_ lNov. 12, 197a, hltiit:j:ritt1 q I ' " _ dropped off for the secong purchase and bronze it as a F-- --_ - l £5 t ’ f . " ' _ time,so PII take my one an monument to our class. ,-." _ . that education i _ c/ ttstil ess, pleasu re wish you all a good night afnd Sure, there, were times tleft'.,',',',)',',,?,:,,',',',',?',: Mis. justpassing examining: T _ _- _ C 1‘ - T . __ - _ tdNie graduating c ass or when we got bored and when I'. . _ ". .15 ous,entnus. learned the . . _ l heave. it: to arnnsiém EW$§§°$$£EE wtbiit there will always be, we'd had a rough morning. issue voice would ring out hard work 'agti,egit,gt/ 2tmtl1',tteeal'lit somk, 'tttll,') Afii it. mg‘bagglg: rplace in my heart, Bonne‘ Then Pd suggest we all go to (item, E clear as mud." .tion that comes from apply- music in} with theme? and the an» Cit, "r ftwauri ' Chance! 7 C Vancouver for noonhpur, but miU1",s,',h'at, all Play. I can mg ourselves to the task at commencement 9500913 tl%7itlrgit4rF, would, get Poor George, he really they dtllchamethtir. minds would litany times when we hand. Perhaps the m ost Saturday evening Kai-mil: under way. "W9 all-time t'r1,ts2,ag2i'ae',ge'tel, it: Sahel-i they realized I was but we biggie gone out, :aIuable result of all edueai . "' n in the . . roe 1v1ng, ys, assign- ion is to m ihcnka Recreation Cent- 1ttttir.,qtiflfitgrt',1dld1f, in learning, when he came in _ Most of the time our class $95 or tests to work on. thing you'halzrfo 2y22ht hs, rogram whi h f the Grade 13 anthem, re- to clean our room. . was lucky _ tragedies Wm 21t,l,e.'.veg,1t,r; January, ought to be done, whether tured TI', presentatcim c; _ placing "he Grade 12 hit 1975, Women s Year is the few _ losing a beau, gaining: 'ar dor dune exams rolled you like it or not. It is the graduation'di lomas ri o _ song) ‘Mini MiirBavioli'. If perfect time for our class to five pounds, or perhaps the , 'l,2,u,'l :29 could count on first lesson that ought to be stholarships p and “p li','; " (nu-studious student still g,ryiua.t.e, as â€9ҠPM} greatest disaster - breahng _ t? wee of tretdyy being learned and it is probably the "awards included selecoti er hadn’t joinedm the ieiirty'_i: al'ly noticed ththi.g.h ratio of the Zipper on your favourite '; 5 otSrhaway...and lf'you’ve last lesson one learns _ , by the school’s glee club 2:: ties, drastic meastE'IS-muld girls. Db well, it kept a palr of levis. [ gr, wPndtrrlghat it's like thoroughly. . I _ a one-aet play the M te then be taken; 'Beat the constant smile on Paul's We learned much more matnvePS-w at9a.m. Our generation is in des. of Mould Jari; _ ys ry "EClock‘, rmlay faces usmg face. We liberated CHSnn than thebasics at our school. diseoterrryti"d e studied perate need of people who m. g; rell d i, edth __ehstreiieioiwifyt1rflse many ‘ways. One of which It took several years torus to l“? the will“! exam, I can are honest, with the kind of viiledilztorilan Itll',': e Imed, 'ifiiiih.s' on top of the was disposmg of the Snow realize that our teachers ':tell you 1lntttlta.t too. First, ' honestywhiehconsidersidr, follows . les, as i. Miss With-the right shoe e Carnival Queen by replacing were human. Now we know ‘thechances of doing well are 'umtemptible and a broken ‘ "I don’t know about ' _ switched with the left one. her with a king. how trying we were and can Islim. Secondly, a Grade 11 Promise a disgrace - people bat I thought if ou 1-. ece greet; [ The would drive even the .A landmark now dearly appreciate what dedication: math course and a Grade 11 withapassion for Work-not . a letter durin like snafu, most devout brain into missed 1131.; 591% from the and hard work they put into _?.?ft.rli?h course have very necessarily for fame or holida s (to: Fiii' _ ','ll'ir, hysteria. K ".. _ CHS pixrA.itl 33.15 the not their Jobs. Mr. paisley, we Slime in common. money-but for the satisfac- Schooly AU; 1 yitmo lgd _ .Th,e boundaries of eductr. . test Chevy! listock has thank you for your tolerance [ But looking back one can tion which comes from mean 2Cl'i?'l1lt bail 2d l' tion holdrno' limits. No pot of every s " 1.1g.