- DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVES - _ ' ADVERTISING _ NEWS - SUBSCRIPTIONS Ig/df/po 939-6692 Mrs. H. Jewison Jan. M, 1944-, _ - _ 23 r 3 Mrs. R, N. Car . I Jan, 5L. HIM/a CAMPBELLFORD 653 2200 W W Roi r Off I II d I s ' d A 'nc I BaiIieboro News are... F. 1lti5s'lil 2.s',i,, A, '?vu',g y m "SIG e "rt UE . 6886 lrs. C, McMillan ' COBUURG Office 372nm Chernoy Building AI Ctmireville LA Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- FRASERVILIJE 939-6866 Mrs. C M Howleti ert Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. HALLT, GLEN Warsaw 131'13 Mrs. Ernie Ivey BAILIEBORO (ENS) _ The Charles Dawson for New Year's HASTINGS 6963200 Mrs. F. S. Crate installation of officers by the D we. Mr and Mrs Ronald HAVELUCK 77842228 Mrs. Wm, Harris Rev. Gerald Graham highlight- ay . 1e . . . LINDSAY Office 324-2131 47 Lindsay St. S. ed the first 1964 meetin of the Sweeting and children of Lake. LAKEFIELD 6524104 Mrs, S. A. Grylls Ladies Aid of Centrmnge Pr 5 field; Mr, and Mrs. John Nurse MARMORA 472-2405 Mrs. J. Shannon byterian Church in th 1161i and Mr. and Mrs. Alan Nurse. MILLSROOK 932-2662 Mrs. Bruce ingham Wednesday ' e a Mr. and Mrs George Cole- NORIVOPD §39~§788 Mrs. C. McConnell Officers installed were: Presi- man and Miss Shirley Kidd of OMEMEF. 190-3074, Mrs, A. Stepheasor dent Mrs Willis Hall: , Toronto, Marvin Jones of Ham- PORT J/d/f 3354235 M John Street DIESIdth. Mrs. Alan Hutillligloc: gm] 'gh Rinia/fg1rta2211 TRENT RIVER Havelock 764-3670 "trs. Harry Mann 'ltr/ily Mrs. Alan TlyunpyyT, . spent the holiday with Mr and WARKWORTH 16 t' 32 Mrs. s. Lawrence $5.35,]? Fetc'EtaW' Wt: Dick I Mrs Russell Kidd Nam; and WARSAW Warsaw 257w Mrs. Ivan Payne (l/f/tfines/fl/feat/dig,' Mrs. Jack my; ' WESTWOOD 696-2696 Mrs. Clint. Payne Mr; 15min '"d"1tltygptrg: . , _ . . ; an- “Tyeznin?;SS grillimguBesgagé daéd bearer, Mrs. Walter Lord. . . . ' . _ C . h roup Leaders: Bailieboro sgnr.e2rah1e,r.si,/itiigdto'C". _ m Ap', w. Ja.n. tu. {M Mrs. Arthur imaGiriiiiil,' son: Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jewi- Reeve Dean sa UCW Deciireis Region, Mrs. Janie Willam- son, Mr. and Mrs. Rick Robin- . asurer Mrs. Jack Whitfield [ son, Mr. and Mrs.}FraLnk Var-I . To Continue _ Cirr.rtlgc,ydire12e, btusy , l . and Mrs. Ier Perrin ll d S h ' . ' 5 fenyT- 'i2i Mirr. and Mrs. Ralph Greer.I I SCOT "alg l B k S I mal and strawberry festival in Al H . h . tt din I . a e a es V June and the bazaar in Novem. I an arr‘iAesw MI, ‘11 [ill'; g. South Monaghan Township has l her. _ V I 1ine GluelDI.‘ €13.31 E.†29,35: provided the United Counties of BAILIEBORO (ENS) - Mrs. Friendship secretary Mrs. 1‘5 ho i2yllf, "l Is, Jiig t (Northumberland and Durham Lloyd Jewison presided over her Dawson Rutherford said Ill I "s an†Drs. iegestiziig at his with three wardens in 28 years, 'jirst meeting as president of Christmas baskets had been sent 3 l arof ll 'diff, 53 heart attack not three in 12 years as reported ‘Bailieboro United Church Wo- out and during the year 27 cards I123}: fame; He is expected in Friday's Examiner, it was; (men when 20 memberslntet on 12 cheer baskets and GiiiG', If if,) has iiiirsiiia' I minted out today by Reeve ‘Wednesday in the Sunday sent. o en p V . George Dean. ‘school hall. _ T The last South Monaghan rep- The animal spring tea and NOT BADLY HURT I resentative to be warden was bazaar will be.held April 14 in- Mart Nurse, 28, of RR 1 T F ll lie $ Ray Bothwell in 1958. Belorci the hall, beginning at 2 pm. Bailicboro escaped serinuq in: ene a w I that, Harry cygt1l dhelg the [Ingm‘ Jg/ir, iernt'ge,Ir,i'g jury Thursday afternoon whom .i . . 