sewT--iual- Rem?" 99"" Recognition for retirees- The Oxford County Board of Education held a Recogni-- tion Night for 29 retiring staff members Tuesday. .724." '1/ /99( Those honored included the following: Edward Alway, James Barrow, Dale Bell, Anthony Boodhoo, Evelyn Chute, Ralph Cook. Fred DeVriendt, Eleanor Gardhouse, John Gillis, Keith llibbert, Doug- las Hilderley, George lre- land, Janet Kendrick, Doug-- las Kennedy, Woody Lambe, Harry Lipsit, Robert Marsden, Glen McDonald, Marie McLean, Robert Miller, Tom Morrisey, Ra- chel Parker, Gus Pellizzari. Joamie Perry, James Pig- .gott, Fred Piper, Margaret Shearer, Floyd Sippel and John Spears. ' Zorra Tomorra gets boost .-orra Township received a $25,000 provincial Kimble Sutheriand (middle) presents the cheque grant from the jobsOntario Community Program to Mayor James Gibb, while Coun. Wayne Garner, recently to develop their strategic plan, Zorra To- (left), chairperson of the strategic planning com- morra. The official presentation was made at the mittee and David Clark (right) of David Clark Con- township offices Wednesday. Here Oxford MPP suiting lnc. and Pat Hovorka, (far right), township recreational general manager, look on. Gibb reflects on D-Da y commemoration av nmnn IIIIILE --, - of The Sentinel-lulu ' Z n a b /9 '7' ZORRA --- Zorra Township Mayor James Gibb took a few minutes at the council meeting Monday to re- flect on the meaning on the 50th anniversary of D-Day. Gibb, who served in the Oxford Rifle Reserves from 1942-1945, said he remembers the time well. The mayor lost his only and oldest brother in Italy in 1944. He said the Special ceremonies marking the 50th anni- versary of the Allied invasion on the beaches of Nor- mandy are an important time to stop and reflect on the price paid for freedom. He believes for people who were too young to serve, it is a chance to think about the sacrifices made. "A lot of people take for granted this beautiful coun- Gibb try we have and how it could have a lot different if those men had not laid down their lives," said Gibb. _ 25th Wedding Anniversary _ Commemorate 0-Day Zorra Township has proclaimed June 6 as 0433-; Cornmemoration Day ' in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Allied Forces landing on the beaches of Normandy during the Second World War. Mayor James Gibb. (centre) signs the proclamation while Bob Sivyer, deputy zone commander Zone 3-2 Oxford County of the Royal Canadian legion, (left) and Fred Newland, president of the Branch 318 Roy (Bud) Maslen Memorial Branch oi the Royal Canadian Legion, look on. June. 6/7 5' Pair have attended reunions since 1912 BROOKSDALE -- The annual Symons-Chenoweth famil icnic was held atSt. Andrew's United Church in Brooksdale July 10,ymparking 82 years smce the first reunion was held. Lucille Bennington of Woodstock and Russell Youngs of Embro were among the 44 who attended this year and both were present at the first picnic in 1912. J, / m ,5, 'H c: y 3 , Grant and Deirdre Monteith . , Congratulations Dad and Mom, from Geoff, Sean, Kevin'and Steven.