INDEX II PERSONALITIES (cont.) P.113 Mrs. Sherman Foster P.Mrs. Wellington Jordan P.II8 Mrs. Alex Rattrey P.II9 Miss Mattie Young P.I2O Tribute to Clark Clspp P. I21 Mr.and Mrs. Wesley Cunningham 50th. Anniversary P. I22 Mr. and Mrs. R. VanDusen 50th. Anniversary P.123 Mr.and Mrs. Stewart W ood 50th. Anniversary P.124 Mr.and Mrs. John Taylor 50th. Anniversary P.125 Miss. Susan Alyea Recieves W.I. Scholarship P.127-I30 Dairy Princesses P.14O Britain's Food Fair P.142 County Vocal Honours P.143 Reeve Gordon Lloyd P.I46 Reeve Ress Benway P. I47 Rose Queen P.I49 Morley Minaker and Bert Evans Retirement Fete P.150 Top Ontario Cashier â€"Muriel King P.151 Tu Boats Mishap P.153 $ -H Homemaking Clubs I965 â€" 73 P.I56 Paul Pierson 4-H Honours P.157 WAR WORK AND ARMED SERVICES 4he55th.Bamwimz(mmtoP.158) P.I59 MISCELLANEOUS - A Look At Yesteryear P.I60 History of Meltille P.I64 Melville Church P.I67 Meliille School