- ly unique and patience. . /s.ven 1aughat the toughest of achieving the diitieult or "Mr Paisley assured. me .rgold IS achieved when your car, will P. tor several T Mm, Procuhier never fail- PPtee?t challenge comes attempting the impossible. however _ that his a news 1 format schooling ends.‘ In inonthslac' ed reverse gear. {311sz amaze us with her {when We try to look at the We will need to discipline would warm my heart bu _ _ Met your long Journey to the ii was P.eirkyippreciated P.. trtttss knowledge of econizj Wm?“ keep our optimis- ourselves-in the face of lux. would probably spoil the res _ and of the rainbow has only :3 use cold January Phys lid: ’oimcs. Sarg's classes werg, r30 Smiles. Our high school my and easy living and THIS of my glorious vacation " just begun . lays fuwgen our game, NEVER boring, but if a latif, pys are over and we realize TAKES COURAGE. -My first premonition was‘i' And so to you, the present c assili e it to capaCi ' as, night before forced one ttri, ri ht Si th Ih C students of CHS, it is nec.es- we l preferred even. it to yawn in her history class, it 1gr. . ince en, ave been sary that you not only enJoy walking. Rumour has it the trying to condense five-of the _ your high school life but also Studenfs’ Council wish to 3.123525% 135.1332: tt,ty-0yuJuse?ntsiUi2,1e,rv'hrt ihnagvh1T2d,1e,1't', fo.r “‘30 your real values are. You March 3, I976 -c, Valedictory o',',tin,,e',sev,,',' bias- should learn. to think. for r " F"'""'-?"-'-! half of the graduating class yourself, not Just t? cram or , ' , - memorize. Don't limit your- I . l e in _ , q i of 1975, as we share our last self. There is much in this ' 2; l ilh1' . ' ""flrTn21'lyentif A, here world to see and do. As once I“ iE l ,'; , _ . ' V said "Never let schooling _ te , 7 i , . " r.e,C.T3, . . s - , _ toni ht have found it a r al . . . q " » r . " > *.- asSegt to have come frames gimme with T" educa- . '. w . " P; _ dMi Cr'? , " ", 'f, small town? The first bi ' J " " ‘ gt E " " V. . " k 7"“ question at Carleton lull' rPsouder of yard IT, $3110; W‘ . rT ' ' l if†‘1. V . , is "Where are you from?!" g a ua es cou no. e. " . F "WI ' a " l _ ' I ' ' . J N ‘ Nil V Those from Toronto haven't the worth of a school IS to be . ' El _ C, f " , . .- ‘ _ .. g $ . , much ofaconversation pietre judged by the calibre.of its' _ ' b, 'e, 5â€, f , u Far i " “a E 2* _ . . , l E , hutwhen Mr Tall Dark and products then_we have in you . f' F.' -. , . y. , xx . 'llim i . I. . , {if iriiiiGraiiL' ik'E 'ia; an, asset which.. will be. a _ C . Fd _ I, p ---" V5.7 'S's . t , u . - . .;;€_'; . V ,hll home Ihave 'fii,t',ig'i"i)' credit to the nation. I know; : A "sp, l. ' IE " - " . 7 , , " a _ . » - . A - 'RiGiiG 'ri, the 'iiiirrilT, thatwhateverchallengesaife u) Tsii,riii'ilcsi', is J ' . Ile1 " ' - . _. - , 1 at [cc" - ‘3' ' hburt,b'turtexrrlainirtg: Andi!“ :ffered, each of you Will .5: 'fCt'llv',:tCr:e'-i"ft"Al " . ' _ i; , iiFiiiiiF' =-. EN w. . g b"',"?.::' “if; hedairismake the mistake of“ ccept and succeed. Each L . " " - ' ' fa? , .6 ihM A8P., '0 MP-yr :,? cef, asking about ad school l" will baa credit to the com-. - . Ill' ' " "& " ' _ , F , " , ‘ q 'd - . "f i..