Feb; 17. I?b:;. . . l F' 'Tut-ek-Trice - Church Representatives Offer Prayer l Crokinole Party I PresentAlms Basin 1 _ BAlLlEBORO (ENS) - "Let one of the tyrtytive..secsietjyies needs of the world." _ki1AdTcu?/sRefijs)thi,-t fit BAILIEBORO (ENS) _ Dur-i Us Pray" was the theme of the of the World Council of Chur- These.9ree ladies represented day school) hall of Baili b fi," ine the recular church service: World Dav of Prayer service ches, Geneva, Switzerland, was FraserVille United Church, ", V " ie P o a a . H . _ ' " . _ Takin art fro B United Church Friday night held Sunday morning at Barbe- when women of the five churches comprised of hymns and read g p m ensfort raised $20 for its s onsors th . . of the Baliehoro district gather- ings, United Church was Mrs. Mers UCW Prizewinn pw b e boro United. Church the, gift of ed Friday afternoon at Christ Opening the service was Mrs. ton Thompson, Mrs. Lloyd Jewi- aid Realm“ Ro $2,115? May: an ahts, basin was aTyted and Ansdican Church in Bailicboro. Dawson Rutherforbd. Meditation gun Ill,. Mrs. [lili'iltbzrtCSmiih 011,1 Graham fir, Roy Adlam‘ dides..tiLt1d_bt.tlirgLttj.sAe.s,_the R". cr beauty of this on prayers was ase on pas- ram a e oro nite urci. , l. . r r . l 2ihi,'h'21, tlolliui‘ch 'ed three sages of scriptures taken from Offerings were collected by Mrs. 31:33: $523,113}: eahd§Daa2id ft,". George Saunders. Making beautiful orchids grown by and Genesis, Luke and Mark, and Arnold Brown and Mrs. Robert Rcttalicky - _ 14 1% _ he Jlispr,1e,t,itrlr, on behalf of i inlaced on the altar by the Wom. read by Mrs. Clark Darling with Knox. A reading was given by ' P36. †f, t 9 GIT was Miss Pat K9616? i en's Guild president Mrs. Ted comments on each given by Mrs. Ted Gray of_tlie host v‘ i Gray Mrs. Macintosh Bradshaw, Mrs. church, Christ Anglican, with The service which was pre- Howard Breckenridge and Mrs. organ accompaniment by Mrs. pared by Dr: Madeline Barot,lGerald Larmer, all of Centre- Willis Wood. V ‘ville Presbyterian Church. l" ---_------r-e- W _ I Psalms were Ereadh by Mrs. l c, "fl -_----------- , Orville Moncrie wit prayers . Sunday Schoo o? 1hanksgiving offered by Mrs. Si 000 ililil Volume In 16 Years . William Roode. l Awards Given _ Mrs. Keith Larmer told the ' , ‘ T 24 Child congregation Cthe!.sinettht day Gray and Banks Ltd,, geii- Flue still takes an active part homes are custom built, and l O I ren btegan in the Pacific 1anrnv‘isrbled eral contractors, is a sedate in1 the business. tspgna1pir,t pge-éold. 0363106121 'ivxg,1ut,' l S ream O rayer " move ' . . ,,' . payees came Illl mm n _ 0 ra an an S wor is BAILIEBORO. (ENS) _ Sun. around thepworld and today b1dA1sitpu,s,,,1giitlnrluiinnist land, and most are still witgh the HalrIry Chernev home on day School-pupils and teachers Christians of all nations and " " p . a a the company. Roper Dr.' " ‘assembled in Bailielooro United races are joined in prayer each htrita.gepr hard work, Gray and Banks first- job Just what do 1 ' Church after tlasses Sunday to one for the other and for the I A-lml’ 1948, Ted Gray a!“ was in August of isi' They struetion com Ie/lsr/ll).,"",;:?. receive six diplomas of merit lydin Pemrbm'qugh with his were low bidders b '54 for if t rim l . 1791: l 1.: l d three romotiod , . , Wife. three children, and dditi P kl 131’ 1 you WH? a ome It., o seas an . p S d Ihsiliisborttt,l,,ews _ . George Banks. He had really an a rich to at It School. you’would discuss your archi- _ (iist"i,j,iii'it,ej, from the on ay . _ t Du", is ai wanted to go to New Zealand. $200,000 HOME tect's plans, or your' own School treasurer, Mrs. Donald i Misst ii1aTrtl')s1,'/lTg'rt Civic 1 But B a n k s Construction At the completion of the ad- plans, with Gray and Banks-. Keeler. ,‘%atic;italin l l Company of England, for dition, architects J. B. Parkin they have files of plans also Two special awards were pre- 5 tf Totonto for the weekend whom Mr. Gray had managed and Associates of Toronto, in- available. Then Gray and sented Janice Smith and Patri. were Mr and Mrs Albert Hurst ' a plant after returning from vited Gray and Banks to bid _Banks subcontract to .the. var- cia Jewison by the superintemr Who visited their eldest son Roy five years in Nigeria, saw po- on any of their jobs. They ious trades and coordinate the end, Eldridge White, for the Hurst a patient in Toronto tential in the Canadian con- have, and one of the most building - the mam function highest and second highest at. General Hospital. Mr. Hurst, struction field, and Mr. Gray notable results of this mutual of a general contractor. tendance for the past year. who is a member of the Toronto and George Banks, owner of respect is the $200,000 Thomas Schedules are all important Receiving diplomas were: Police Force, was critically in. the English company, came J, Bata home in Batawa. and hyd to maintain, espe- Ralph Smith, Patricia Jewison, lured last week when struck by out to start at business. They The company works with cially 1n Canada, where the Cindy Barnard, Sylvia Corfe,'la car while directing traffic. did -. a business" which