Bailieboro WI Scrapbook created by Elizabeth Howson, [1963] - [1979], p. 8

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. Jab ad". may. . _ _ , a PETERB0ROUGH EXAMINER -Tharsda v, Ja 1 . -Trii. 3,. may: , l 'fL'ylr_lilrfll-, United Church H l d l l Benslort UCW l #447,. ,7. Trb4 Congregation all) a e l R d Cl d Anglican Group Holds Session _ i P t l . t FRASERVILLE (ENS) - The es gns OS l e e iaate Names Officers l annual congregational meeting . BAILIEBORO (ENS)-fns1l of the United Church was held . . Wednesday. S reasurer O eerCe lotion of officers for 1964 was The Rev, George Saunders held at the January meeting :conducted the meeting. BAILIEBORO (ENS) - In a when the ladies of Christ Angli-l Officers elected were as tol. BAILIEBORO JEN?) - 'Al . . . . M . Will 1 the annual meeting of the con- candle serVice on Tuesday, ,can Church met at the home of .1“st Treasurer, {3-1; at; gregation of Centreville Presby- members of the Bensfort United 'dart 'lgrt Johnston Ih'dues) 1i,ac2,r,a1s1Lsdirslrrd1lhirirt1t' terian Church on Wedgesday, c , . ay a ern0on. [ , ' t th mu' nation of Karol Tate , $221th lamglelteleifi‘r‘ialil l offictn's elected were: Presi-'l lag Mtv1lp,r,ul?ytea 521m “gale; of the church for a', , , . . . _ , _ om y ' ' _ their. church at their first 1964 (sliegV1sirs'.%epg; iiettiii) Moore; trustees, Ken Monerief, ttui'Ute'ssideai'd $53525 meeting in the basement of the i'ii'iiii'ad, Mrs. Howard Fairii Frank Lackey, Ray Finlay. Wil- AlJEln Hutchison church. . . treasurer: Mrs. James John-l lis Cunningham, Edward Rogg. The Rev. Gerald E. Graham During the busmess session, at ston; committee chairmen, Miz. Manse trustee, Laverne 11?ye; presided. [ Wm}?! Pt Merton Thompson George Fletcher, Mrs. Douglas auditors, Ray‘Finlay, William Among the gifts received dur- . _presl e ' it was deeded $225 Johnston, Mrs. Moi Northey. Roode; choir director, Mrs, Ray ing the year were: a commute should be made available for Plans were made for the Frnlay. . ion table lectern from Mr. and musm for the church._ The World Day of Prayer at the Burns, 16, 683 Little St, and a Mrs. Fred Wood; a new guest manse fund was voted 370 and church, Much repair and IS register from Mrs. Gerald Lar'l $10 went to the literary and sick ----r---- nefmssary for the chyrch build: mer and family; a lectern Bible) "?2; following are the com B ili b N l (i,iiii2."cCiaj1ig',ehrs,t,igi1et' are 1ogy,histteirmeitt1dil,t"rlfn1) mittees formed for 1964: manse, Gl le oro ews l . l her trbrn the Ladies Aid and a Mrs. Harold Buckharn and Mrs. _ ' . ' l . . _ G.. - ' . , Stewart Bell; press secretary, John Gainer P. a patient Ity Ballleboro News 3:153:33 'ttitu2stg,1tillrenmg Mrs. William Howson; sick, Peterborough Gun-C Hospital, F l John Gainer is now convalesc- Mr. and Mrs. Arnold3 Brown. Mrs. James Wood and Mrs.'Alam l Mrs. Pearl J eW1Sor1 H. uow at [, hi h fter a three- Membership was 150 at the Carpenter; program committee .her home after spending the mg at IS. who a . . d t 1963 Th . t , ' , . . ' week stay in Peterborough Civic an f . ere were we Mrs. Russel Cruse, Mrs. Harry past two weeks convalescing at V l marnages and two baptisms and Larmer, Mrs. James Wood; the home of her daughter and IHOSPIW- three were received by profes- decorating committee, M rs . son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. James A patient in the Peterborough sion ot faith One member died. James Wood and Mrs. Reg Per. Girven of Warsaw where she Civic Hospital is George Fletch- Total receipts amounted to tin: visiting, Mrs. Alan Carpen- has gone following a week’s‘ er, who is convalescing after an $6,358. Expenditures, including ter and Mrs. W. C. Dawson; lsiay in Civic Hospital. As her operation. hydro, repairs, fuel, orrganist's 'j/le/Ill/dl on elements, "t' Miss Clara Weekend guests of Mr. ttf. and cagetakebr’f salaries, Ji't ' g 2 Mrs. Llo d Jewison were rs. Sian an pres y ery un s, o a . In charge of the program was l Wy'd was peceived recently Jewison’sy sister and brother-in led $5,911. C l ' Mrs. James Wood, who told the lily Patton of the death of law the Rev. and Mrs. James Harold Tate, treasurer of the, 5210);}! of