T - PETERBOROUGH EXAMINER --Thursday, March s, 1964.... gyw"?m’m7â€;w’"www :- 'tWi%"'fgtkaa' "'-f’.'."'7:’:“â€â€œ.’I.“i"“.â€"‘“.‘“â€'"3’ WtFFN9FFFNFrF70FyL' Br7 ',L222',',-,'," ._ ._ FV . . . . é 'ti, rr-,', i 'W' I $9259 - s 't " _ W3"wai’héfh’tk‘fé‘ggksï¬â€˜.“ - t _ " , 'ii:f7ete ':yfffy"t:d i: 'We8mltM I BMkggrs .. 7 _ _ l $EisiiiitiV S'?' 's:es,hi'tit;i::,i', ‘§“‘€“xxn - . " E i F, é -3Er,F:f,sjcji', “so T. ( CrN ' tWi'Ei,gsi) 'Ns?; aï¬ %MȤe IWBW.5Me% ' ' - ' - r l ,.s'rrtCi1rrsricpt; a?)rt, a: - MegrW,-'str7iipi?, 'Cf:f?:retrrTiffijriijj, :4 "e'ty, 'irrtc,' C VTT i or»? tthir' eeur A. ' F. _ " _ _ (cjjrik'C' EEEtitM 1 iit'm'ti%Wt T i " - . i tjsj if:, ts y)," C', -. Eil Ws,,),?,,:','))!) ',: t', iwem c'is)rit,iiiiiitg" ' riui' ', jiE'WetaEaiiLCt'lLe', “T†T ":jiiii','Ci,%+ . EttEMgtia , __ a IIN" . - .+ V ', G < t F,il:?:)lf5iivt'aErrs'; _ '"'kTF?rsif:rr:"e'rt,fr: i:'" â€â€œ' f q i as†’ " . wig»: ' Mg ttg M1.Etilt99iiEtWii'iirr'si; _ . T a e ' . - - cicei'ccd . Amitygw- WSjirrs':j, jjpf:C, ' It - - ' - 'W. . "f?jrj:?r R' - I xiâ€, six)si, 'il b" are, in! - . :2 -,-< Wtha . his WA, Ple, gagiWi:'r??,ff . . _ . . . ki t _ :e -. gm; " "MM" trtti1Fgttt8iMt 5. ii, Ii)rs _ " (a) Js-a Rsh",) s- 'f:'r1:'?'r"',ir' 'fe: - _ - , / -:sist _ '. 'ir i('iiC:si(tslt' ihi;ii"t . if . IN iiiliglrsi't"ii_cjisii,_,,s,:iat'iisrcs _ , 'litre,;, â€M _eitr'a:tici"'ii'"c? 2'rrr"e W, _ _ i .rr*t N ares)? m MS - I N 2... 9 ' - - ' IBlltit"it, wrrrF' a ei,)iiit'::isiriii', .~,' ir,' 'sy/if,,, c,iii,c?i, sivriliirij,"r'ifii) (i,i:iriii,'t',;#,iNME4r,r-i: . ' . _ ' ii,r'ei)s7d _y'/,!j:,T,r, i hasty» iii-'33:} "/ifaBrsi,, & a E",",)'?:'-,) 'js"si?a"r' T .. _ I I C.r" ". xx); ,sa a F; i EtrsT,,c/is,lt'i'a N . ’.‘..’*‘;"f‘-'-u" ririi2fCi,-ia TV}? . 'iis"jt/'t'j'iiss'ijs"ii, tT Kr J. 'r. 271" i'-dr,ilcic/ss) (ii,'r)jiifii':ii:ii?; "i':' , , ’ » E “3’“ "tttti" " l r'i'taia"'il .r"f',),'i"a. b T; c, a... {@z$75*«*,â€.1§- P, . "y'?,?,;:','-'-,,'::-,,'-:] rV"rl '/'s “if ' - i?, \aV’†. " I i'"i'r-r?r1'r'rji':,%traNk'ir%ww,1's7cri: ..: s" Sc;;] has ?N, l 1 'M ' _:":,'; IRaiilMmirW'l,tCst5,,, 'r: u i I. I.,,:,,-?,:, (rj-i"'?,,);',':," "il r'ir?t'iiiii?,ic':'lrjs, 'l rl'.:, rj:ri"iiiirsr xt aware f ,"e 'e', 'i, . - 'iBrEaimit%ligii= v'urS "j,'- ,3» is Cr ciiPsF)1F,(:r:ii'ijl "s)'",".';', 'l?,, Ra g . V JK;? t' Edge-v... _ jr' 'i5:fff,j)fjijl':s',7,iy, " t:fP, waaatt-8'l5rs:re tBib, "ef , P' rt; 'vrr,i', c,ci'cftirt,'rt:5'"eeaE& Cy ~Â¥ l a. _ V Vq so, .5. Jakaa as?†M9 . - -4WMBrMqNWWef' iss-Nr....-'--) i.iLl'vi8. _ _rpr_.._ â€meadow 2W2 it. ",jjstffyitsi)cScsiLtii'rC': li§£1iï¬y<’ï¬lsi~$a&§‘: RAY KELK, DAUGHTERS SUSAN, SANDRA SAMPLE CHICKEN SOU 1%,â€. rti,Cfir5'.,, "tc/tyet,':::",'?,",'? _'-'? 