/ 1 ,r‘ ("4/ S e p ta beg leave to Represent;to the County Council that a road leading from Belleville to ShannonV1lle and thence by Smith's mills to the Slash flbad road d to Napanee would be Shortergand would be a greater Accommodation goatsilinhabitants 0f thls TOWnShtp,xénd the Public Geneially and would pay t . County Councl no m.‘, - S â€" B L851 Expenditures for year otnvqto 128 9\ 8 , ‘ m ’ < d 7 / 4; / / Brought forwar w/ ‘ * g /’ // 7 - £ 5 D :{ ~ / / l/ 154 16 3 . 7’4/ ’7" 0w" y/m' qé’xl p Expenses __l3§___2___§L. J? :54†’ HM ~ 705 00' 0 Balance 26 6 7 ~szo [big/[litf/ ’ . . _____#L________ miscellaneous pieces of bu31ness taken fro ' A. Council minutes Ezgkadf 1850 - 1860 45/517 50 In future ï¬o Person Except Couggil_§ng the Clerk Shall be admitted inside t ‘0 Any person Applying to hate officer remqyed from office Shall pggs Ear. a notice 0 - _ _ ired at least 6 Da~s rev1ous to such A plmca - ,ation ls ï¬egg that taverns be lg instead of“20. 7P ' -§1°n' - Petition of Jo in the price Eye (15 petitioners to the amount of £75. for the purpose of Erecting a School ' 1 House Lot 1 £5. ' . t for Brldge acrofs Park's Creek '_ _ gzgitiggugf 3,5. section Deseronto and Millpoint granted on condition /£// Egazny other manner besides taxation and upon SatisfaCtorY'Profitx ther John /f,§€; Comm Barn f 8 copies of scabie's Municipal ManuaI, 6*Shensten[§VWgrden'5 Af51stant ard SChoe HG Demand 9 3f go Nathaniel Van V‘nmeér repair 0f Highway at Benedict's Swamp. P Latchfgrd appointed Township Supt. Schools (Common), “on to Bounty Counc! > I. , 1850, Moved by Meiï¬ealon sec. By J. Henley; Council of Township in the first Concefsion Oï¬gTyendinaga, and thence along the Said to the Boundary llne 0f Richmoud and from thence on the road now tie's Constructing theFRoad better than that ado ted by the he Par 1 at their meeting in May lastf ~: m' p Such Application in Some Conpicuous.place where Such Alteras Résolve ’hn Lewis and other Innkeepers praying for the reductioni of Tavern Licenses granted; the rate now ï¬l lefs than rate »7 . . impOSEd on Bye law 16. l o impose a duty or license on Groceries. 3“ re School B uisnefs and roads laid over chael Supt.m3eparate Schools. school section 26 Inhabitants taxed in accordance with Prayer of to 2 'N . Range of 7th Concefsicn and S. Range of 3th. B e laid out to afsist in Building Bridge over Mud Creek school house and site be built and furnished’by public subBCPiption is Council a . , 7' thony Sample and Joseph Whiteman allowed exten510n of time i, to complete tavern ï¬ireplaces_ divide‘twnsprintoi 2 3 school SeCtions . eof to th Hays, An ittee t0 1 Archi re were urchased. th t 1 f county TreaS. 0 £“4 - 17/ 6, Lunatic Asylum Tax a t aid a8 500“ ‘5 trealelaiï¬ufficieht funds,