EQEEE’C’UN um. ’ ().J'.L‘,"d?.IO 116333173it‘ll“) TUQK F‘i'ili bRI‘f'lII‘J An interestin" renort has come Tron Mrs. Arthur McKenne, secre~ tsry o“ the Gountv 0? Prince Edward Institutes, which reveals that dJTiHT the nest year,ot ten active Institutes in the County, many have devoted most of their time to work ?or the Red dross. Two OutstendinT )xamnles are Consecon and Rednersville. Kiss ludra Brickmen is brisidwnt o? the Rednersville trout. Her Tether owns a factory, and it is here that the Institute members have canned quantities of nreserves and jellies. Several hundred pownds Vere sent oversees durin: the past yesr. Letters 0? sincere apprecia- tion have been received. Many jers of the jem were given to the peOple of London's Bass ind during the 1941 Blitz. The Institute membsrs at Gilbeet's Mills help this work by providing a larje quantity of the rq‘l‘rv‘D.‘ . \ 1" D ,,.l o The workers at Consecon spend most of their time peckinï¬ boxes for ovvrsees. They follow the Red Cross direcsions, and to date have lost no parcels. Some of these parcels to to strangers, but most of them to former Consccon boys. Their work is so extensive that weekly meet- inzs are held. The lOVs of English mom n for gardens is well known. deeds are not only scerce but expensive in England, and Canadian women are esked to send seeds. The members contribute to this through the Central fund at Toronto. Lest autumn the Prince fldward Institute sent $100 to t his fund . During the past year the Institute has had a membership of 328, held 117 meetints, at which 10% papers were given. The total attendance $171918 2 ’ 618. by Helen A. Kelly. Family Herald and Weekly Star» 1941.