. History was brought to light when the roll call was answered by naming a GONSECON W.I. HONOURS MRS. R. BUSH T0 MARK LONG and ABLE SERVICE The members of Consecon W.I. met at the home of Mrs. Jack Clerk for the regular monthly meeting on Friday afternoon, March 9- - [€4.51 The President, Mrs. Calnan, chaired the meeting and opened with the usual exercises. Province of Canada and the year it jioned Confederation. Correspondence was dealt with and the business following included a motion to send our President to the offier's Conference at Guelph. Plans were mags for summary day at Picton on March 29th. Mrs. Jack Clark offered the use of dining room at Clarke's Fishing Camp for the millinery course on April 30, May 1. Members to bring lunch. Any interested person is welcome to take this course if they can attend the three days form 10 e / a.m. to h p.m. Auditors were appointed to audit the books fo the Sec.-Treas. before the annual meeting. Mrs. Howard Walt, District Director, gave a report of the meeting of the Board of Directors at Picton, when plans were made for the District annual to be held at Demorestville Kay 30. The remainder of the meeting was spent in the form of a surprise party ftr Mrs. Ross Bush. A short address was read by Mrs. Clifford Smith as follows: Through the years we have had many active and willing members in our Women's Institute but I think you will have to agree we have one who has not only brought honour to our branch on many occasions, but has been the spark that has kept our Institute in existence. Of course I speflé of our own Mrs. Bush who has the interests of the W.I. at heart and we have relied on her to help us over the humps more times than I can recall. Her knowledge of Institute work is unlimited. abet has not only been active in our branch but has carried the torch in W.I. work at higher levlels. I believe she is the only member in Prince Edward District who has held the office of DiStrict Director, Branch Secretary, District President, Area Chairman, Provincal Board Member and Regional Vice President. This indeed is an honour and one of which we are justly profld. However, Mrs. Bush, we are not honouring you today for Institute work alone for tomorrow marks another milestone in your busy life. I We would like to make this "Natal Day" a memorable one so I would ask you to accept these gifts on behalf of the members and we all join in wishing you a very Happy Birthday and may you have many many more with us. A basket of gaily wrapped gifts was carried in by Mrs. Clark and little M. Tracy. A beautiful potted plant added a touch of spring to the galg event. Mrs Bush was taken completelg by surprise but voiced her appreciation of the gifts in her usual witty manner. Happy irthday was sung and the meeting closed with the Queen and Grace. A delectable lunch was served by the hostess including a birhtday cake with all the trimmings. _. [‘1.â€" «TZEQEH WJ;