the Willow Pattern IIs, _,1i.1"iirifeanr1: lli/I];5.u'Thgma.s jiiiv' and children of Richmond hgf, of mfnagers’ the budget, poo. _ 1 agger o en ra ll e, ask. I ' , t tt ttd alocation ad been met and'; During the story. pieces of Mrs. Dagger was the former llfiél‘wtgzigzerseafiiazvDofaflfeirl that the money received from‘ the china were distributed, Maggie Bonner]- anld “$5 with sister, MissDGloria Smith of Mill-) the tti 9f tt manse had been Two poems were read by Mrs, 138. pasrents,l "lt ate ‘hd le, lbrook. l 11ti,,t'i2,1 1964 b d $3195 Dawson and Mrs. Earl sisllée'rs all;e Frzllmlilatalh dll',? _ George Bebco is now able to gfS1vfhlltied,1'i, and eggs " I , _ _ . . r 'lil? Thompson also ma al deceased) and Mrs. Frank lgelkfmnd with tll/se Ill It if)" tlgetbuildingé o'tl,f, of the ij,') ' . Ct u , Powers, now of Ka uskasinml wa 'ng cast on is a re '." res yerian o ege at on- poem entitled The New Year". lived in the townshippfor malty lowing a fracture he received In treal. mamas?“ ITi, brr,1,f,7/rty, years before going west. la fall recegiltly J) the 'ry/f rtt11t1t/i/n1 the vacancies _ on an. rs. o l ' co. . . No . an. 1 .1 on c oar o managers were: si,ug/,istillt topic, "criticise ans 'tltlriirilti',i' £10113: ($3,555,231, Id, Jtis son e _ l §alghsGreer, Jam; Gainer, Har. Fmpa 1ire", was chosen by, Mrs. Carl Graham. _ an eens, an obert Ball. Mrs. Whittington and the Sari} l BenSfort Church Dickson-ill 1u,,tt1st1ca,t ap. lure was read by Mrs. Nurs: . B" . home c airman, WI ames Two hymns were sung, wit Jun 31.1701]: Elects Officers l (gigging? 1,i,ekhedan7.; h l t r , ' accom an erage un " so on a . '_i),'ri''1 p l ,OraiorSNamed BAILIEBORO (ENS)--M the tendance in 1963 was as. The l T annual meeting of the congre- tite. has 17 officers and tea.. ‘ ’7 gatiun of Bensfort United erg. . q ”amine News At Crestwood Ceuta on Thursday, ml _ 2hi,11th/g/rvttgiyift5ll1f, Carpenter was elected mansel . . . Mr. Clarke McKinley is a pa- izustee fto succeed William, tgtft 'its1ggg1t"dtnt2iit tient in the Cobour General oncrie. ' . Hospital. g T For ,Contesils I Elected to the board of ste. Ned at the morning serVice. . Mrs. Ewart Kine is also can ‘war s were: Alan Nurse, Mai- --_r--.--- _ l ,fined to bed at her home. B THE JOUItNtLlSM CLUB colm Syer. Harry Larmer, Fe h. ' " ‘ Miss Clara King is in Bailin l y . Jam.“ WOOdl Bruce ' Fisher, Young People lhoro to spend some, time with chstwood will be sending Reginald Atchison, Orvdle Bell, _ her cousin, Mrs, Pearl Jew". finalists into the coming Robert Dawson, Louis Jarvis. . ' ' son. Jam. lie-190‘ 0.E.A. and Ontario Hydro Tta?ur?r,,i.s William Lackey. Assist -Mlnlster - speaking contests. Heartened ( Robert Fisher and John Nurse . by the showing of two of the were returned to the session) , E h P l ' school’s speakers in the Lions for fivevyear terms, l S BAIdLIEBORO rams) _ The XC onge ll pits Club speaking contest last Alan Dawson was elected to Lydll'g "df/ef services at BAlLIEBORO (ENS) - Eg., week, Barbara Jackman and on the term left vacant by Wil- the em h si nl ecl. Chm}! put changing pulpits Sunday for Bill Adamson, the Crestwood ham Moncrief. . R a Is on Youth ltl the . Church as _ morning and afternoon services representatives will be aiming The Rev. George Saundersl people t k a myn.ioer or young were the Rev. William Harpur for the top spots. After speak- presided. 1, the Ps 1°" part m .re.ading of lot Christ Anglican Church, Bai., ing finals, held before the Membership at the end or: Ieadin “T: and scripruy “Ed ‘liehoro, and the Rev. Gerald school assembly Wednesday, 1963 was 97. There were twal pm erg it congregation m lGraham of Centreville Preshy- Barbara Jackman was again weddings, one baptism, and twol y . . ltei-ian Church, South Monaghan. chosen, with Roy Kelly to re- members died, l J Thee taking part were - toth churches reported good present the boys. Brenda Patton was thanked anice Smith, Loyi Lewis, attendances. Jan aT.tptth + + ' M for playing the church organ Bonnie PaWSOH. Ronald Lartm during the illness of Mrs. Alan fa, David Retallick and Robert r W Dawson. Jan, 3t.tO4, ' Em F

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