Bailieboro WI Scrapbook created by Elizabeth Howson, [1963] - [1979], p. 11

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"ehs I7. I d, _ “~_______ Church Representatives Offer Prayer c ---- ‘ BAILIEBORO (ENS) _ "Let i rokinole Part l l March. Tririapr- U ,, one ot the executive sec t . l y . . f (tse, 2,fl3/iascpairu1ti,tl1/irsed1/i 0; the World Council are? “northerner icei,Ft1,5,?eRf,), (ENS) _ a... Present Aims Basin i thell] woolen of the five churehc: iofriflrilsgge‘g?’hsygtlzsefiaiad, was Fraserville Mflisrrgiptt.'ntcd $310 "Ute? hiiid if" Btel. Stur , BAILIEBORO (ENS) -- Durl D the Balieboro district gather- in n rea . Taking part fr '. Uliit ll 0 . aliehom ing the l'e‘nilar . I led I.t"ridayv,aite,"lyn at Christ1 aching the s r _ United Church wagmhirlzeniioit 1‘aiseecl Ji1uJf1 Friday night) held sundaby mo climb galley 'iiiiitiii,:ir:,isiis,i, Church in Ba0ieboro. Dawson 'cti,g,7dfTasitlrt'i, ton Thompson. Mrs, Lloyd 183:1- UCW. s",'ei,/etiini)i'ideogy,"sstl1e boro United Chilgiigthat Egghe- mg to the beauty of this on pra V . V 3101150" and Mrs. Wilbert i . - aid Keeler R i re on- an alms basi e. g1 ot picturesque church were three sa es Yfels was based on pas- from Balieboro United C mith Car] dr/G/ (ll. Adlam, Mrs. dedeeiat dSm was accented and beautiful orchids drown by d g . P scriptures taken from Offerings were 1 hurch. Wa m, _l\lrs. ROY Adlam,,._the placed on the altar by the 'idlil fi,eand1iU1ta and Mark, and Arnold Brown Sgdelllig bit “if“? 1>lellvr:3 giiiglllclhrfB e t t y a on Rev. George Sail d , . " En’s Guild president Mrs. Ted-comments on 1212335113? “nigh Ing.'. TA reading was é”; all: Rettalick. trust, 913:; P7221: the presentation 117'iee,f/iti ray. Mrs Ma Int a n y ‘rs. ed Gray of th h , ' . . the coir wa Mi a 0 The service which was ' . _ c nosh Bradshaw, Mrs. church Ch . . e Is.t --"_.e ' s ISS Pat Keeler.: _ i ' . PIC' Howard Breckenridge and l . ' , rist AnEIICan. with - __ maxed by Dr. Madeline Barot,’Geraid Larmer, all of 'fd/g31r'i'ii1/sl Viagcampammem by Mrs. , Page lPresbyterian Church, . _ i la. ms were read b Mi - ¥¥ l . Sunday School (0ijst [\Moncrief with Lava: _ in [ . I. . nksgiving offered b i, 'Fr ----'----------- l Awards Given _ir'1j'i)'ir.'i",e'i'i,i'e"i y Mrs. I . rs. eith Larmer told the ' ll MIt ll l To 24 Children 'i',ti1ie'iftig,1'i,tatirtiit1fieirtt (if), Gray and Banks 'd', g Sl ears _ ' invisi le ' ., eil- is still tak . BAILIEBORO (ENS) S stream of prayer h eral contracto- . . . . es an active art h . -. um as moved rs, " a sedate in th b p r times are c . (day SfystApueil? and teachers aound the world and today aryl. PFOSperous local business may:as [rl',"; tSeveral em- pre-sold. OnleJStliircnalbggt and _ assembled in Bailiebtno United ristians _Of all nations and WIN) a lively president and a land, and most u . Torn Eng. of Gray and Banks “1311148 iChmICh alt” classes Sunday to races are joined in prayer each heritage of hard Work. the company are still with the Harry Cherney no: IS rgseive six diplomas of merit one for the other and for the J" April.1948.Ted Gray ar- Gray and 'Banks fir . Roper Dr. e Ott lo 5.9.315 and three promotion . . l (Ive m Pcterbortough with his was in August of 12f1p2 Just what does a large con certificates from the Sundav Milieborqtj,,ews _ W10, three children, and were low bidders h 'sk ey 1truetior1 company do; W if. Is{(231301 treasurer, Mrs. Donald Miss Margaret wau is I 5:353 a“? 