now most of the architects doing weather can play havoc with; _ .Shirley Knight and Lori Lewisgl He is expected to be in the docs $1,000,000 of workayear its type of business in the carefully made plans. At; ‘ seals were presented to: Shirley !hospital for the next six weeks. _ in liousmg. industrial and area, building homes from completion/apr and Banks _ Knight Glenda; Norma and i A euchre party sponsored by _ commercial construction. from $8,000 up, and filling are responsible for work done. 1 Sharon’ Dawson, Wendy and the Bailieboi'o branch of the Mr. Banks returned to Eng- many government and indus. They also hid on commer- ‘Linda Keeler, Roy, Philip and Women's institute was held on land shortly after his arrival tria1.contraets. cial and industrial jobs and Bettyann Plews, Ralph, Janice, "Monday evening in the South in Canada._but one of his four This combination of coni- hale. built schools, office Brenda Dennis Ronald Smith Monaghan Township hall. Prize I sons, Cedric, is a director of mercial and home building IS buildings and factories, and Gti Patricia Jéwigon, 'ririlT winners were Mrs, Luther Olan, i the company, and. office JPT a bit unusual for one firm, received letters of commenda- l Mrs. Frank McKay, John Chai- _ ager. . Mr. Gray IS president, consequently it has member- tion for their work in the com- lice. James Johnston. i ytlhis, 501i, Mcrvyn, is direc- ship in both the Peterborough mercial field. B f S b 1iiL"2itLiiClifLAtds---' l tor in .charge of housing. Mrs. House Builders' Association Gray and Banks has been a l ens on llfl earns l Gray is secretary-treasurer. and the Peterborough and Dis, company of slow and steady l it] When ft sfirai"'/1,1ir,igg',: tdict Construction Exchange. growth and progress. The iey pure ass ...a empor- n 1960 the company was original staff of two has Plan Easier Pally 1e",2iprln, BallieiGUI‘O. $118}! '81gTrt2g,tii1tft in the grown to more tr, {50.02353 A; w an“; are Si ere. rs. ray n ario enera ontractor‘s the first ear's wor o 0 , BAILIEBORO (ENS) -Plarts . F36: lff‘vlgé‘f both looked after her family Association. has grain to more than a were motile f.g, an EXStclr 1:513 Bible Society and worked with her husband. About two-thirds of the million. mar. a A "tal, ', at the more in Dr! A l members of the Sunbeams of . ---'---saFgT.-srg-TnrT7r7 73ensfort United Church rift is President I S h warn-82571365 . the basement of the c are . . r or Friday evening with president At Bailieboro _ C 00 . 0t1 Mags 'cTdITs'aRkf,%ef TPltgssd1v/ Beverley Westington in the' _ . i M C M. 1 e Ile, I"? 15, _ .tt) BA â€123033 on - l Enjoy Dinner, ' Llllrii1rj1ul)'illwiL1'irpl, _'h'it').': Further lans were made for Preaching t e on ay sermon . I a. , _ l a bake salt; in a Peterborough at Bailieboro United Church l Bury Hatchet more in March. Sunday morning was the Rev. Calm and cordiality were re: . , [ Club sponsor, Mrs. Truman Colin R. Rudd of Peterborough. stored to relations between the flti1,' memgcrs ot the distriet Morton reported (â€hum 30m- The minister, the Rev. George Peterborough board of eduea- it? tvhlidhbt‘hai; ('dudits,t2gt' 1116.110er 1ut discs“ cur am, Saunders, was preaching at his: ,tion and the Peterborough dist. lished: teachers' salaries, city whiehis n id althrcc girls home church, Perth United, at ‘rict high school board Tuesdayl.sewer services for Crestwood, It WIS. (“gram entitled to Perth, Ont., where dedication night. Both met for dinner at use at each other's facilities. , ‘would this yeQuin-Mo-Lac De- services of the new youth centre the district board's new high Chairman ot the Pcterborough attend “in?" in charge of'Mm building, recently added to the) school, Crestwood, and were looyrd, Samuel Murphy, .sutss.ed, ;°tl?:]asnwlsilfl.ton who was as- church. were being held. f givenamealcooked and served 13ml; tit/leg; 1teiiri,'i,e1 for t'ur _ .r, ,. _ . i. b students. e sma represenaion mm sisted with prayers and a l Mr. Rudd, who is the press) yTle ch inn . of the district the city (there were five, in _ ' din by Mrs Mer- dent of the Canadian Bible 50-1 t a at _ . ' . ,SCI'll’lure rea g d M's ‘Willis _ _ , be a rd, Harry Campbell of eluding business administrator lion Thompson an 1 . ciety, said that the world 5 need Bailieboro, said that both board/larry Hamley). ytd.wtlc.oyoed iPatton. ' . for Scripture is greater than lhad learned something from‘the expressions of friendship, ( Poems and a reading were ever tut the Scripture IS use- ‘their dispute over the building Students serving the meal ionntrihuted by club members less if not printed In thp. lane. of, Crestwood. He looked ftyts were Mary Elliott and Paul! high-ha Thompson, Karen Mor mugs of the reader. Scripture ward to resumption of the an- Mtvspratt, both of whom are lion. Barbara Patton 7‘1 My†translations now total 1,202, nual joint dinners held by the students of the commercial foodl igaret Coleman. 14‘ 1/64: with world distributions. of 49. lhoard and to cooperation opf.lyfft at Crestwood under thei I 387.428 volumes. ,inutual problems. l‘i‘fftm" of Bryan Fearon. I