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Ynesrvflfufw'ee " BE%g%gt' iiXlit ~ 2 Ff 52* ' MF' - " Mi8et BMN%r, W' 'iM5itb%glr WN é, MBIS " p, e ', T s': , ' .m‘j;?$§§.e..,.3wrw - tlimit.")?, we,“Wâ€ï¬:2_,,e.ee‘5ï¬Â§,s. S: i g , - 's'it.iiesiuN se*-‘R..‘ tts,,'tjt,tiitMllllrriis'i';r r'ir:r /driF. iiiiiitiMiMlilgiiNi,iiMlllg8aiQ ill.",'-,',!.!, ' 'sic',: - IMIrri,jirs tBrW, "k"'_'i'trii,_:?s,,,i,r,', , is Ft) "Mgt'i'ss':' sexy sWri '“:‘“’i“‘j::%§§x%;§§£ais“\ . ' Fi "ii, - ' TTs' 2 . 3.55 ' FN 2.2.2:“. M. we 2- " "at 8:Ws* . WR L%t we , a _ . r ' '& -.A~>.,5*v . .' N', .. Mm" 2* is 4 T a - "ti'%igecair,k,? a 'm"" s,qta),',tiv:7;,ii"rraiarNt:. Mit',::)'::"':'),, - , BErr'cr':ry' 1; itik', rdt'i'GaMl-;tiu'aRht'2'titl'igilel% we ' I? M 'i.! i it... I . KilMl' 3 “he week‘s†'lm, 2 iiit'iS)al "'l'v.' 7 ",ti',ci, F'N '": _-C,')']"""?- ?l?erc8M8ltt, a E N " Illllllllglri'ltlrsi,:i:iiq, his: . "tIIN ll Fl V r5i'i?ittii,i'i?tii:iti'aliaii- V '", 'rr": (f,) 25% E - 5e. "dMEtfre'aa I 'tiii':,',)),) 4"“3if@333ifeiefflï¬eféiflfix‘ 'tl - -,x11$§e‘~‘.;’e:.(y.g 'C/rp-tye,, a} .2 “ 'tg, 'W,8'4' E 'ti, . "lt-ttta 'atMt, IFliii,iiiiE,triis: â€We c, .' legs ti,iiiirss,'rtiisrsr, 2'1i1ittitg Lr,: 5., ilri,ii.' yi, :. er " fihart'ttrEiN g, - 's)iili:ii"ii"aWys'Ciiiy'it,'t. ieeaz‘."l‘e‘z“-:S=;fii§g~:e‘i‘ _ . _ _'ii'jiitiii:'i'j's'ii1i,'rirt1isTi' '"ss,.'"rsse T 4 s.u ,' ' '/f,rMe,.1ii:, E. 5, _ tt " 'llMlhNtgEtllRks7:io?Mg ., .ii'ijj'caWi entrees _ ftt",t?,j,rft,tWs,,,a% e» .‘ . ". 'rrr"rr's'ti,',l,',s':l:, = 'i. 'a" lllM,iltl!Bs:t'tliill!liriigstitll bi('s'ii:% N ir‘lm‘i‘ a" 'i't,iii'i'i'aE',' IRBh, vie? s,ir')iiirt,ts,,,s" ' _rrr'_ 'iii/ir/Fr',.': ' 'i'. .wew‘ewï¬â€˜mw‘w5wo2 2212295~1s t is. 'ihFii:jii:itsiieiti' tii,')',"'"';'; "‘22. y1PA/ ' Jeiry a _i8ghiitlf, use School "pi .....22ae same 22222222? 22222222422125 5' ")"ii"t?:j':tiiir, A»: :1. ' enrolment of 104 and ' 3.23.2332seesasmcoiwsli ' “We tri was: _N8Nliii",i:i, T ‘ _ 1976-77 "' T sue: vttW?ir,t"a' ease/2253).. 25:. " 'iN, 'pa 'eB?atNtssi's, sci" Lady’s? . 'rg, 'N N Mia a or is as, V in 4.?' ',,ife%2i:'ii)', ., h'NrliNN??NF 2. 'lrw 'fe, ',f1%l:srj'i',tl:'r (gi' w... M. tti w, we, . " t%tta ,2... 'iKW,:s':1ii,'sre,t, C A. 2'/YiN . = , C . Gordon Fees: .. ' shew...“awwet ','i,itiii'/i,rliiililS, , 'it'ialltliiiilMki'c'?:s)d'iii,tir,,' [?stss, i) :ljiiiiititi" ipal (English All _" " “is: 1221. atltr"Lt the" K MattN ElmMrtRt!errrji,ri 'ttSli?,),:,;, *x‘eee 'li'. 1, "4- I tiss Susan _ss,iit', , --star photo " Brian Dexter if _ 1g1t1'frll & IGerman);_ Mrs. g ONLY 89 STUDENTS attend the 6-er Cartwright High School I 1925 is without frills, its academic record is envied. "Last year, 'ti. 'rcdtii,t'g'g/i1/g $331235 2 in Blackstock, and staff members believe it may be the smallest we had 12 graduates in Grade 13 and 6 of those were Ontario Schol- 'Cs.' lime†Jarosz (part time): 'ts'. high school in Ontario. Although-the red-brick structure built in ars," principal Gordon Paisley, talking to the bus driver, "says. csc.. 173: ‘; Mr. Ray Ashton E / C _ E 1-32 matics); Mr., Eric F, T . w, . .'s': "3'ng (Science & Phys- it: _ :ri. 'T.WtuFation); Mr.DavidE: V e es comes m sma ac (was F,' _ F9i!ttTterTraplyr, History E . f . e, Fi' $MigttiAr, Mr. Randy Scott 5! . ‘ _ C LT: 2.1,}; English): _. 'i'i' 0 _ ' 0 , C--, , as C artwrig t H t h Sc oo saves .5:. " ‘ I F. = _ t E iii, ; By BRIAN DEXTER Oakville high school he left three years ago. periods a day," Paisley said, "and they are F; g 2/, Star staff writer "It's just so different it is unbelievable," resmonsible for two subjects or even more. g E BiACKSTOCK _. in an age when bigness he said in an an interview yesterday. "The So they have to be very versatile." g ii is'. metimes thought to be best, Cartwright individual amount :of help you get here is The school has courses in French, Latin E E Ht ‘School is living proof that being small enormous'lt justwasn’t the same at Oak- and German. It also runs night school pm. , s ts. ville where there WET? 2,030 students. . grams, and its library lends books to Black- a T ‘e’re are only 89 students enrolled at the __ Another student said: "Here it's just like stock residents who are without a public 11. F, corn school in this tiny hamlet eight , being in one big ha,ppy family. There is no brary of their own. There‘is an average of Fi _ a ., east of Port Perry. monotony and you at least get to know 15to 18 students in each class. g r.'