3;: a. , "tt': " C', . . l 'fs'iitmi'ftlEirs?sili,j, §;.,2_;.;,)/*“‘ 9%,, Offered By Paul Muspratt In Food Preparation Class i, " -" F 'ey, _ Ht" Wt, "re ve; f,' "; _ V 4,, k; T '"r'f,tr'riijt?r), I ',ic, ' ï¬iiiwgtx'fégyi‘*~ 'icr):'rr/iyse' rs/si" semi»; . . c . . o _ Jr?.'; w. Cijfirfrs,rrr)': scratch': W 'iseCelCie, 'ri/T, ', 932â€â€œ a as†may†. restwoo isitors m ' '-,.,v§*...;- 'yeiF'ticit i it . r sC,iC'k;, 1iiiis'il'gi)?t2ti'si -,,- 'h"')?'- ', * . st'ii,1ft'(iia':'iut:rtr'dr I, Z Z3. :i'iiiit'iji'it"i', 3’12“???“ "r,rtiijcj, :4. ._ _ WkawtrkaK8, a: (errfrie'jfilicfij), J1c?j.g'?irrsgyr: YC/s' i. 'ri'yriirif/yc' , 5 ‘ MM2 2i ..f£:£.,£.:221}.m;s93‘ .ï¬â€™Ã©yzfdthl ’ og ' o ca no I wn a r -'(vurureoaternan Photos) V POSTURE UEEN LINDA JOPLING B C Q d At C t d S h l , RIDGENORTH . Fog, 1,500 people and the tant, The class wanted a car to have been better. rowne res woo c ool Open House ily car of Mr. and Mrs. Don put upon the hoist for a grease "We printed 1,500 pr l ,Sharpe ot Warsaw- job so Jim Sharpe went out and everyone was gun A . .,,A They all showed up Wednes- on the streerfound.yr.s moth. students worked hard to Pri/ a, 4744' day for Crestwood Secondary er’s car and drove it into the a fine demonstration." l l) t h Ch ' or??? 'ii'gt" School’s first Open house. 5110,31 we gymnastic an dd The school, which act _ The thick fog failed to keep ere. T. - ates nearly 800 student I u c tyr l Sunbeams 0 d people away and when Mrs, f2lire,ncigic2hT'iagl,1, (if,: (11er ogzened a few montl l Sharpe w a note r e d into the . . ' ' is c asscd as one of th l Gives Concert EdSter Party school's auto .mechanics shop 1irr1g1slia/rigness :2 r'jogt'.kigict1ityi, up-tovdate institutions 1 BAILIEBORO (ENS) _ A she 'lih if“? to Plri 'lg, machine work, text books and part of the provmce. good number of children and car a ti com par e teaching methods. Crowned Posture Que: BAILIEBORO (ENS) - The mothers were present when the demonstra Ion. The geogra hy club built its Grade il student Linda . ,Rekoboth Choir of the Dutch Sunbeams of Bensfort United . own working pmodels of a vol. Second was Cathy _ Reformed Church of Bowman. Church Mid their Easter Party Singer Wins Prize cam and e ser and th hi' Grade Ill, and third was ville under the direction of MeV in the church basement Friday t l b a g y di 1 e yr Rosebush, Grade 11. ville McCoy presented a sacred afternoon . FRASERVILLE (ENS) -. At My C U had a isp ay of his: musical entitled. "Then sings Guests were welcomed by club the fourth-annual amateur con. torical newspapers and maps, My soup at the Centreville lsponsor Mrs. Truman Morton. test on Friday m Colborne Pub. on top of it all was a posture Presbyterian Church on Mon. ll The iirogram was comprised he School, Sheldon, “Well. mummy to follow the school's day night. Miss Leta Bragg war, lst a reading, song or recitation F1aserville received third pine. posture week. . . at the organ. “by each child. He sang a srrlo with geitat,r ac. "The whole thing was com- The musicals, which was well‘ Games wcre enjoyed by the. eorp?animy1t. He g?