,â€"£t@@@fl @owemmcemï¬ The County Guide. en .29.. 19.95.».314983 Hillier‘Townrship Reeve Coghlian want-s water for Consecon Hillier Township Reeve Vic Coghlan is a busy man these _ days. "Hillier has received a lot of good news this last year". he , says. "We've got White Rose ‘ moving their nursery operation to the Huyck's Point Road, and the water project in Consecon well ‘ underway." >White Rose Crafts and Nurs- ery Sales will employ about 50 people seasonally and is expected to be operational in time for the 1995 growing season. "It‘sa real shot in the aim for us", says Mr. Coghlan, "and the ‘ White Rose people have been \ just'great to deal with. It's some- thing that's going to beneï¬t the whole County." , Consecon has received $6.5 million dollars from the provin- cial government for their water projecL . "The situation in Consecon was just terrible", Mr. Coghlan says. "An environmental study , was completed in 1989. Ninety- seven wells were tested and of those, 81% were containinated. Eight percent of them were com- pletely unï¬t for human use." The village has reached an arrangement with the City of ‘ un “‘JBQK out 301501.11 199118 out qmem pm; tno Its um s‘tuoptsol ‘1! met; em 1! 112m Burdoq gram 'mou u’ï¬uuelnsur 1o ssooord out u; are.“ pun" ‘chs Am ‘urouiums tser qaroduns e uo and 9AA“ . - ,_ :omsmons error 7 m...â€" .-_ .A . C and served on boards like the Water Commission, the Arena Board and the Recreation Com- mittee in Wellington, and was on the ï¬rst Fair Board. He ï¬rst ran for council when ' people started approaching him and suggesting that he get involved. He is well-qualiï¬ed to repre- ' sent Hillier. Although he was born in Maynooth. and worked for many years in Trenton as a ,. tool and die maker, he has lived ' in the Township for 50 years. He and his wife, Violet, live on Highway #33 at Cold Creek Road. He has served one term on Council, two terms as Deputyâ€" Reeve. and became Reeve last fall . He would like to see the Township attract even more businesses, and feels that Con- secon, in particular. will expand rapidly once the water problem is taken care of. "We have to plan ahead and be ready for changes when they come", he says. "I expect we'll see the ofï¬cial County plan back on the boards before too long." Mr. Coghlan feels that the cost of education poses a real problem for the smaller Townships like Hillier. "Sixty-six percent of our taxes go to education", he says, "and a further 15% go to the County. That doesn't leave the Township with much left over." Although this is a continuing problem; Hillier has had a balâ€" anced budget for the last two years, "and we‘ve done a pretty good job of holding taxes down", Mr. Coghlan says. Hllller Reeve Vle Coghlan He feels that further costs could be saved by the sharing of services between municipalities in the County. Last fall's elections resulted in a new council for Hillier, and according to Mr. Coghlan, "everything is going great. I'm real happy with the people we've got working for the Township". Although he has served in many different capacities in local government, there is one thing left he would like to do. ’ "Someday", he says, "I'd like to be Warden of Prince Edward County." ‘OLZ noA auoouxos ro noK 11 'max xox 'wo‘uowia‘saz X08 'O'cl out JO UBUW'UIWIUH 9661 out 'SAAVd 01 $191191 JnoK puss osmld pmmn 01 19pm u; Auunuituoo out 'preme 5.1111 JO Aquom st moux uiou smnoI 10} Euplool oq umï¬c '1aA leool e uï¬norut menu 01 petnm ueaq eAeu J0 SKEJIS ere uoguM to 150m ‘3190 at aAeu 9|dnoo aul peak out to sueueu X LUl'IH SMVd paweu ueeq aAeu JetunH Memesoa pue | a Carbon Mono l MW onbem e poxiaooi smtunH oql "'ssoq out sum ()Lls popioop cqs oouis [njoocod 1("891 uooq ancu sï¬uiql '15“ um; ue [mm solnr ous - ploqosnoq out ]0 Joqmeql tomï¬ -mw out 3; 4mm) 1nq .. ‘suioldxo .121an 'srw ‘uJOpJO flopped 91H u! uoiusod 119m qsthmso 01 1120 man 12 10; 91mm 2 mm 11†Lfluom 193 [[12 A3111 op moq puv \ 3189K om“ 'sï¬tzs .191an 'srw 3|ng sins munH 'srw who 1305 oueurnH am 01 Lump 3x21 01 1mm xuptp tnq ‘aiow flue stad naqi doox 01 alqoun mom oqm sic , Arc/to sioqs ateudordde oxioooi -nprxiput 9121\ng LUOJ] autos o/uzq sroqto “us put; ‘ui poroputzm omzq sromo ‘19A [2301 12 qfinorqt sn 01“ owoo omzq 5112:) mo JO euros“ ‘UOIUQD 9M?" OHM SI9"P!A!PU! Supp brunuuuoo out LUOJJ 5191391 JQFIHH 9 AIM] uoiuzuituou to; passe S MVd (gmvgmaioos ssouommv [our ‘EUV Ktunoo pmMpa soupd sq] Kq .MA 9'41 J0 mum-uremia. poumu uooq yo natunH Ammosog put: [[13 pie/meow eldnoo JegmH 'suoxoiuo pue s/(mpm 'smmtue ‘osoofl }0 un} me I; put; ‘sï¬op “songs .1vo ut ï¬UlAOLLI uooq oneq 0M1 ‘steo 81 J0 ptoqosnoq E o/uzq 51:)qu put? ï¬lms 131;} mo Sim Alumina .munH ‘srw puc 'rw snow '00“) 1! mun uonsanb 9m u; u; stuns fiuptm panels I.. go we sum 199 9 cs ‘oiflpnq v.‘ peq Anus JO} uoissedtuoo not“ pawns pun ‘poxg oq tsntu 8113:) out min ems osnoq out JO $9an mil“ _@Eg' 9%] flaw/maeâ€" seat 'at new 'qpms munooew. 'eeEEd