Caffyn. fellow teacher in the W.C.I. years. M.P. Dave Mackenzie sent his congratulations in a letter. Oxford District W.[. and Brooksdale W.l. presented Carol with gifts to remember her term as provincial president. In her closing remarks, Carol said "I am just a member -- my interests go in other directions (referring to leadership at the provincial level). I am honour to be president and will work hard for W.l. I do it (involvement with W.l.) for the love it. I love meeting people and I will do my best to work with the board to protect our program." Story and Photos by Laura Green Front Row: Anne lnnes, Brooksdale President Katherine Grieve, FWlO President Carol Innes and Laura Green Second Row: Helmy Knoops and Marlene Matheson Third Row: Margaret Lupton. Irene Drenth. Sharon Smith. Marilyn Herman. Margaret Green. Loretta Murray. Helen Piett, Anna Beryl Bean, Helen Turvey, Cathy Morris and Lois MacLeod. Ma), 5-2, 20/0