9-5 cture of liss Audra Erickman the 65th Anniversary of iednersville W.I., Kay 1974. obure donated by Hrs. Roy therall. hiss AUDHA BRICLTEH Audra Briokman was born March 5rd, 1905, on Lot 85, Gore Road between CODCGSSiODS l and 2 0f Ameliasburg TOWnship. She has resided here all her life, the 6th generation 0f the Briokman family to live on this Prince Edward County Centennial farm. Her father Was Lorne Brickman, and her mother the former Emma Ainsworth. she was an only child. She attended Victoria PUbliC SChOOla 5-3-8 A“191188- burg. Audra joined hednersville Women's institute in 1919, and has been a member continuously 8V9? since she has been a very active and enthusiastic W.I. worker, always willing to open her home for meetings and to assist with all W.I. projects. she has served as convenor of the various standing committees, as President for 7 years from 1940-41 to 1946-47 inclusive, and as District uirector for 4 years. she has always been very generous with her musical talent, singing many soles at v.1. meetings and other functions. uuring World Her 2 the Brickman family donated the use of their canning factory for Had cross jamâ€"making, and here 8,800 pounds of jam were made and sent oVerSeaS- Audra served as Prince Edward District President in 1947-48 and 1948‘49- On June 50th, lÂ¥48 she a . fl . . . . enteiï¬eh in her home all the district trenches with 54 Hednersville N-l- members and 91 Visitors present. Audra also served as Area President for 2 years in 1955-36 and 1956â€"07- On August 22nd,19bv nednersville J.I. entertained all the district branches in her honour at nlhury Church With 55 members and 75 ViSitOTS present. rhe J.I. presented hudra with a acreage and a b O'GlOCK teaspoon With tug 3.1. crest. hudra was made a life member oi Rednersville fl.l. in April 156 in recognition or her outstanding service in Institute Jork. Audra has also been a very active church, sunday school and domen's association worher. She taught a girls' dunday school Class i'or new years. she SeI‘Ved as secretery-‘L‘I'casurur 01‘ the Uountv Sunday JchOUl UOquhtiOH $01 20 yeels and as secretary-ireasurer or the nmeliesburg rownship dunday school "s the r'UuVUntiUh lor 2: years. 9L6 was iresiaent oi Victoria women's association Lor 11 yugrsa 333 ‘J ï¬rst aUCLuCaEy 01 the helleville PresL;' women's hasooietion UonVeution organized in ltï¬o, was A.» ,pr;tary tor 0 years, then filled all the oiiices irom eth ViCe~Eresident up to iresideNL, vhlcn )Q" ' and lead, OLILCV she ieli in 1%,: