'; e o -.' _ . _-,as-,rs,-s-,,vssa-sresea __ = I do . =ir - - - . I - seas Bell spends Moo, 000 to put ttl? " tlil' , t.!t5,i:iiiirg.llllt't,'e/'ir Vr ') s/rr/Cr,:"- c' (ti, I (From pages) _ :3: no.†t; _ttTi ',iPEi'iliRli'd ; F35:- s.'-'jres,'i,, . . . electronic technology in the ._;'-~-;‘ re 33â€,. t ...; “visa - , 3:15;; (i',"':?-,)',, ' t k In df Ital a e telecommunications in- MINI EFrjse,s": a?“ tg _-r-vi/c', .3 cc ' oe (135%; Mrs. Lyttle said. r,f46?R7ct'y'iiif", ' ". "s _ are, i: MI T 'cr, z. " 'j" Ef n e liLM allows us to iE'ediitii5flr' 'rr5:,al Lug _', r", " ~53 Bell Canada has spent near tion and the length of calls initially handle more tha extend PM? teelmoIogy at 2Eit a??? gr l, .23: 'y'Jia 7 Cr/ . ’ (i, i ly8(Xl,000 to put telephone will be registered by com- 1,260 customers. Highe other switching centres at a a “73' a, , C 5' , _ [isitscrirrrs in the Blackstock puters for billing information, capacity can be introducedb much faster; pace and lest ",,ti'2c'ii,fiit, is r,' Ji, _ , 'r:'ga'exchangeintothe digital The Blackstock switching the installation of Add-O 'c'et than if we had to build ilit5,'5 le' , T MU "r, 'r" _ , age. Orma Lyttle, local Bell centreislocatedinthevillage modules to the DMS-100 an complete new 1yitct1ieg l _rish"iisi1tFal 1 iii-3‘7 _ 4. w» manager said last week. of Blaekstoek, serving a the RLM. . F _ ficesof the traditional type." [sr9'rstt'sa :f- " - _ Effective January 8,1983, mainly agriculture/residen- DMS provides a digit When the cutover took rNir-ci?siica ', "ar T e the exchange was served by tial area with some cottage (code) method of transmi place on. January l :‘lléi‘iza; ;.3. (p . _ ‘ high technology digital swit- developmentalong the south sion instead of analog llhikiegl, subscribers will ’3; 14:59. t' "e) s: _?sT ' chingequipment.This.will not shore of Lake Scugog. Until (waves). The. quality 'fit. 1ected aslfollows: ' if“: :1»; tp,it,ieii'i?2a , affect the normal monthly January 8 it was utilizing transmission IS. Improv f KI tone will have a dif- f ". a V 333%,, 1 phone bills, said Mrs. Lyttle. step-by-step mechanical less copper wire is needed if.“ sound an.“ un Jotery i 154.; _ Csmijil ' _ 0n the same date, equipment to process calls. provide equivalent seer $3 1,etr,tyeivillbeacliyk l _ _" 'ra-fit J. I _ subscribers no longer had to A Remote Line Module and the DMS machines ta (fwd 1n the recelver as the 2. _ uri-ta ta 1 give their number to an (ELM) has been installed in alot less space than analog 'ef,. returns to rtest. . i' I _ 3"." . f:'ira. operator when they dialled theBlackstockcentreandwill switchers. 'lf/ln/gl,":),', start as i1'ell V q “i“ iiiA - _ theirownlongdistancecalls. act as a satellite of a high- "DMS machines use. t '.'s 'dll onehls eardlfthele l; ", '. ;‘::‘3;'_.-,,_ Under a system known as capacity DMS-100 switching most advanced mic 5:1: all [ener/lTif/'2ir i, _ “t“, * Automatic Number Iden- machine located in Oshawa. 3 r . ' '"'. "",i,' sii'r(s,'N titication(ANI) this informa- The Blackstock RLM will (Turn to page 7) ti'iir"" to hang up and dial ' " _c. y . a g f _ w v A ' _ T ’2: Cay, E, _ . V _ t ' When dialing to other ex- 1 "i'i t, . tsE22,i t wa er ' I _ changes, the caller may find i ii' " ,, 3.3%.. _ _ I l noticeable pause from the ; "it', Kit-it" _ _ Durham Region is about Jq1,li,ss,s, in the billing _ has]: If: 51%;? until aâ€? . '"yt':-'2Q . implements new system for process and will allow Eh tr 'iii',' f IS cause , C . 1, It': 'se,, 5 _ billing its water customers. customers to correct a water i it 211351 Ion rant onetypeo V J 1't'y i . The new system, called' or plumbing problem much “Iâ€? mg equipment to i It r95 I r cyclical billing, was intro- more quickly, aux“ er. di it t b I viii}. - duced to Regional council» For example, the present ' di l dsfeveln 'e, snmus e ;i a , lors last week. Although it billing system for three _ . .5313?†T: Ic/l, 3151'] f 3 " _ f1 si't" won't add 'anything to the months of water consumpt- _ t a es 1tc,. 'Ill 1'l , or ' _:. i, a , water bills of the Regiun's ion ending on June 30 means l 'id, 0"]er WI . m _,111 ua ll' lk /itS - 55,000 customers, councillors a customer does not get that i foo par ty servfe. T‘lise'iilbe kiibilii'i It _-". i and members" of Durham bill until the end of August. t our pagygservlce WI in . 