2. Cultivation and harvesting of roots. 3. Turnips versus mangolds as a food for stock. A. The value of roots in a rotation. Orchard Fruit 1. The varieties of fruits best suited to our markets and climatic conditions. 2. The handling and planting of nursery stock. 3. The cultivation, fertilization, pruning, and Spraying of our orchards. A. Cover crops and their value in orchards. 5. The packing, housing and marketing of our fruits. 6. Fungus diseases and insect pests. Small Fruits 1. Strawberry culture. 2. Varieties of strawberries best suited to our markets. 3. The planting and cultivation of our bush fruits. h. The diseases and treatment of snall fruits. 5. marketing. Vegetables 1. The value of improved varieties. 2. How to grow vegetables to the greatest perfection. 3. Diseases of vegetables and their treatment. A. Housing and marketing. 5. Early vegetables. Flowers . 1. Flowers and their place in the home. 20 How to make flower beds and borders attractive. 3, How to select flowers in order to have flowering plants throughout the summer season.