_tikii f . ht C i " l capacii crow“ - d . _ g li;) #1 " _ y _ .' Cartwright High School Graduation Diplomas. Mrs. Gunter presented the the programme was the .senior drama class under (oode, V l _ c-r _ Annual Commencement Yvonne Christie, Chairman' annual gift of library books valedictory address deliver- the direction of Mr. Randy Paul Larmer, Students PIOEFaInme was held at the of the Board, was present to to the library on behalf of ed by' Miss Wilma Wolters Scott. Council presrdent,_ welcome Recreation Centre, Black» hand out the Honour Gradu- the IWW. VanCampfamily, of Seneca College, Willow- The annual banquet for ed all the special guests and, stek on Saturday evening ation Diplomas and the The rest of the programme dale, The second part of the honour graduates was extended his congratula- with a capacity crowd In Ontario Scholarship award. included the awarding of the programme included held on Sunday, November tions and best wishes to the attendance._ Mr. D.A. Mr. Gord Geode, the other Proficiency prizes, bursar- two selections, Time in a 14 at 1:30 pm. in the graduates. P $utton, Programme SUP?" local board trustee, express- ies, Track and Field Bottle and Climb Every Banquet Room of Emiel's The gathering was a very intendent of the Durham ed greetings from the Dur- trophies, Curling, Chess and Mountain, by the Glee Club restaurant, Port Perry. informal affair and included Board of_ Education, ex; ham Board and administra- House Competition awards. under the capable direction The Students' council hosted much pleasant reminiscing pressed his congratulations tion. _ The Bob McLaughlin of Mr. Ray Ashton and this banquet in honour of as each of the graduates, to the students as he pre- During the programme Memorial award for good Janet Parsons as pianist. the grade thirteen gradu- their parents, the teachers sented the Secondary School these. were two presenter sportsmanship and overall The evening concluded with ates, their parents, the high and the board members ex- Cs-d-r-r-r------- tiortts tar the school. On effort was presented this a riotious one act farce school staff and the two changed humorous re- itlackstotk student behalf of the students, Paul year to Bryan Sleep. entitled "Don't Pet My. local trustees-Me,Yvonne collections from the past Larmer, 1Students' Council One of the highlights of Rock" presented by the Christie and Mr, Gord five years. . _ President, presented Mr. , ' i _ _ _ _ - _ _ -- - . - " - T Ontario (ichtrlar Paisley, the Principal, with I g _I-' a?" l _ . ' , It if I _ a picture symbolizing the I ' ' fd li l F I, _ 1 - ' cooperative effort, deter- ii,"e' A " l ' . "' W" ‘ I " Fra , q .' q mination and personal in, it " " _ , /rC':'ic).-, k - , . Cats , , "ea, . ' aKir9 BIB, L ' . h id _, _ . ‘ X Btha t I q volvement at CBS, fade-:1 . A 2. f _ . q V C 'Dr'-", , _ ~ . 1 E5. J, ', " - "e"""""""-""? 'tE = . (-i" _ 3:93. teba '-~_ $3 'M ‘i - - l - g . “A, sign f' C ,- ’ ’ V -’ . ‘ '1. 1 _ ' 7 . i,' _ i b=", 3;: , ' twha . _- Lt MI 4 2M ‘ . " . ‘ - ~ ttPN â€3 "rt . Ly, re _ Ell - ' s "i"'?? ' a?†'il IN .7†_ FM ii' a El .. Illllliillhs s-" r," . " i a. g. M! a . '."s'r, . (, ', l a a. ‘ P. V _ - Miss Wilma Walters, ru '9, l r v, CE ip. . l F " daughter of Mr. and Mrs. ‘ ' l, a _ . = I ' _-N John Wolters, RR 1 Black-' ', i _ ' stock, has been recommend, I E 'r, a, a: P. "r ed as an Ontario Scholar. _ E; is ‘ l rr O . . 5’ Wilma attained an average 'it k K I , l _ " " , of 80.7 percent owner top six . l "ri,"' , 'C ,a M ‘ r’ "Y 'subjects. In September 'ki),',,),"?')';'. .. ' , _ . _ , _ Wilma Till begin her course 'r" we _ , L' ' " "i. _ - """ ' ' t i in 'l'ioJfisat/ngunegAtgigt A packed house watched as Cartwright High $31171} {fie eneca a ege, I School staged their annual Commencement cere- . . . . r - ". , , , - TV F, " . , monies at the Recreation Centre on Saturday. Ldokr, . . - - 1 M it"; _ . Mi . . ing over'fhe program are, from left: Horfourr 'rl ll . £5 ICI rrtl . f ’ . - l graduate Cindy VanCamp; Principal Gord Paisley, I ty Br, BV _ r It,. .- " 'a. . _ er: , _ , “fly _ - l ‘Durham Board of Education Program Superintenti/ v E is "Lt, g LI t try' ' F,." - Ist tii) y. VV . " if _ - ent Don Sutton, Honour graduate Karin "Mikkelgem? _ " 5"; . _ i . for P3. . sir: i - , - i l . . Wilm w it . i . F _ a ... v ll Td T, F.:" 145.? /ԤԣQ _ MI l and Va ediciorian I , Iff? ers . 537+? tja' P , R':lr"ii-ts', 'lt-rg"-)",], Est _ 'l' fi'fi' . " _ _ _ "it ti .., ' 9; v: rqI1Irw"lt, ElBRa, at r. .. _ r , .V. a Fe . a. . . . _ l 15‘. . P, £2?“ "as: $5; . Ill , CC); ' . C-h" kt u ea l - , ‘r. " ,. " = , - - 3.. _ ‘. ' airi"alri- i , s MBR'" . - y“: - _ x; " " E . , is»: e’g‘tl Gd as 7 V -. __ . _. if _ "t- e" LTU"' I 2' ‘ Ihr" 4 _t, i, is " 4‘ l ‘ ' 'hai., -- 2.s . K I .- r 3341*, s; _‘.. _ _ _ T k E i ' , BiiliitF,t I . - . - l " - " - _ ' MF" T " . t, 'Hrs.T'5 . Ti'. iaaNk rt . q " V - ""’ - ‘ _ _ _ t = 1 4-1:: .4» : . . . . h Id its Anne Marlow, Janet Parsons, Karin Mikkelsenr _ Cartwright 'lieu,',','",',",'),,,':'.,,,,',')'?,','):','),, eat the Louise VanCarnp. (Rear) Jack Gunter, Colin annual 903223: in Blackstock. Included in the Asselsiine, Eric Past, Bryan Sleep, Paul Laxrmer. r',e,L'r',fi",1',r, of bursaries, awards and scholarships Peter' Krlstensen, Bryan Nicholson, Shawn Severn], ',',,rl,T',li',1','s1' students, who earned their secondary T'rmMlfi'ttger, antrHarald vititm.t. Ny! present when; lgghool graduation diplomas. From left are: (front), thepteture was taken was Terri Robinson. __ _ l Joanne Swain, Shelley ,McMahon, Cindy McCall. - _-_-_-' - . _ _ _