“‘9df 84 pletely satisfactory]; said Drinl I attended, opened with Sir Ernest, younger children, led by Myrna points and.W0n a prize ll $3 opal W. W. Watt. It couldn't o ' t McMillan’s arrangement of the; Thompson. and a certificate oreented by ._ F y2.rthrninster. Unite National Anthem followed by} Lunch was served by the Sum P' 1e1rttl1ndir"anei/tes 4 f"! 2. ld. l CGIT group will hull - the ehoir's theme song, "How) beam mothers. As an added - - _ l Frasdrville ews tea this Saturday all iGreat Thou Art." treat each child received ice . the munch. PreSident l Other numbers included Thi- cream and an Easter egg. ___ Mi. and Mrs..John Fleet mph, da Harrison, her mo man's, 0 the Beauty ot the I Aer'tl 3 [95% family, Brockville, spent the Kenneth Harrison, 8 (Earth, and the Chorale, How Easter weekend with Mrs.I leader Mrs. Donald St ‘Shall I Filly Meet Thee" for 1iliarkworh News 1 Flett's parents, Mr, and Mrs. be receiving. Te...wil C ‘which they received top award l KenhMoncrief. ed by Mrs. William (at the recent Peterborough Guests at (he parsonage with , Mr. and Mrs. Theodor HPW- and daughter Sheilail Music Festival. ed the program with the Hale th Re and Mm 11 H Lackey 19“an son Jeffrey ot Bt.1.r.liry.r- Jliehards and Jackie . The male quartet sang 0 Sac- hujah Chorus. Words of we]. ed v. i(riude‘d the Rev and tort, Phy1.e, Tuesday with his W. Smith and Bern red Head by Back, Gretchani. come and appreciation were a]? "ii' “(3 Ya d vil . nd we]? Charles M. Hewlett and Mrs. Harry Cordery E lmof’s 0 Be Joyful All Ye Lands expressed by the minister, the _ FS. . . ff/il I' l arm y. . 4 + ' land several negro spirituals. Rev. Gerald E. Graham. daughters of Jordan Station, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Finlay are Betty Bandstra, soprano solo, Lunch was later served by Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Free,? on , month's holiday to Calif. ist sang from Handel's Mes, the Centreville choir in the Sun. and 50115 o? Wyevale, Mrs. Wil. â€we. travelling by bus, . gia'h Come Unto Me and Rose day School hall to the members ham Lackey of South Monaghan Miss Martha Lune is closing .Aldejans, coni,ralto, He Shall of the visiting choir and their ',)e, Mljlsl- Jnty1Lft,1t1c',f.' 'lt' t't'it'ggP,"i!f,inii/umtt,f,t . ' . _ . raservx e . . C V l Vy . jiiGi His Flock. The Chou clos friends. William Rae of Westhil]. /iuttotr. '