l Rigghition-beiï¬g giVen by . Stile Ontario: Department of i Eduoajï¬on :10 the ’l‘weedsmtï¬rl ‘ ry Books 5 a'lfeather in' - a; the Women’s Instig; ’ ï¬tories .oi 'rurai “rd gh e'dium': ErbiEC-l was 'a great YT†Omar ‘recornmended history for I} s of Ontaiio L _ ménded "for 7 mu. interested "teachers and stu- dents. i . - “The fact that the depart- me‘nt.ls I‘BCOgnizing Tweeds. muir histories has given new impetus to our branches to comfalle these books for tha sake of preserving their local history rather- than for crime g'gtitiqnfpugposes,†said Mrs. R’ (3; Walker of St. George, ' . tovineialeurator of‘the 15m. 'Â¥eet.‘€he ar‘eferred to the fact Athab' compatitions have 123. cently‘been discontinued in , Ontario. .-.~ . The project has also recently received national recognition. Theomadian Historical ‘Asso- ciation has awarded the Fed eration of Women's Institutes of Canada a certificate of merit for their "outstanding contribution to local history in Canada." {A similar’ honor can'ie m the FWIC from the in Assimilation of Local t of Educa-r' “hem “pfs'rate History in 1949. The Tweedsmuir histories go back to the cradle days ol the community. and keeping them up to date is a time- consuming effort. n on ï¬rï¬. e community A yï¬ï¬ ‘iS' all}? to‘ write 5%, espec ally about ’6 - - n}; and farm es ~ "the' W6 d. Blue a e and I of historical interestin‘ their » areas, and concentrate on these. Such is the Blue'Lake _and Auburn Wl ofLWbiCH Mrs. John A. Charlton cl 'Paris is curator. Within its territory is the Adelaide Hoodless ‘Home- stead. birthplaee'of the WI . 'founder. near St. Georgia. The twgi-sto’ . ‘ . hou‘s‘e is new n FWIC. (and i be 3 at". j ï¬shed 3'19 p e d s’ as. memorial to, Mrs.~ H she founded the‘ï¬rst W en’s" Institute at: "Stoney (ireek‘, .fl-omswhiChï¬'ha‘s’ sprurig the ‘ ugs‘soci . .m; en oil Auhui‘h 'WI hs devoted al complete vd'lrinV-ne of its ‘ .Tweedsmuir histor‘y to the Homestead; haw. a tourist attraction for. all jCanada. ‘ That Lady Tweedsmuir is i still vitally interested in the p'roject she inspired is evident "1’ from a rsEemni‘ ’e sent to. ' Helen Méï¬â€™erclie g of. the Home Economics’ rich. Ontario Department of cu