Mrs. Clifford Barber hrs.§CliIford Barber (nee Evelyn Minnie Amelia Lontgomery) was born on May 17; 1$12 on L03 89 of the 2nd Concession of Ameliashurgh Township in Prince.ndWard County. Her parents were William Henry Montgomery and habel Bertha Weese. Evelyn received all her schooling at the school in the Victoria community. In June Of 1950 Evelyn Was married to Clifford Potter Barber of Huff's Isl;nd and went there to make her home. BefOre her marriage she had attended Institute meetings of the Rednersville Branch with her mother, Mrs. Henry Montgomery, who was a very active member. As soon as she moved to Huff's Island she joined the Mountain View Branch and soon was taking an active ya part in its activities. Over the years she held the office of Secretary- Tren:urcr from 1932 to 193% and the office of President from 19h6 to l9h9. also she was conveuor of various cf the standing Committees. is well as cagrying out the duties of a wife and mother and helping on the urn, Evelyn has given generously of her tal:?ts and gh?g?d them in Institute and church activities. Evelyn was gifted nlt? a lovely voice and frequently sang in choirs as well on singing solo numbers. In addition to encouraging her children in 4H and Junior aruer activities, she herself was a leader for a number of 4M Girls' Cluo trogtctS. The Earner home on Hufr's island was the scene of many pleasant gatherings for lnstitute, church, 4H and Junior Farmer activities as well as family occasions. Her elder daughter, Marilyn, became a school teacher and now is Mrs. Gordon Fox of Bloomfield. Her sod, John, graduated from O.A.C. at Guelph and then studied law at Osgoode Hall. Following post-graduate work at Yale. he was a, ointed Puofessor of Law heading the Family Law section at Osgoode Hall in Toronto. Jean, her younger daughter1 is also a school teacher and married Charles Kingston of Belleville. They now make their home in Ancaster. Evelyn is the fond grandmother of seven grandchildren. Evelyn served as District Director of Mountain View Branch from 1953 to 1957 and again from 1962 to 1964. In 1959 she waw elected District President for a two year term. In so doing she WJF the first. and to date the only. member of Mountain View Women's Institute to hold this office. During her PresidenCy she instigated the establishment of a scholarship to be given so a Prince ndward County 4H Homemaning Club girl t° help further her education. This involved a great deal of tine and effort- The first award was given in 1965 and the scholarship has been awarded yearly since. In 1965 in recognition of her valued membership and all her efforts on behalf of the Mountain View Branch Evelyn was made a Life tember. Even though her activities have been numerous at District and Area Levels, she has always been active in her local Branch helping with pr0.ram5 for meetings and leading Senior Extension projects as well as opening her hone for meetings and other Institute gatherings. » In 1969 Evelyn was elected President of the 1rent Valley Area for a two year term. During this term she attended tie Trienniil Convention of the Federated Women's Institutes of Canada which was held in Winnipeg. In 1971 at the Trent Valley Area Convention Evelyn was elected to the position of Provincial Board Member. Even though her home is now in the city of Belloville. Mrs. Barber continues to play an active role in the affairs of the Mountain View Women's institute. October, 1973. Submitted by Mrs. Robert Barber, haunt in View a,1.