%%Aâ€"£ T/M: Vé/w; Wm‘ofléy 0/:W ‘ W42 £1 4/5747" VW WthM/Mï¬x WMj/L‘ bz/ Elf/will†M â€224% 5 mm MWQW, WWW £52474. 777 ciao?_ MELROSE WOMEN’S INSTITUTE District of Hastings East 12wa . Meetings held liâ€"Thu-Fsday of the Month We cordially invite you and your friends to our meetings Annual Dues: $10.00/yr 2000/ 2001 PRESIDENT VAL BADGLEY . am.- SECRETARY SHIRLEY BOURGEOIS TREASURER SHERRI ROBERTS OPENING ODE A goodly thing it is to meet In friendship circle bright, , where nothing stains the pleasures sweet, Nor dims the radiant light. No unkind words our lips shall pass, No envy sour the mind, but each shall seek the common weal; The good of all mankind.