952, re T atety c sen ecora ion conven .3 r r l a i'rt1a.Ytrl','drii'),1 Je 'e. ii]; i]; Jlft an Mrs. Reid Rettalick assisting. l sa,,-),"'),")',:,',"),,,)) ll/td/aw';",'," and 1'S. y e ur IS E r; if . Mr. Waterman’s 1936 stint end. It was decided to ttontiatle the] Civic Hospital for minor' chest 'ed, “If; 1aeflgi,,u.lih, Gigi. ed " years during which other ‘iilmdn‘ifudgzkgn 'ale 1gtke.Deerl injuries. . Jan. lo. 17 " , J, . . . _ F i w p ea . _ and family. Mr. and Mrs. Del. gi1gifqthiiiy'gJ't1,tes Rgb- Mrs. Vial et Gainer was asked -iiiWTTriTii4-. bert Curtis and family of Anna, Iert Fisher of South Monaghan to stand with Mrs. Lloyd Jew- . Ont., who remaine$ for the . ison on the board of stewards. Robert Fisher week. Wrt. 8, I 54'- J " IWALI- DMrs. James Lewis gave tshe 471- _ . ecember iinancia report: it . . . Sunda School realized from the Christmas‘ Bailieboro SS _ Frase erlle UCW y bazaar; $16 from slipper sales,i S '. Off. El d and $5 sent to the bursary fund.; upeiintendenr I C m itt lCerS ecte The largest amounts paid out; BA o ml ees were for the renovation and em ILIEBORO (ENS) -- An. i I BAILIEBORO (ENS) - Bailie- largement of the Sunday school nual 61001101} of officers for the Named For Year born United Church Sunday hall. Bensfort United Church Sunday FRASERVILLE ENS Fi [ school elected officers Friday Mrs. Wilbert Smith was inI suho?l was held Wednesday meeting for 1964 a; the tr; 1rstI evening. charge of the program, and with evening at the home of Mr. and I ville United Church Womehaisyegs- Superintendent is: Eldridge Mrs. Carl Graham, Mrs. iii) Mrs. Merton Thompson. . held at the home of Mrs KenI White, assistant superintendent, Adlam, .Mrs. Donald lretlt1yl The TY superintendent is Moncrief Wednesday Gain " David Earl; secretary, Jack Mrs. 1teid.Retallick and Mrs. Robert Fisher. Secretary IS x The resident for iii 1ng i Kidd; a s s i s t a n t secretary Henry Jewison presented a skit; Bonnie Dawson, assistant secret ErnestpMoore presided, H1;- Norma Dawson; treasurer, Mrs: entitled "The Baker's Dozen". fury Mary Lackey, treasurerI . theme for the Evening was "The Donald Keeler; cradle roll, Mrs. The Story of Jen UnitedI Bruce Fisher, assistant treas/ Light of the World." Scripture .Henry Jewison. Church Women ' and Is), uel' Alan _ aWSon, was read in two parts by Mrs. The committees chosen for the '52:“? A, if lgewtth/{Em Picnic committee will be Mr. Charles Hewlett and Mrs. Lee picnic and anniversary will be e f?.), y rs. rm q rs.I and Mrs. Alan Nurse, Mr. and I [tt Mr and Mrs Donald Keeler ICarl Graham read the Indian Mrs. Robert Fisher and Mr and "Tie following committees Roy Adlam, ‘Eldridge White:I version Of the 23rd Psalm, Mrs. Merton Thompson. I were elected or reinstated for Mrs. James Flows and Mrs.I TeaChers will be John Nurse, the new year. I Russ Kidd, . Jan ,6, , get I Bertie Hogg, Harold Buckham, Social committee: Mrs. Wil. Teachers will be Sharon Daw- I ili b G/t i Mrs. Noble Bebee, Mpg. Merton . lard Waterman, Mrs. Ken More son, Mrs. Henry Jewison, Mrs. Mi le oro Thompson, Mrs, Harry Lanna, ctief; flower and fruit, Mrs. Wilbert Smith, Mrs. James BAILIEBORO (ENS1--At the Wanita Dawson, Ruth Larmer, Ken. Moncrief, Mrs. Percy Mon. Plews, Mrs. George Beree, Mrs. Women's Missionary S o cie t y. Mrs. Eric Bebee and Mrs. Tru- erier, parsonage, Mrs. Percy Donald Keeler, Mrs. Norman meeting here Wednesday, Mrs/ man Morton. Bothwell, Mrs. Orville Mon. Thompson, Mrs. James Lewis Clifford Hall reported $478 waSI It wasdecided $82 sh l b . crief 'Mrs Wm Cook: an i Eldrid w . s', l . ' _ BU d e , _ i . , L my and I. I! ge hite. sent to the general fund. Emir contributed for missmns. I t and social, Mrs. Percy Mon- Returned for another year lore and prayers were given by Grief, Mrs. “1111211211 Waterman, were president Donald Keeler the new president, Mrs. Match The 1963 officers of the Peter- Mrs. Lee Hewitt; communion T and secretary Nt treasurer Mrs tush Bradshaw. It was announce borough County Farm Safety t?,'.ri1tir, 'fa, Eon. MoncriefI flussel Kidd. n W35 decided $75 ed the World Day of Prayer Council will remain the same for 5'."'i/e.rt 1wiltir gifts? r999? syould I)? "1t1yle, for RUS- would be held Feb. " at Christ 1964. Officers are Joe Sullivan, hits fiU Finlay W l Tei) Sl0|}5-_ Ne br1yasuyer's r6130†Church (Anglican) in Bailiehoro. Oionahee. president; Bob Daw. ' ' 10/. /w' A i.','?"' given by Mrs, Donald keel. _ son, South Monaghan, vice-presi- e1. . dent; and Ken Petrie, or n' bee, . srwn'erury4reasurer. GT/ttii/