The Women‘s Institute BRANCH PROGRAM FOR 100TH ANNIVERSARY OF THE WOMEN'S INSTITUTE February 19th, 1997 AGENDA HOSTESS: Branch Executive OPENING ODE, MARY STEWART COLLECT MOTTO: Celebrate the Past, Challenge the Future ROLL CALL: What have I acconplished with a Wonen's Institute Lifeskill? CENTENNIAL SONG: To be sung by all menbers (see back) MINUTES: Branch Secretary to read minutes of first wasting of Wanen's Institute held in Stoney Creek on Feb. 19, 1897 (see back) PROGRAM: (To be read by Branch President): " As we begin our progran we will light a candle in Celebration of 100 years of chen's Institute, sharing this cerenony with all nenbers throughout Ontario." Take note: The executive may design the program using the acoonpanying infonnation and resource material. The progran should celebrate our past and create enthusiasm for the future, including activities of your own branch. (See back for progran information.) DO YOU KNOW? (On separate pages) SPECIAL COLLECTION: For the Headquarters' Fund GRACE: PROPOSED LUNCH MENU: Beef,chicken cucunber watercress, and egg sandWiches Buttennilk tea biscuits with strawberry jam Sugar cookies Johnny cake with naple syrup Gingerbread with whipped cream The