ï¬aN‘sacow W." 1971 - Pot luck dinner at Feb. meeting, had a Paper on Blue Mountain Pcttery and how made. bought flag for park and visited County home. Report by Jane Cunningham re- trip to Expo in Japan where she attended and she displayed gifts she had bought and gave a summary of Japanses people and customs. $5 donated to His- torical Society (Ameliasburg) towards a plaque to commemorate the old Amelias- burg Mill. We catered to the Tracey Wedding. Had picnic lunch at O'Hars's ‘Mills and toured Museums in Southern Hastings County. Tricks with a Mix was demonstrated at Picton Fair and cookies were baked to be served at the Fair. Baby Shower was held for our Pres. Rena Cunningham. $5 donated to the blind. Demonstration on tble setting, food etc the German way with German food for lunch served by a member who came from Germany. Toured School for the Deafat Belleville and attended a classroom where reading and word pronunciation was being taught also attended Girls Vocational Classes where hair dressing and cooking wereedemonstrated, $10 donated to Erland Lee Fund and offering for Mental Health was taken with members donating a gift for Mental Health, $25 given to Children's Aid in Pictcn 1972 - 75th Anniversary of the W.I. held in Royal York Hotel, Toronto. Lela Blakely, Rena Cunningham and Bessie Smith attended. A demonstration on cake trimming with the cake being served for lunch. Picnic at Roblins Lake with a tour of the Museum. A local lawyer speaker and gave information on Taxation and problems of Women on occasions of husbands serious illness or death. Bus Trip to Nenonite Market at Kitchener also a vist to Mackenzie King Home, then to the Sunken Gardens at Hamilton. There were 42 people went at $1A.25 a ticket. A paper was given on Totem Poles and slides of Rocky Mts. where geoligists stent 3 weeks travelling by helicopter to study rock formation and changes brought about by glaciers and avolandches. Pictures shown of Mines at Marmora, Sand Banks, East and West Lake. $15 voted to Children's Aid Talk on Candle Making as to Containers, coluring, moulds and cleaning up etc. Demonstration on folding a serviette for a coaster 1973-Anniversary Tea held in Kingerley Hall on April l7-at 1330 when a number of Past Pres. were present. This was celebrating 60 years. $25 donated to Girl Guides for purchase of a tent. Mrs. Ross Bush, a life Member of Consecon W.I. also a District Life Member died June 5- 1973. Avalued member of our W.I. Tour of Antique Shop at Drift Inn with Rev. McLeod and Ellwood Burris commenting on the articles displayed. Demonstation on Fondu and sauces which we had for lunch, Picnic dinner in Aug. with visit to the Mushroom Plant, each person receiving a lb. of Mushrooms. Pictures of Australia were shown by a student from Austrlia attending 8.0.1. with a short survey on Australia given. Rev. Benn from Calgary Temple Belleville was guest speaker at December meeting and spoke.on the Christ of Christmas. 197A - A talk on the work of the blind and a demonstration of the Braille typewriter which has made possible the typing of many books for use of the blind. Attended Rednersville 65th Anniversary Tea,Gifts were given to County Home. Trip to Experimental Farm at Smithfield with a conducted Tour. Farm began in 1945 and lab work about 1958 or 59. $25 donated to Save the Sight Fund. 1975 - Program on Metric system with regards to weighing and measuring. $25 donated to the U.C.W. for use of Kingerley Hall. Cookies made by W.I. Members given to Bayfield Home at Christmas. W.I. voted $10 to help with expenses at Area Convention. Talk by Peggy Burris - a counsellor guide for Guinte SecOndary School Belleville explained the Credit System and the opportunity a student has to change courses if he is not capable of copeing with certain subject. Women's lib subject brought about a discussion period. 1976 - Roll Call - Care of new Fabrics I have used recently, Topic on Eskimos of Northern Canada where modern convenieces are few such as matches and guns; schools are being started. $25 was voted to a committee with regards to compliling a display of pictures of Consecon Community prior to 1900 - 16 pictures of uniform size were put in a suitable frame with a short history of each and presented to Ameliasburg Museum. Motions were passed at the May meeting were: 1 - 0n the death of a member or her husband - $5 was to be given to a Charity the choice of the family. 2 - $5 to be spent for flowers or a suitable gift for a sick member bythe Convener for the sick. 3 - Gifts for Guest Speakers be $2 to $3 and looked after by the Convener but paid for by the “31- Written by Mrs. Bessie Smith Typed by M.P. Walt