THE INGERSOLL TIMES Wednesday, December 21, 2005 - Page 3 av" «a yr, "aw" par/a " a g .. ya ,,,, HIGH PROFILE: Even the Chief Commissioner of Girl Guides of Canada -- Guides du Canada Gretchen McCurdy came to Oxford Division Girl Guides 2005 Awards Ceremony, which was held recently at Central United Church,Woodstock. Other digni- taries, include Pat Lepischak Niagara Area Commissioner, Angie VanDerKlooster Oxford Division Commissioner, Dave McKenzie Oxford MP re resentative Nancy Killin , and Ernie Hardeman Oxford MPP. Chief Commissioner's old Award was pre- sente to Brigitte Delonge (Tharnesford), Meagan Down and Nicole Feene . Canada Cord Recipients were Avori Che e, Shelby Demarte, Cassandra Douglas, tephanie Grainger, Rebecca Heersink (Em r0), Bethany Hum hrey, Amanda Hunter, Elizabeth Jensen (Embro), Chelsey Montgomery (Embro), Ce ina McCutchen, Emma Romme, Jessica Stere, MaartjeVosters and Susannah Vanderhoeven. (Laura Green photo) Page 8 - THE INGERSOLL TIMES Wednesday, February 2, 2005 FAIR BOOST: A the annual mee of the Embro andZo tur 1' ' " Legion, the Embro Fire Fighters?flilgth annive rra Agricul al SOCietY 011 Ian. 10 at the Embro ro ect ot a b t fr _ D0" Weyxwients Fire Chief Don Shewan P j g 008 om the Society Here, treasurer th a donation. Also on hand for the mnm? re g presi ent Jim Grieve and Embro Fair Ambassador Anne Matheson. (Laura Gregn photo) on was