Ward to and M13 Hall head reception. line as they welcome guests to last night’s annual Hastings ( unty warden’s banquet. Lady in the backâ€" ground is Mrs. 11:1 Bateman, W1 e of the county clerk treasurer. W O c’i‘lér/éé: County @ttrorals an Guests Honor Warden. at Banquet, Special Gifts Are Presented _ J “1,1 5,,41,‘ mimhcr for lrla- nail year, Mi: McQua ,,|> for citizens to work i “1 71* W, E. “It i. , m, to nt~ counts,†be other 1’ t-lmsi‘ Cnnâ€" Mr. McQUElyiiuid Lt ‘ , .. Jule LU - the to pic den Hall‘s unscl‘i , ctforte that - " Kt. niuht‘. -.., hannt L ('rlUll he illltluui \. at. club Ldilltl‘fl in Echo ‘21- the mltnicipui field. i l 4 Guest speaker for the evening n'as Leonard lite-Quay, Waterloo district farmer, f merly with the Ontario Department. of Agri. culture Extension Brancbl Invited guests included dis- trict MLA’s and Federal riding members. Also guests were County Judge .. C. Anderson, and Supreme Court Judge Mr. Justice J. F. Donnelly, thi holding court in Belleville. Over 20 former county war ens, one of whom James Bron- son of Mayo TOWDShip) headed county council more than 30 years ago, attended, REFERS TO ROLE Warden Hall in welcoming his guests referred to his r ole as county council head and stated service in municipal and county ouncil was one of the greate t, v: ck ‘ schools. “In county council you learn to live and work with other peg. pie,†he said At the same time he admitted that today the job of county ardcn was a full time job. Since he took office last Jan- uary 215g Warden Hall said he ‘had been invited to attend no less than 236 different functions , or meetings. Out of that num- ber he had attended 227. “And I still have two and a ha1f months to go,†he said. warden Hall said Hastings as “not a rich county" but he was certain it. would be able to. meet any requirements. as re- sult of the trend toward regional government. v GUESTS INTRODUCED County Clerkâ€"Treasurer Carl Bateman acted as banquet chairman and introduced special and head table guests as well as former wardens. Others speaking briefly were Bel’leville Mayor J ‘k E l l i 51 Clarke T. Rolli ILA for H8 tings East, and Lee Grills, MP for Hastings South. Has 'n_ ‘ Frontenac member Rod Webb, an’rEn’ WITH GIFTS There was something in all people which tended them to cri- ticize those in public oifice, “but - m was only after .a person got ' to be in office and realized the re ponsibility of carrying out cle- ons that he could really ap- Preciatc what public scrvic e meant,†he said. “It is hard and demanding work, and before We criticize those in public office We should stop and take a look at our- selves.†To conclude the evening, War- den and Mrs. Hall were present- ed with numerous ; its Iro m [corintyï¬cmwcil gnambers, Thur- . Ilow township and by members of his famil . collective action which heal-:er‘; had done in GIVES REASONS “Canadians," he said, “were a mixture of French, English, Scotsmen and Irish, along with thousands of Dutch, Italians and other races all of whom had contributed to Canada as a na- tion. “These are some of the reas» ons why we can be proud to be Canadians,†Mr. McQuay said. Without people, Canada would be nothing but a huge empty country.†“Janada is You and I and it. alWZiVS will be You and I." _A, Canada enters it's Centen~