--'" F. have him Lth for the munity whether it be-busi- " - e - . Fl Li. " _ _._J A 9 ‘ , _.' . evening " . _ ness, health care or as a b. " t , , " e- ‘ A [, _ r . " _ [remember only too well liberated 'domestic' engine- , _ - " i ' t . _ _ ' i . i I; h as rm sure many of you do, er. I know we will all try to . g) ' "" t , . 1 " " ,. l. N B _ _ ' those famous Cartwright in: reach the personal goal that V I ' I " ' l ‘ . , - - i I. K 1cC â€.3 {is 's itiations. In fact the clean-up is: tg le; is: however ' . _ 1 t . f, 4 I, Ares?,:, 8 was so thorough that week, I T . ht l'eemsith J , . tl r , _ 5 _ bj'j, SCs"," "1'33. ’ haven't had to wash my hair f onig werea P', a e " ‘9 ' - , ' ' ','di'geiijy' "r ' . since. We grade niners knew un and work of high school f] . . f 'f'f frr T, _ s" 'ra i that if we made it through 1Mare-overpMost of “sure now k b, I. cra I 7 I, , b." .'r your" 7 1.4 A initiation we could handle liviryr away from. home - . ' j . . I . C l/ji-iii)' I; it anything!" te,', a stradrige world, We . ro, . . _.. . . , fu _' "C ., " ' . C . Inourschoolalmostevery. 0 not Stan on our own J' - I ttf] J": 4“ , I) l onewasinvolved.ltmightbe merits. Our teachers, our ‘ Ric-Ce, L .' ', i A, Glee Club Dramatics lib» churches and our communi- , , 'm'it, i "" It wa' , - rarian Cheerleader ory aia ties have moulded the found. " i M ’ ig - I M T , t - . member of the Students' ations upon which we are to ' ' , . B, - ' ' " 'ir-t " ig _ l ' build our future lives. , l, , - E‘ . h Council. Events such as B t there th h a _ - sa. we " 1 Field Day Township clean- y are to.†ere . . . a ’ q ESM . L.". ' . ' i l, mowers Club,Heart Fund 333%? whom f, 18 most " ' ‘ . - 5&7" w'. V . and the school trips to Strat- “70:33 “21:53,;53: Y2: _ _ r fordALLhelped to add to the press on? appreciatign to Cartwright High School held commencement exer- Port Berry branch of the Royal Canadian Legion tremendous school spirit of parents. We are grateful to cises at the Blacksfock Rircrpation Centre on Saturday held the", annual Iublic speaking contestand the CHS, you for your guidance, for before a packed house of parents; friends, officials and fungi/virtues from this area will now gt? to the zone Shilling; 0‘3; ',"t,'hgg the set of values you have former students. Cartwritiht's presentation included a V level 1is be heldnn llxbridge this weekend. They are, ial Fit' didi’t 53;†out gm" taught us'and your courage one'Iactplayras well as musical selections: Séen here from left Claudia Ht.s.chtr of Columbus; Barry Van way we did our best to make m defending them. We hope, with. visbiictorizin Janis Darrell is schdbl"priricipal Camp of Blackstock; Ellzabeth Carnegie of Prince it soflt was easy to keep in we’will not ylre _ Gord,Paisley and M.P.P. Bill Newman. Albert; and (seated) Leslie Forder of Port Perry, tpuchwith the otherstudents di21g11tetp,', IS the most --f, - 4 ‘but if you hadn't beentothe lchoifse JiTtu1.l,1,yrleo(i'll lleie/?g,',tgvsi't,1t2.ste. st,igig.1ii/ttiecljiill1aii; newsflashes could be" found ahdllforall t)1it,tt?2itii,rlir posted on the bulletin board. 3.379". .1,gt.tte,r.. 4 FY, 4‘? â€Erikâ€. . ,. t Mhiidtt, rpm; Ctsiit'tes"s m Or; one occasion, we found . iltt irh'i"iai6iiirjili1mr [one of tonight’s graduate's ailMi-!iii'ii"rrii.ir ( {literally tacked to the board "ailiNlllllltEi't'iiri; '. 7 as well, 5: ‘. i.tlrlllBhe, . _ ing a -e_e----, ’ "ttTir-twhy: an Yth's list