1930's - 40's W.i. Activities The W.I. held a social evening in Jan. for a number of years in the late thirties when members their families gathered inthe Masonic Hall to have a social get together with games for the children and cards for grown ups- We:furnished firSt aid kits in local schools and bought eye glasses for a girl in a needy family and boots for the boys in another as alot of our money was spent locally- Nbre entertaining of other branches was done during these years - with over abundant lunches- In these years Mrs. Bush was active in high offices in W.I. work such as Dist. Pres., Area Chairman, FWIO Board member,, and Regional Vice Pres. - etc. A.4H club was very active at this time with girls like Gena French, Ruth Hickerson, Mildred Adams, Marion Alexander. Mrs. W.W. Ward was leader fo the Girls work- Carrying out the high ideals of W.I. Courses and objectives to make Home Making more helpful the Dept. authorized Nursing Courses. Consecon held a nursing school Open to everyone and was largely attended and found very helpful in home care etc. Wedding gifts were given to 4H Girls - Flossie Humphrey and Mildred Adams. In 1956 the W.I. started catering to the Masonic suppers and this been carried on each year since.;;ri. Werld War II - September 1959 53 boys answered their country’s call from this commUnity of Consecon. A reception was held in the Masonic hall when they returned in 1945 with a banquet and a social evening. Each boy was presented with a signet ring. Arthur weir, Melvin Carnrike, Arthur Jinks,and Robin Adair reside in Consecon village (1976) Bundles of clothing were sent to Russia during the war. Sugar, tea, and butter were among the foods rationed. Gasoline became rationed the last few years. A bombing range at Little Kingston and Bald Head saw much airOplane activity- Blue Cross hospitalisation came into being during the 2nd war and W.I. membership fourished as many women joined to get group insurance which was cheaper- The W.I. did a monthly canvass to send boxes to the boys overseas. The Masonic Lodge was very helpful towards this work and the Post Master? William Zufelt gave many liberal donations. Dr. Burgess weeks held a tea at his home to raise money for W.I. war work. Quilts were made along with layettes and sent to the overseas needy countries. 1951 - We took part in Dist. Picnis held in Wellington Park. Money was donated to F.W.I.C. to help buy a tractorior Greece. Canvassed for the blind â€"$54.60 bing realized. A former policeman, Mr. Walter Kingerly - lay minister for the United Church,gave a talk on the Do's and Dont’s of thePolice Court. Had a demonstration of Christmas gifts. 1952 - One historical meeting with Motto - How Confederation came to Canada. A Paper on the history of Pr. Ed. County, also a story of old songs and theirorigin. Slides were shown by Betty Redner on her trip to EurOpe. Agriculture Representative gave a talk on his work and showed slides pertaining to Jr. Farmers. .35 per member was to be sent to Dist. Sec. to pay our allotment towards expenses to A.C.W.W. Conference. History of Bank of Nova Scotia which opened in 1908 in Consecon as the Standard Bank given. 1953 - Gave a donation to Picron Hospital towards linens. Bought 50 more cups and sucers towards W31. dishes Canada Day Aug. 21, celebrated at Maple Leaf Gardens - Mrs. G. Calnan, Mrs. Lyall Clark, Mrs. W. Kizer, Miss A. Johnston, and Mrs.E. Welt attended from Consecon Branch. . A travelogue by Mrs. Kizer with picturs of her trip to the Coronation. Card parties were held that year in aid of Trenton Hospital. Money giver to F.W.I.O. for looms or sewing machines for Korean Widows. Donation given cemetery Board to buy a Ebwer Mower and provide a building for same. 1954 - AFilm by a Health Nurse, Picton, showed life of Indians and traders in the Hudson Bay Area. August 12th - Mr. Welter Locee's 90th Birthday. Bought him 2prs. of pyjamas and showered him.with cards. An afternoon tea was held in Masonis Hall - Sept. 16th - with 6 Branches being invited 1955 - Catered to a wedding in April Ordered 2O c0pies of Federated News Had an exhibit at Belleville Fair. Applied for Course "Brighten your Heme with Colour on April 9th. 4H Club started with Mrs.H. Welt and Mrs. V. Elmy as leaders. A History of Ceylon where the ACWW was to be held in 1956 - was very educational $25.00 was donated to Anglican Church for renovation expenses. A Skit at the Feb. meeting "Queen for a Day" ...£Etâ€"~ muumaann~\ML