Lord and Lady Twecdsmmr "FOREWORD" I 11111 so glad to hear that the \Vomeii's Institutes of Ontario are 11011111 to compile \ill111ie histon hooks. E1eiits move 1e11 fast 110w11Ll111s; houses 11re pulled down, new roads me made and the aspect of the couiituside c111111<res L-or11pletel1 sometimes 111 11 slioit time. ' It is 11 most useful 11nd s11tisf1ri111r 111le ior Womens Institutu members to see tli 111 nothiiw valuable is lost 01 101 gotten, 11nd women should be 011 the alert 1111171115 to Guard the traditions of their homes, mid to see that water colour sketches 11nd prints poems 11nd prose levends should find theii W111 into these hooks lhe oldest people 111 the 111] we will tell us 1115L11111ti111bv stories 01 What they 1e111eii1her11hich the 170111111“ members can Wiitc (101111 thus making 11 l)]i(l"€l )etweeii thLui 11nd events whiLh happened hefore the\ “(‘16 honi Atte' all it is the hist01'1 01 hun111uit1 \1hiLh is (Oiitiuudlh iiiterestimr to us, 111ml \0111'1ill'111re histories will he the basis of 1icLui'11te 111Lts much \1ili1eLll 11 historians 01' the future. I 11111 piouLl to think that 1011 h111'1‘ L11 llod them "The Tï¬â€™CCClSiTllll'l' \r’illagc Histories". ~â€"\V'ritte11 111' L11Ll1' Tweedsmuii‘.