â€0%.? name DELMDE HUNTER NOODLES, one of Canada < most treatit'e social reformers 0f the YWCA, tho Macdonald institute in Ontario, Mmdanaid College in Quebec. and the Victorian Order of Nurwc. : [slonaly Socia’ .. Al iii“ ’iiili‘J'Wl i“ï¬â€iill'l "' ti lt,lilii'.’i\' f‘ititiiii/tiilltii iii may, <hr <tar'le/i thaw In Irttrrt'iante in <tattna iatrotulit thd' the hnaith rit tiwu t~.t"r~~ and rhiidrmr ’whiI‘h \'ott an: i‘i“(il"'(iii1()i§ iarnmrt Important iiititi that oi \‘otn atrtrnuh Clrr <1‘alb'.-.‘ili\tltr ruttt ltil"tt lmrtt oi a lunar [W‘t'énitfll mitt" m I‘ï¬rionï¬ï¬ "n0 at iwr chiidrru at: i‘ii'iiti 'wn had tilt Ii In lRRU ()Ht}! dnni‘ina iiiié’i‘f’i mill. lht< tt1ai’ P‘ I‘m i'ittii\ atnd iwr i'or littg rI-at at liC'i lli' Qht? Citrip'l'lplllï¬â€™iri1"!‘~'(llit'iil<lll?t‘lil‘- ta Imrx‘l tamtv n thmuahtttrt t'Itntrdu ttv iltarsitie morn inteliiannt Faro tar thou I‘hilrirt‘n tiwtr tunihm tilttl iirt’in‘tt‘lWA Rnrnin1857,onatarmnmr<t flmrafl north oi ilranltmti t‘Iitvuttv, \’tttititt Ari: itnri- um tirv \'\t!tmfâ€~i mi 1 3 Childan lil‘tr id‘itflr ritml ltwit‘tt‘ 'it“ 'I W ‘Mru ‘1» ‘~lt' tntrltrrtad <lrt- initnmt‘ II\-.Int- ol 'lrr diihculiim her t-sido'mrri tnI‘thN i1 M In t'tl’tiiitt imr lamt itttttii' Itlann Wlifln Adelaidm I’TVHHWl iahn iiao'iim' a <urrn<<tui tttviiiititflilli'i flirt rnrru'mi it‘ ilarniltan t'urtario, Thar? aftnr thD rivath at her intdnt ran <hr Irtl a â€murmur: tor tho pmtuumation oi mill, 3h" ltt‘COmfl titfl prPSidturt r‘i titr‘ iirrrniltrur lnattrh I‘t iii“ \otttta ‘.‘~.‘Ivntv li‘ (‘lrtrxtirrn /\‘t'-tt(ittii(lii '.\‘iii‘ii it \-.‘a< rvraanized in that fit: ilrv â€Eli'ril‘tt't- in tltr \‘.'t I“ ,\ wt mulw at Ii htrr i‘tfiit‘i'» that atrix, tiliti ti‘aolmlr thnnt thrir iamiirm \‘w‘tti'i lmur't' ar-‘rrtl' It tit" I It 'i’tii‘t itn iranrvrnai Ina iirit i909 porn/7i! of tent/mm Artt‘iaidz Huntrt Humiir 5; It» joint it I [051“ un; Itm'IIImI rImIti) ltc/mr its! Illiiiltifll} (feat/r uiriclt Munro/i ultiic sltc nay niunq a pub lir midiâ€; in human Cin<50< shn initial/Ed in (lantir sninnrc at thv Hamilton ‘I'WFA rmvivod a mo<t Pntl]li5lt’)"l( rmpnnxn in 1801,0itvr :nrxrtna m a (if‘lf’gnit’ tn the Wnrid Congtnu oiWomen in Chiraao, she Fraposnd thn estairihhment at a National Asmrjatinn at ili',’ YWt'A to a<sist underprivileged girls. ihit \vm founded thn ioilrwn‘na \‘i‘fil and chn iwmme it< prmitinnt in 1““ ihrouah various flFil‘JliiP‘T, l.ir< Hamlin“ l‘nrarnn a rnroanizpd authan‘tv on dornmtir Vicnoa education and rhiid wniiarrn A< trrasurnr and ham? economirs convenr’r at the Hamilton Local (:ntlnfii oi \‘Vomnn, sh» oraaniwd thr‘ wranri hranrlr oi the Virtorivrn Order of Names, tadav a national, nnnrproi‘rt organimtion prrwiriina ham" nttr<ina rare, particularly for tho Firicrit' and chroniraiiv ill. At the end at ill‘? ninntmznth mntury, m a rMuit of iioodivv' efforts. mumps in domettic science for airlï¬ and manual traininq for imvs wï¬rr’ addr‘d to the Ontario <I‘hooirunic11ium Ontario's Minister of ï¬ltration, the lion (1W Rom, rr<l1od hvrtn trawl rrrromtiw Fil"~'it1t"‘ to inform thP puhliv‘ about darnvstir viewer and to writn a lmol' on thn strhinct Shn tint: imramr an“ of the ï¬rst women on the pro't’incek payroll, iinr hool’, l’t/l‘lir School liarrrcrtlr Sfif'tt’f’, war» [‘t,il‘ii'~li"tl in 1808 Her crotming Ofiilfl'K'Fttiflt‘l was founding tha Women: ln<tittrtr< 0n l'r’ltnrary i0 1807 <iiF .Vrtolrp ta a meetina oi iarntnn ' 1 {K in Stonnt ( rWli. Ontario (tut oi that meeting camD tlw ï¬rst Woman 5 in'ttittttp ilw inauautni Inpatina tam hnid ï¬hartlvn (tort-10rd nt tlrfl home of Mrs Fit Smith in Winona. Ontan’o Adelaide Hoodies< wm eaanr ta initiatn rra<ourcn< for the dP'.‘r’loprrrorrt oi the abilities, conï¬dence. and prospects of women iivina in rural mmmunities iir‘r aim was to Mtahiish and develop what might be described m a rural univerxitt' ior t-mmnn and, m’thin ten wart more than 500 institutes had been organized arrow Canada Through the efforts of Mrs. iittadiets, her a<<ociates, and Minimum surh as Senator Eli) Smith, thp institutes becamn wiripiy influential: inrrnawd nttrntion was paid to child woliann and women's interests: medical care and rhild dental carp mm: more frequnntiy provided; recreational and additional library iadlitins ware Mtahiishnd: station for heipina immigrants to preserve their mm cultures and custom< wnre irnr‘rou'bd in 1903, through a qrant scarred by MK Noodle“ from tohacro magnate Sir William Macdonald of Montreal, the Mardonald imtituto Wt“ Mrnhihhed in thn r\ntaria Aan'rtritural College in Guelph (and later, Mocdonaid Caliban in quiwri to train ('anadian women in the teaching of domestic «lento. Adniaide Noodles: din/i mridrznly on thr‘ MD of linr 53rd i‘irthdm in lolO. Her vision and dotmminntion hot-savor routiutto to *tirnuiatr’ L-romnn in (anada and arounrl the world During World Marl, Woman < in<titutn<t er" introdurmi into anland and rtrr‘tiani in 19i9 tlw Co'mnunont oiCanada arantr’d thv irr<tittrtrI< a indnrai rhmtr‘r anti rum-in: iai tvprr'v‘rttntiwt‘s mat that «amt: year in Winnipog tn iorm thn it’tii‘lflit‘fi \‘Jomrn's inntitutm oi anrrtirt Their nwmiwnhip today i: Room t}; .6] 3