.'-'-:' , if believe it could be the smallest re- everyone." I ' . rm E E 'tthe/gg/ school in Ontario. With a full-time staff of six, Cartwright Drama compet1tron E sc-.; be red-brick school, built in 1925, is'total- High School has anode range of courses, " . . . . . i :,5i ly‘g'ithout frills, yet its recent academic though students taking technical subjects or -C.ompetit1on m inter-school sports IS i ' , rec m is envious. home economics ahrbused to Port Perry limited because at the small enrolment and E , 1 ' . . , High School mr some periods each week. lack of a gymnasium, and student energies , 's,'. Not impossible A few years ago) attempts were made to aretiilirected ttoward an finnpalkdrameti coma i'j. g ' _ ' ' close Cartwri ht when school board officials peu on, WIn err carmva, ac meer, an ', g 'Last'year we had 12 ,gg1t1u1essil1, $85355 claimed its ficilities were inadequate and curling and inter-house contests. sl. 'i' gen? Six (if (tr Kit, "55%? egegé renovations or extensions weren't justified. The schoolhas a ski club and an Outer’s , 's', Willie“: id on ion if ride y y Today much oi l school appears badly in Club which organizes such activities as hik- :.i: Fi “Scavei'i :hedeiifgiiisgu wenii)on ti, universi- need of renovation'; and staff and students ing and canoeing. , F;': [ _ _ f f wonder whether further moves to close the "Students doit feel left out of anything , ty and the others are all taking some orm 0 S hool rent b . . F . = _ E . C m1g e made soon. Spending on and nearly everyone participates ', said stu- = V E postsecondary education. We have the repu- maintenance is plainly minimal . . . , E it' tation of being a hard school but not an T , . te, COW-C11 president Cindy Van Camp, g impossible school."" _ . Prind ." he said students complain about the 5- V ii- tll students attending Cartwright High . ' Ilia] teaches tacky state of the school building "hut they r5c.' i'.. Se Vol. run by the Durham Board of Ed11tas ' Principal Paisley teaches or supervises take it" and there are compensations. g rt, ttom come from Blackstock or surrounding" classes for all but iwo periods each day. A "I have three maths classes," she said. 2 '"ir farming communities such as .Nestleton, single room rn the 'school serves as his of- “There are seven students in one, three in "rg. E Caesarerand Cadmus. _ ' dietestatt room and the office of the school another and only two in the third. So you 5 F, There ire about 200 secondary school she secretary. ', . . ' can't help learning someehing in that sum. f; 'ls': dents in the school’s catchment area, and F The school has a hhrary but no gymnasi- tion." , E F, who.“ archgiee of_attending the Biaek- . Ludwig, a. Store the" for school She said physical education c1isssesprtrjn 'i: , $0915; . lunaiszPort Perry High School, ’supplie‘. , thi, tam-gotta) . herethereis the Biaelrstopk" recreation centre in Winter g cF y en... unit-5;.) olment of about athousand». ' hardly to, v- - s - WWW». fti1dent has and. outs’ e in, summer, but there is hopâ€, 3 , k ,ae;,..z.;.;i7, a Grade 12, student t ' - ttssiiavis1siti'iteffl C"" e '--"'. T l T getting ofa new gymnasium burTt'iftae 1,15% we T , . ch _prefers tpe.sttmtrr'A.e an, "All tea/stark/dit/ibm/tttttite-yt/sms e Cart vm _ antral Public School. " _ g ' m , . , BNF emilummmnummum}in."m-"mm-............m..m.u"mm-n...mmete-mmhm}.miunmummimmnnmnil-Tinnemeuenï¬mmum‘mmmnmmmunliu‘nuiuuInumimunmmlumllullmnnninunmnmr’nmlmï¬