TRENT VALLEY AREA†9:00 A.M. 9:30 A.M. 9:40 A.M. 10:00 A.M. 10:30 A.M. 11:00 A.M. 11:05 A.M. We thank Thee, Food, CONVENTION Registration - , . Hostess: Northumberland West Coffee, Juice or Snack MORNING SESSION 0 Canada WI Ode, Mary Stewart Collect Greetings: - Northumberland West â€" Warden of Northumberland County, Charlotte Clayâ€"Ireland Condensed Minutes Financial Statement, Correspondence District Donations to Headquarters Fund Auditors Report Speaker: Carol Shaw, Administrator, (groGolden Plough Lodge, Cobourg ' Topic: "Health Care“ Introduction: MaryLou Norton Thank You: Alta Vance Presentation of Resolutions Area Convenor â€" Dorothy Harnden Introduction of Candidates for Provincial Board Director , Subdivisi. #5 Announcements Sing Along â€" Margaret Killeen FWIO President, Introduction: Thank You: Donna Russett Mary Elmhirst Donna Hampton Question Period WOMEN'S INSTITUTE GRACE Father, for Thy care, friends and kindliness we share, May we forever mindful be, Of Home and Country and of Thee. 11:45 11.14., .\ \ 1:00 12.14. 1:05 P.M. 1:50 P.M. 2:00 P.M. 4!!. PQM. W View Displaysâ€"Provincial Board Directors, Area PRO, Erland Lee (Museum) Home Display and sale of items AFTERNOON SESSION Hymn of All Nations Address: Eleanor Wood Introduction: Cathy McCann Thank You: Isabel McInroy Sing Along â€" Margaret Killeen Area Reports: Program Coâ€"ordinator â€"Joyce Gloverm†Public Relations â€"Thelma Coultert» Tweedsmuir Curator â€"Marjorie Boisek’ New Branch Organizer â€"Rosemary MoranM’ Junior W.I. â€"Janet Ellenburger Resolutions Business ACWW Convention Report Election and Installation of Officers Courtesy Reportâ€"Northumberland East District Adjournment WOMEN'S INSTITUTE ODE A goodly thing it is to meet In Friendship's circle bright, Where nothing stains the pleasure sweet, Nor dims the radiant light. No unkind word our lips shall pass, No envy sour the mind, But each shall seek the common weal, The Good of all mankind. I(