1 "V, 'ix, , , Finance Department expect, A water 'or plumbing prob- ' rleqmre to glve num ers to _ _Siallllll , therewillbe initial confusion lem started in April, for iehopera fy'. l . . "M's ' . l on the part of the public. example, would not come to T ese.T.ti,ona featul es will ., l . ' . be available: Call Forwar- _ , - ,. ( Nr ' tt ‘ Essentially, what the pro- the customeNs attention . _ _ a a , posed new system will do is until the bill is received until ding, Fpted Calling. T1ree- _ 1iS l drastically reduce the bill the end of August, ', way Calling, Call Waiting, a. , processing period after the Under the new system, I Touch Phone. , 1,Silil , meter' is read. Currently, Durham's 55,000 residential '. _Biackttofkfust1rmE were h _/ale, . 3’. ' because all bills are process- water' customers will be glllven detalls of all the _ 133 4.13, 1 ed at the same time, it takes divided into 12 groups, and C ft“? m an account insert _. . " if" CTT C l up toils days fora customer each group slit into seven -wuc accompanied their ' EE4 . 3 “it ' ,3. .hVttt i to receive the bill after the billing districts. Port Perry, monthly bills from Bell. il , . 3 "r' “riff†3% . Peb%'a" meter has been read, for example, will be in group _ - 1B'iii"i""i'E "ii,itisj,t,ss:ii'rt v.' ' , V A report to council last seven,billingdistricts 28 and Fa=Ge,f, T thd V 'f'""?'"-' rr “a c, m'aiirti= week indicates the cyclical 40: Reside otBlackstock , t . system is used by all major on me1?ct,ireifteF(htrsertr 'r, 3 The big one, going up and up to a total of 124 feet. " public utilities and has group one, billing district 27. I ' t M Workers were-pouring the last few feet on Friday of .. 7 several advantages. It elinr. The new system is slated _wrr,-' . _ .. C; . 'his silo on thetarm of John Bonsma near Blackstock. SU? . , mates the workload “peaks to start on April 9, and the _ _ _ f J,, . :i; " will hold 2600 tons of shelled corn, and will be _ J - SFI?) _ _ _ w. ""er . 'j, _ _ lies,". equipped with aircraft warnigiighjs oLloE. - 3:4 , kg .‘ _ _ ___ if: V l _ J' s} , . . ‘ ’49. - 1 ‘ Pam" 95cc es , it "'Ct. ' Q ib'ikrcsds,, Pq ", _ . .- . “has 'y, I?" r t 2‘ \ I ' Q - . - I NH» 3 -iu' . . __ a?" . V 7.3.3,, ,'i,s'f, y 3.. ' . " 4. ' _ I Ill " . 'aw"', tttiii . _,' C':' (" rs. J.": z . -. q Ae, ._. 1-)i,b"t, burnlng house , 'il" I " . -‘ . iigN - Trt e . "i, - Anearly morning fire out of the house un- Mrh 'iii, , _ - q ~ . ' - I ' _ - 'i ' L'? E- . February 19 caused harmed. YiN l i . - i1 ' " MRI N3 hd' - 'extedsivedama etothe Apparently, the _ I , .. IMEiFA . g: ' . ayctar, _. d?, "ra home of Mr. ago Mrs. family was awakened ' tt " ill' ‘ , we; - "" ' . 3 FaTtti") 'tcj-t -ty, "" James Sleep at Kits, by the sound of running -. ' tr ' 5 Mt " . t - . , Egiittiiir, Il _ . , .. . x, Blackstock. watertromaburstpipe. " . I - . 3 . ' ’ , i ’ . a A ' ' .1â€. ' ' " ilEN _ Fire officials suspect j I . y RXs5arMWal ' %' t " A. t ga I " l,, I 3'23 There were tlo _ " > " Mmik"g: ";?aTi?2tir,'aN F, a " " . . .. ‘ Fr, $57.11 Willie as the family, te2'lag't iii? 2,g " 'ill lg Escg),i'i,i,tii't'fi:,ii,iii",i'a' ' - l a?" that... wr F2 "' , te-E-SM f 11es1tf,iegi1tplgig, mm room which com _ ' _ - _ uc 'Mr,,ti,?,stv)"':"iijfr'i'iial t ill ' 'Bl " ' a. as ,i ns an -year 0 tained a combination l "/p i%'i'ghbgss', sc'Aisitfii'isib'isa. - i " , ' I , , l " n+5: Blayn e managed to get wood-oil furnace. 3. "iai - 'taiEl,%iiliiim IME s a bi A " ' , [a-N, = ' E 'Ej%algKMlE PW tdl Fd ' 'g'3t,li N ., "ITT ‘ "4I, ct," 'iN EE131 " Iaiii' l ii" In N43 ' i E a, an" ' of . Ailit - "q M, ' . ‘ it. J. ' - . . 3‘57 Mean-wee 'i-r"' ' m i; . J . E a' I ‘ ' ~ Cr - - pt“: _ - g - " . 'TiaiWijiEiaN "Gaia? . . m“? c a if + Ma5iN i: H , {if . - 'Wi T trNm -ililt - ( ' r.iiEiE?r, it†" (ri/i, BTL' Ts", K! 9v". we . - L'. trttii? T, it. I I [l . B#ig1 [a B. . , _ , a .1 - iiera'; ma", __. U As V ":E'c'siirrrr,i,ra"'f, l'JN, 1 _,.,rk $2; "3" a? is 7. . " - inâ€: ww‘a’ 3 .3, JIMâ€. r. v" to B8miiitFcs,T,p',Ci,ts,,pas:,taiaii', C isâ€, l ' M A Sunday Perntrtrt. fire destroyed the farm house about 2:00 pm. and is thought to have started from and all contents owned by Harold Medd on the Purple maple sap which was being boiled off marine house. Hill Road west of Blackttttek, The blue broke out V s' _ l