A weeklater after the remains cooled d ' a' cleanup e was organized. Neighbouring farmers took time' off from their oWn work and helped load the tin from the roof-0'1 oved beams and IItlt'I opera n of? rahol Farm was completEIywd IaInIdI it was too -The rural farming commu- nity working together in this time of tragedy is helping the Fraser family through Lh ' dif?cult time " ' ' It's very dif?cult to see your livelihood go up in ?ames but support given by -family, friends and neighbours with-- outquestions asked, makeSlife a little easier. This special kind of community sprntisstill alive as it was in our ancestor 5 times. ~ 'v'Fraholme Farm'is owned'an were 710., M/ya By llllAllV IBBUTSBH at TII Neighbors save cattle from massive barn fire I Senllnel-?avlav Firefighters from three do partments were called to a barn fire north of Embro which caused an estimated $500, 000 came to offer th rI services. _ Neighbours made a man-made: fence to corralthe cattle until cookies/squares prepared by '_ 'I "the wives" satis?ed the appeI-"' ' tites'I. of volunteers Ohy'eI ' the . . were transported to area farms. _ Donations of food poumd' 1n . to feed the e?ghters and the ' 1,1111. 1 214.71 .411? n Mir teers too built by a barn -raisingI bee. of The original Fraser b'am Was 'w F se were 'n'the midst of , m 11 damage Thursday morning Sixteen firefighters from Em-- bro, four from Uniondale and two from Thamesford re sponded to the call at Wayne Fraser's Fraholme Farm. about five kilometres north of Embro on County Road 6. Fraser 5 barn was destroyed inthe fire 'It was fully engulfed when ' we got here so our concern at that point was getting the cattle out,' Ron Shewan "We had a good turnout from the community to help." Several neighbors came to the farm to help remove more than 100 cattle. which are now being kept at area farms. "We're not sure what started it," said Shewan. "We think it started in the old part of the barn." Embro was called to the fire at 11:28 am. and calls went out to Uniondale and Thamestord fire departments within 10 min» said Embro fire captain , EMBRO FIRE captain Ron Shewan surveys the dam- age trom a barn lire at Wayne Fraser's Fraholme Farm yesterday, about five kilometres north of Embro on County Road 6. The tire caused about $500,000 in damage. to the barn, Shewan said. "We had gone three months without a fire before this." Late last night lnnerkip fire» fighters were also called to a barn fire. No details were avail- able at press time. , utesI. ?refighters also managed to 1 save a milking parlor connected Gazing into the past §ng FRASER § Wayne, Carol and Mark and family for all their help, hard work. load and messages of encouragement after our recent tire and cleanup. Special thanks to the Embro 8: West Zorra Fire Department and lo Thames and Uniondnle (or their assistance. When you are faced with a disaster you certainly appreciate every act of kindness no matter how large or small. We live In a very caring and generous community We would like to extend our sincere thanks to all our lnends, neighbours "" [f ,-. . 17.;an 5!; / [é Photo courtesy ol Marv Huron Sorry, no boys here Girls' clubs were popular groups at high schools around the war years and Woodstock Colle- giate Institute had many clubs. In this photo of the 1940-41 club are BACK ROW, from left J. Brotherton, J. Murray, J. Williams, A. Cocker, T. Parent, |. McKee, E. Saunders, M. Campbelljc. MeNab, H. Smith, M. Sproule, C. Page, J. Barnum, D. Berlette, Lura Tyler, M. Karn. FRONT ROW, E. Walker, G. Boomhower, R. Wallace, N. Ubelacker, Miss Bray, Mrs. Hodgins, N. Rose, M.A. Cotes, P. Dewan, V. Norry.