r _ , e ' . 7 , 7 "?; January1924 "FOR HOME AND COUNTRY" "Ring out the old, Ring: in the new." Roll Call--A New Year's Thought. K l'hper, "New Year's Resolutions"--Mrs. Sum Mc- - Kw ' BROOKSDALE BRANCH ' Music--Mrs. Geo. I. Green. ' . . Spelling Match. February "North Oxford Women's Institute "Our echoes roll from soul (,0 soul and grow for- ever and forever". ' Boll Gall--A quotation from Tennyson. ' ' . . . An afternoon with Tennyson. I Meets the Thlr'd Thursday 1'aper--MrS-J- 0- MUW- ~ of each Month at, 2 o'clock M usic-- M rs. Angus M aLheson. (March 'A "In Iéove of Home, shear-lstolve of Country has its 9 PROGRAMME [923-24 . Roll "gun---- i Canadian Author. Paper, "C?adu 8. Land of Upperbunit.y"---Mrs. E. OFFICERS Canad' ' atesmen--Mrs, Hurry Murray. 1 A . P?modiu oet9----Mrs. Roy Innes. l'resile t; . ~ '7' Canadio 'Aubhor's--Mrs Uims. Matheson?th line. ' l n " """'~M's' Am:.-.8\V Kerr M usic-- Elsie Benn. lst Vice-President... ..I\'lrs'.'Angus Mathesori 2nd Vice-President, ...... ' ......... . Mrs. Wilbur Smith Secretary-Treasm'm ............ Mrs. Wilbur Youngs. 0 April "If you've found a. task worth doing--Do it now." k ~ K0" Ga."'----My One Superstition.' ' Directors--M rs Sim; :lo'Kny, Miss Ella"Thomson .Paper--L'Huw to make our Canadian Homes Benu- ; , Miss Marion Green; . . biful--Mrs J. '1'. Bean. (. . Music--Marion Greenr l'ress Secretary--Mrs. in. ~[ mes. Paper, "Is Wor y worse than Work"--Mrs. Chas. ' "W ' .7, ~ W ?ntheson( h linel- - | i ()0 'unibyw?inging- MM. ' . \ ' A goodly thing in is to meet, ..._ " M. \\ - .\ _ In Friendships cirsle bright 'v' May - \ r ' Where nothing strains the pleasure sweet ,, i . . . 1 "l'nnience and Application will curryyon'l'hrough." Nor ("ms the radiant; "th- Roll Call--Suggestions for coming your. , No unkind words our lips shall pass, Paper, "Current: Events --Mrs. Bruiser. ' No envy sour the mind Annual Election of Of?cers. But; each shall seek the common weal Magic--Mrs. Harry Matheson. , y - The good of all mankind.