Programme March 15th, 1923 "A cheerful grin will let you in " Roll Call--An Irish Quotation. Music--Miss Marion Green. Paper,"Child"--Mrs. Geo. I. Green. Minute Talks. A St. Patrick's Contest. April 19th "April Showers bring forth May ?owers". Roll Call--Helpful hints on house-cleaning. Music--Mary Anderson. Paper, "Flowers and Shrubs that are easy to grow" ---Mrs. Wm. Bell. Paper, "Opening our eyes to the Wonder of Nat- ure--Florence Innes. May 17th "Laugh and the World laughs with you." RollCall--A beautiful thought from poetry or prose. Music--Gretta McKay. Paper, "The In?uence of Dress on Character"-- Mrs. Angus Matheson. Demonstratiou--Button-hole Contest. Paper, "Current Events"---Mrs. John Wlialey. June 2151; "What is so rare as a day in June." Roll Call-A book I have recently enjoyed. Music--Luella Bean. Address by Government Delegate. Reading--Mrs. Andrew Meadows. July 1 9th "Make Hay while the Sun Shines." Roll Call--A favorite dessert for hot weather. Music--Mrs. Wm Youngs. Paper, "A week's programme for a Farm Woman" ----Mrs. Hugh McKay. Paper, "Current Events" --Elsie Innes. August 16th "Learn to Live and Live to Learn". Roll Call--My favorite flower. Paper, "A girl's preparation for Life", Miss Gretta Clark. Programme by Girls. Paper, "Cheerfulness"---Catherine McDonald. Paper, "The Beauties of Friendship"--Miss Ruby Thomson. Exhibit of Bouquets of Flowers. September 20th "Keep your Head up and Keep Smiling." Roll Call--Dont's for the sick room or a Humorous Story. Music--Mrs Robt. Matheson. Short Talks on Canning or preserving of Fruits and Vegetables. Community singing. October 18th "If you know a Good Thing paSs it on." Roll Call--A House-keeping hint. '. Music--Mrs. R. H. Darling. ' '- l'aper, "First Aid in the llonie"--Mrs. Geo. Gates. Demonstration. "Corl'ect'l'able Setting and Serv- ing"----Mrs. Harry Mntheson. November 1 5th "Better wear out than Rust out." Roll Call--Ideas for inexpensive Xmas Gifts. Exhibit---Home-nmde aprons. Debate--Subject selected. Mrs. Neil McKay, Mrs. Lupton, Mrs. J. E. Youngs, Miss Ella 'l'hom- son. Music--Mrs. Arch Manson. Jr. December 20th "The Future will be just what you make it." [toll Gall--Miscellaneous. Lommunity Singing. Speaker--Rev. Mr. Cornett. Suleectg--Woman as a Shool Trustee--D0 "'8 398d ier. Music--Mrs. Wesley Symons. Current Events--Mrs. J. F. Ball.