John Taylor, Deputy Sherriff; John Francis, County Surveyor; Timothy Farnham, County Gravel Road Superintendant; E. h. Meyers, Gaoler, John A. M. Gilbert, Turnkey. Public School Inspectors - John Johnston, South Riding of Hastings, um. Mackintosh, North Riding of Hastings. County Coroners - John P. McDonnell, W. H. Ponton, Dr. Tracey, Dr. Burdett, Dr. Farley, Dr. Hamilton. Inspectors of Poor - James Ross for Belleville. :3treet Surveyor - Richard Taylor. In3pector of heights .Measures - John P. McDonnell. Inspector of Licences - Lewis A. Appleby, East Hastings; James Ross, West Hastings; Ed. Mounsey, North Hastings. Agricultural Societies - There are 3 Agricultural Divisions in the County - North, East and Jest Ridings. These societies embrace among their active members some of the most prominent names in the county; Officers are elected every January and consist of president, first and second vice-president, directors, treasurer, secretary and auditors. Fbr the purposes of settlement the Government authorizederee grants of land, not ‘to exceed in each case 100 acres, on application to the local agents, and in compliance with 'the provisions set forth in the following conditions of settlement:- "That the settler be eighteen years of age. "That he take possession of the land allotted to him.within one month and put in a state of cultivation at least 12 acres of the land in the course of A years - build a house, (at least 20' x 23') and reside on the lot until the conditions of settlement are duly performed; after the accomplishment of which only, shall the settler have the right of obtaining a title to the property. Families, comprising several settlers entitled to lands, preferring to reside on a single lot, will be exempted from.the obligations of building and of residence, (except upon the lot on which they live,) provided that the required clearing of the land be made on each lot. The non-accomplishment of these conditions will cause the immediate loss of the assigned lot of land, vd1ich will be sald or given to another. "The road having been Opened by the Government, the settlers are required to ‘keep in repair.