Community Family Supper 2005 COMMUNITY SUPPER HELD IN BROOKSDALE To cclchmtc the arrival uf'spring. lhc Bronkulalc Womcn's hmuulc hnslcd u Comrmmity Farm Suppcr on April I. L'umlmucc members Llccidcd 10 let . Chalet. Stramxrd" prcplxrcd lhu meals everyone made lhcir own ice cream sunducs. Ju?' Timmermzins. Srrulllml gave an cmulional prelude to his prescntulion of his journey across Canada tilled "Miles {hr Memories". May 33' 2003 was day l ul'his lel?km iuurncy :lurmx' our nation mth hi\ blcyclc to create awurunesx' about Alzhmmcr's, \\'lllCll his mfc sullen from. He concluded his prcsunlulmn \vnh 1110 statement. "I lrmcllcd Ihc cuumry discovered Ihul \w hm 1n p:\r;1di>c."Annc Inncs thunkcd Jeff for l'llS plcmriul preSanniun 0f lllS Journey 8; for inspirmg the uudrcncc to achicvc persona] goulx. large or small.