2, had really an addition to Parkhilsl’ s'tut if you wanted a home built! I er. i . . y, .a; i go o ew Zeal d 52000 . you would discu . ." t T . an . no H , ss Our _ Two special award gaioiiltlln Peterborough, Civiel , But Banks Construction A, OME . teets plans, or gouralchi -_ . s were Pre- 0SP1 a . Company of F t the completion of th plan " own gent? Janice Smith and Patri. In Toronto for the weekend: l whom Mr 1Vgih111 to; dition, architects J B trig, 1eri,re1firy and Banks- ta ewison by the superintend were Mr. and Mrs Albert H . ' a I: F a manage and Associat , f . . m . 165 0 plans also end, Eldridge White f _ who visit d . . urst ', .1) ant after returning from . 95 fl Toronto, in. available. Then G _ , the le their eldest son Boy tive T . V . " med Gray and B . B k ray and highest and second hi 101' _ Hurst, a atlent . . y , a.” 1n Nigeria, saw po- on a G. {inks to bid _ an S Subcontract to the Va _ ten dance for the pasta??? at/ General ml'll?ll'l 11.1tg1sro,) 2.1iealio,ihiteti Canadian con. have,nyan0df 311131 fit They $151???“ and coordinate thre Receiving diplomas were; gho is a member of the Toronto. and Georg: B‘ESEd Mr. Gray notable results of this (awning of 31;: Tft main furtetiort [tle Smith, Patricia Jewisim' 2li,fha2Ti' axiashcritically in- the _English Omani“: of Eespect is the $200 000 Thai": Sellednira contractor. In y Barnard Sylvia c f , ' _ . .i.veerr W pn struck by out to start a b ' v" Rme . Beta home in ism u es are all important . Shirley Knight land Lori one” a car while directing traffic did - _ USlness. They The c awa. _ and hard to maintai iLewisr He is ex ted . . 1 a business whi h Ompany works with ciall V R, 05138- seals were presented ttr. Shi , h ' pecre to be m the does 31 000 000 It) “W most of the ' . y m Canada, where th _ . ' I ' . . H . , , fwork . architects doin weath . e Knight Glenda: Norm llley‘ ospital for the next six weeks. in h ' , _ a year its type f h . _ . g e1 can play havoc . ' , A Euchre art ousmg. industrial . J? usmess in the careful] with; Sharon Dawson We (in and _.. pat. y sponsored by com mr,,'. _ and area buildi y made plans A _ ' , the Balllebor br, mercialcomitructim a mg homes from com leti . t; Linda Keeler Roy Filmy and W r 9 Mind] of the Mr Banks ret l. from $8 000 up and tilli Peron, Gray and Bank l , _ , . , . , , lin are res ' S _Bettyann Plews Ral no and l omens Institute was held on land sh t1 urn.e.d to Eng many govern _11 g ponsible for work done i '"t ph, Janice Mend . . . or y after his arri i . ment and Indus. Th ' . . Brenda Dennis Ronald S ' , ay evening 1n the South lil Canada b . va trialctm1acts Cy also bid ml com ' . . , Monaghan Town hi h ll , '. ut one Of his four . C' V cial . ' . mer- and Patricia Jewison T mllii‘ " s to a .Prize sons Cedri . . This cornbinat and industrial jobs d "3/1/44 Winners were Mrs. Luther Olan l tl , C, Is a director of mercial ton of com. have built h an Mrs. Frank McKay. John Chm; l te Fompany. andoffice man, a bit and home building is buildin s se 0015! otiice B f Lama. :ii‘i..£ IS p1rsi9ent, moonshine 1me firm, ','ll1d1/,ndi Jgurtg,ig'ahnad. ens on Sunbeams Feb. I . I F l tor in charge Jazmin]; (11%;? 