Brooksdale Women's Insutute IIICGIS HARRI G -- Embro who spent a Mr. Piett worked France the et Leslie greetings . to he Allison Lupton, of RR] The N giggksdale year working on farms abroad as part of the .Netherlands and Great ghellegnd 01'?" RR 3 members ' Embro. . ' Women's Institute took in Denmark and International Agricul- Br1tain Embro: introduced the Th 1] . Mrs John Innes of a Slide tour around the Australia described tural Exchange head table 6 Mu er family, of RR 2 Embro, gave the world at their annual agriculture climate Association and while Mrs. Newton Bean, of {iR d Embro, enter- courtesy remarks and banquet hereiecently and the jobs he did in overseas toured RR2Emb10 welcomed Rev Grant Muir, of "31:19 1' e banquet A the meeting closed with Craig Piett of RR 1 both countries. through Austria Italy. members to the ban- Embm extended u e 50 0 was given by OCanada - . WV {C184 3