Accident cl . - 7 / . "a 2? 's __ . My / , fd " E > , . ' " Black tack irl . a. . . as??? . a I - s N Ed , ' ' Funeral services were held Sun- of a second fatality earl Saturda F, I if r%F,i. f; .. I ' I a ' day afternoon at the Blackstock morning that took the I’lli'e of all? 1.; It a i _ Jt __ - ' ' . United Church for-rg year old year old Uxbridge area man. -e l ' ’ . st? " El-Ri - f . - C aâ€; EleanorMarleKelly, whodiedea_ Eleanor was a popular and well. T e - up“: ' m - . xv- t ly Thursday evening ina car acci- liked teenager, who was involvedin " E "c-", , if a; ' 3.." - I , ' .4- ‘3 dent on Regional Road 57, south of numerous community activitiesh I , _ _ T - h, is? r,", 5tiit% h ir,', Fsze lh Caesarea. . . theBlackstock area.Agraduateof _ ' ‘ 4.332 F _ '-. I" \%= l _ f . Her 20 year old sister Elizabeth, Cartwright High School, she had ’ . _ t; \ if 5 "ir 333; {he . 1ilasseeerel the car,rexnainsin completedher second year of nurs- a ’ tur C 3 _ c/ g 'vr'", ' y 0shawisHospitalwheresheisbeing ingstudiesat Queens Universityin - , " 'C-: _ “' , f ‘ treated forarm injuries. Kingston, ' . - f "“3 ",v _ i ' ' Durham Police say thesingle car She is survived b . 'Serra' C l . , y her father . .1)... C ae, Gerald, her mother Joyce, who isa I . a. kg“ ' _ / . a heyy rainstorm that made road trustee for Scugog with the Durham ( ' g. ‘ i ,1 _ conditions slippery atthetime. The Boardof Education andalong-time aii ct" _ girls were returning to their home contributor of Cartwright area news f , '. m Blackstock after collecting cen- to the Port Perry Star, her sister T , % _ I F, -e L/ l / T sus forms in the Caesarea area. Elizabeth and two younger sisters ' - . 'llll, ~ ' V l _ _ I ’ V I According to police, the car was Elaine and Esther. ' _ " " ' , ' Eg% ‘ 1aptt1tggt2, about 100 metres Interment was at the Verulam . " ' g I I nor 0 noession Six, when it Cemetery, Bobcay eon. The tami, t , / d. weth'Pf â€Miami !lippedty.e.r, ly has asked that 516mm! donr The Blackstock Skating Club cum?» qting chequesior $1059 to Arena Board member 3:: 1tit'hhe, place within tions may be made to the isttwo years ago but last week members of the Neil McLaughlin and chairman John Goss. The er WI metresofthescene Blaekstock United Church. executive turned over Club funds' to the money will be ear-marked for proposed renova- Blackstock Arena. At left is treasurer Lynn tions to the Blackstock Arena. Cawker and president Ginny Masterson presen- Cou le Attends Con erence ' ------------" - - T P f PORT PERRY STAR - Tuesday, August 26, 1986 __ ll . - ' a TI-tiii: ': f‘r‘ ; "j',")',),',':')'), \sz- I 'lit' ' . , w. rr V 4... , E I V 'ysia'oAit' : a V 15‘. “is!“ iitillllr , - , Mt' - Illllllllllllll, {a - ll. 1 ' - 'i/ilk", _ l;') it-»,7f“-. br, " E. ' tr' , . , . F"s 'rJl'aret Wr), l this. Ri'fta . , . . - ' ‘ . , Cr . it" t _ ':syti:vt, sr ii,TN I I - , 3; ’ - y . " H _ . lie, S 'B8,i, , ' in, I . 'M [ill, . ' r m . - t) ks'sit9i"i'ia 1.9-in>vaj:;:.. ( , in V. _'.l a - C C 1Brfs f’ . I . “at: ' | I with: _ . - t TF 2/ fa. a" r ea, , l . . I "tIll " / Lindsay Sales and Service Centre sponsored " _ M, P; k' 'rrp, g..- l, ' m - , P. , 3;â€- " . l Brian and Cheryl De Jong of Nestleton for the _,', TPr sid' 'ri" £3 __2' Mit . " d /_ e ~ I - " MI CS)', second session of UCO's eighth annual Young [isr:ky,tr 3 'i"t1sScurig M k if? .- , = . - . , . , _ . - , .-. . IE T ~J c, _ Couples Conference, held August 18 - 20, 1986, at $6.; [tit f,il'f, att l 'ua , t ' @113: = 'aNGY, " » . . il . sr'- Geneva Park, Ontario. >3». ttrd , - Bli " , . _ . " Bangui-gig»; _ Pt LNe'P, WV ta% - IP, :_,-l~'.__.; ' . l I . - 'deer . iiiii.0. I . . ‘7 "’ _ :24. Mtte, - ANI' " Iill - w LN, - 'd V .. 1?c8li.rrf'iWvi't, ' f ft? . E . A m- ' trâ€; â€7Ԡ' 'im l e J Bringing this old CPR coach from Washago week. In fact, it took a small army of men, several to its new home at the Greystone Equestrian trucks and two giant cranes to lift the 80 ton car . _ Centre south of Port Perry was no easy task last onto the tracks. (See story) Community moo/Fits a frtrgi d th Blackstock United Church was Wright oi Blackstock, Don Wright listed in stabiecondition aioshawa to replace drainage tiles, a job filled beyond capacity Sunday after- was well known in the Cartwright General Hospital Monday morning. 'which should have taken a day to noon when more than 400 family area,andwas livingiaBethanywith Joseph Peeters, 22, M Omemee,a complete. members and friends came to hiswifeDianneaMehikiren Andrea drainage installer, was treated in No one is sure how the accident mourn the sudden death of Donald and Ttavis. Oshawa and released, and Paul happened but machinery the crew Douglas Wright, 33, who died in _ Graham Duff, M, of R.R.2, Burkholder, 59, of Markham, a was using ripped into the 20 inch Thursday afternoon’s'natural gas Blackstock,wasbadly bumedin the TransCanada PipeLines inspector, diameter steel pipe, buried three to _ line explosion north of Oshawa. explosion but was reported in fair was treated in Oshaw.a and five feet in the ground where the Mr. Wright was part of a four- condition in the Bum Centre of released. break occured.Asecond pipe, about man work crew from Walker and Wellesley Hospital. Originally he Mr. Burkholder was supervising 20 feet from the main line, was not Wright Drainage that was laying was taken by ambulance toOshawa the work ofthe drainage crew near damaged. draittagepipeon farmlandnorthof General Hospital before being mtpipeyhenp1eexplosionoccured, Afive-man coroner’s jury ledby . . thesixthCtmcessitm west of Simone _ transferred to Wellesley, where by ‘a TransCanada standard procedure Dr. Charles Mollveen of Oshawa Street when TransCanada _ T Mondayhewasiinproving slightly _when any work isbeingthme around was on the' scene Friday morning PipeUn,e's main natural gas line andslartingtoeatanddrink on his a pipeline.- I from 9 aim. to noon, collecting was punctlimd abbht 2:13 pm. own. : . The four-man drainage crew had C . i The son of Lloyd and Thelma KevinBrazier,24,ofLindsay, was made the trip to Guymaples Farm (Tum to Page 3)