'tlt in both the Pistelllzgyiljgl; tion [Fri their work in the can: 1 Gray is seci- . . . ' ouse Builder ' . ' mCI‘Cla field. Pl I When “169%” treasury. and the al'dfifjii, £1550“me Gray and Banks has b e an as er any they purchasedmgs 4g1te: irid 'liokt'fitt2ft'l'r11g'hdall,iit company of slow and sfegd; T F "_-___-ee" ary"homein Bailicb or. n 1960 the com an c, gr.ol.vih and progress. The wyyeyhe,ohEltl)s,c,2ti . -FaTir:r,tTTtTir'", are still there. nigg'glggy 3““1’46‘1 mEmherslilp 'i/ills, original staff of two has at in ' In my party Blbl S ' _ both looked after her f '1y ntario General Contract , grown to more than 50. and lug', “with ms “if” when e ociety and worked with her husiagliay “Eamon. or s Ill: first year's work of $90 000 j ers o e un ' r . ' - _ l,, as 1‘ , iBensfort United ci1'1?l'1r,1s't iii President _---'----;-.,;,-:.-: out two-thirds of the 'l1'L/,ifTudrTJ1, 13a; J, ‘ lillrgd basement of the church A I W'Zf/f'é » l 6 i l ay evening with r . . . I V Beverley in/gig/tgp',:,",""'?: t Milieboro I School Boards I“ .shair. . . . LADIES o - B A ILI E B o R - F CENTREVILLE P Further plans were made for Preaching the g Cd) (Elf? l Enjoy Dinner, 'EW, gghrclitiyoigake Sale, Jr,it!i,i,'a,,tl la bake sale in a Peterborough ' ' _ bun ay sermon T I in“? on Lansouwnli'nsi' at “new” ism” in March. gt dl'lallleboro United Church ury Hatchet if 'lis1Tf:_tfyf_tf, _ Club sponsor, Mrs, Truman on ay morning was the Rev. i Calm and _ ' . T l Morton reported on the com. Colin R, Rudd o? Peterborough. istored to ”123F181? were INV l ‘pletion of the dossal curtain The minister, the Rev. Gear P. i oils etween thet Other members of the di ' ' . _ -. 1 _ ge Peterhorough board f and cit b istrict which is now in use. Saunders, was preaching at him lio d 0 educa- i JY. cards suggested areas It was decided three girls home church, Perth United a}. l',. n an the Peterborough dist- Illslizlrilmt this could be aew1mp- ‘would this year be entitled to Perth. Ont., where iiedieaiiu i ll high school board Tuesday Sail/er- tyltys salaries, city jattend camp Quin-Mo-Lac. De- Services of the new youth centrrii nighthmh met for dinner at use of 2212085 lo.“ crestwoodi votions were in charge of Mrs. building, l'ecentlv added io‘thfi the district board's new high Chairmacn “Ethers facilities. [ Truman Morton who was as- church, Wore bhing held or school, Crestwood, and were board Samuoi It Petet'horough' sisted with prayers and a Mr. Rudd whni ilt V ' _ ilglvellameal cooked and served him Yprobleien urphy, stressed 15““)er reading by Mrs. Mer-, Idem, of iri"ci' Jas,, re pram-i iy students, the small r s: apologized for lion Thompson and Mrs. Willis _ ' naman Bible So. le‘e Chairman of the district the city Jiel"'t'eetip, train ‘Patton. flt/y: Said thatysewot?i's need 'iff l' d, Harry Campbell of eluding hostile were-hm im Poems and a reading were ft” swim"? IS greater than ital 191mm, saldthat both boards Harry Hamleess 'administrator contributed by club members iron. but the.sfryPsrt is use 121, learned something from the expressing)’ ytdyve,lc.o_med |Myrna Thompson, Karen Mo... 95: If not printed in the lane- 'ilefi, dispute Over the building Students le t.rt friendship. le, Barbara Patton a d Mar-i unge of the reader, Scripture wa drestwood. He looked for- were More Elllll'nft the meal igaret Coleman. 2421/” translations now total 1/202, F ii} resumption of the arr. Muspratt b 10 and Paul _ l With world distributions of 4ll,- goal Jomt dinners held by the students in (12th of Whtyrt. arei 887.428 volumes, oard and to co-o eration cool-s .8 COmmercial foodl _------------------, mutual problems p onldire te- at Crestwood under thei . _ _S?fffllfl1fUlE1? Fearon. l

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