A REUNION OF THE QUEENSTON OLD BOYS. Unique gathering of live veterans of the little town made historic by the battle of Queenston Heights. The meeting was on the fruit farm of Mr. Wm. Armstrong, on the road along which Brock rode from Fort George to the battle, in which ancestors of several of these veterans took part. At the left is Mr. C. L. Bradley, aged 90; then, in order, Mr. Jacob Field, 88; Mr. Charles Fisher, 88; Mr. G. D. Prest, 87, and Mr. S. A. Vrooman, 85. Mr. Vrooman, whose grandfather fought at Bunker Hill, is believed to be the only survivor of those who took part in the erection of the present monument to Brock on the Heights. The wheels in the summer house at the left of the picture belonged to a waggon owned by Mr. Armstrong's wife's grandfather at the time of the war of 1812.